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Site contents - Latin and Greek patristic texts with English translations

Also many resources for the study of Early Church History.


Information on Early Christian Authors, Popes, Bishops, Ecumenical Councils, Creeds, Roman Emperors


Texts currently available

Ambrose letter to Emperor Theodosius I after the massacre at Thessalonica - Latin text with English translation

Ambrose Letters 17 and 18 to Valentinian II about Symmachus' Plea for the restoration of The Altar of Victory - Latin text with English translation

Ambrose letter 20 to Marcellina about the events of Holy Week 385 or 6 - Latin text with English translation

Ambrose letter 40 to Emperor Theodosius about the Synagogue in Callinicum - Latin text with English translation

Apollinaris and his Christology (also spelt Apollinarius) - Greek fragments with English translation

Apostolic Fathers - Greek texts and English translations

Aristides - Apology - Greek text with English translation

Arius and the start of Controversy - Greek text with English translation

Arius' Confession of Faith to Constantine - Greek text with English translation from Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1. 26 (also Sozomen).

Arius letter to Alexander of Alexandria - Greek text with English translation from Athanasius, De Synodis, 16 (and Epiphanius)

Arius letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia - Greek text with English translation from Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica (and Epiphanius)

Arius, the Thalia of, as found in Athanasius, Adversus Arianos Oratio Prima, 1. 5 and De Synodis, 15 - Greek text with English translation

Athanasius on the atonement - Greek text with English translation

Athanasius on the beginnings of Heresy about the Holy Spirit - Greek text with English translation - Letter to Serapion, 1.1

Athanasius De Synodis, 22-25 - the creeds of the "Dedication" Council of Antioch in 341 - Greek text with English translation - Socrates and Hilary Greek and Latin texts too.

Athanasius 39th Festal Letter - Greek text with English translation (in which he cites the 27 books of the New Testament)

Athanasius Life of Antony, chapters 5 - 10 and 89 - 94 - Greek text with English translation, and links to the complete Greek text and translation.

Athanasius Oration III against the Arians, 29 - 34 - on the two natures of Christ - Greek text with English translation

Athanasius Tomus ad Antiochenos, 3-7 - Letter from the Council of Alexandria in the year 362 - Greek text with English translation

Augustine Letter 93 on the use of coercion to bring Donatist Christians into the Catholic Fold - cogite intrare - Latin text with English translation

Augustine on how he was influenced by Ambrose from Confessions, 5. 13. 23 - 14. 25. Latin text with English translation

Augustine on how he was influenced by reading Cicero's Hortensius from Confessions 3. 3. 6 - 5.9. Original Latin text with English translation

Augustine on his conversion - Latin text with English translation - from Confessions 8. 12. 28-30

Augustine on the cross - Latin text with English translation - Contra Faustum Manichaeum, chapter 14

Augustine on the episcopate - Latin text with English translation

Augustine on Free Will - Latin with English translation

Augustine on hymn singing in Milan during the time of Ambrose (also martyrs Gervasius and Protasius) - Confessions, 9. 7. 15

Augustine on Nature and Grace from De Natura et Gratia, 3-6 - Latin text with English translation

Augustine on Pelagianism from De Haeresibus, 88

Augustine - Pelagius and his denial of Original Sin from De Peccato Originali, 13

Augustine on Philosophy and Theology / Christianity and Pagan learning from De Doctrina Christiana (On Christian Doctrine), 40 (60, 61)

Augustine on Plato's Forms - Latin with English translation

Augustine on The Relation of the Old and the New Testaments from De Utilitate Credendi 9.3. - Latin text with English translation

Augustine on the Septuagint - Latin with English translation from City of God, 18. 41-43

Augustine Sermon 272 on The Nature of the Sacrament of The Eucharist - Sermon 272 - Latin text with English translation

Augustine on the Trinity - Latin with English translation

Augustine on the Trinity and The Holy Spirit - Text 1 - Latin with English translation

Augustine on the Trinity and The Holy Spirit - Text 2 - Latin with English translation

Augustine on the Trinity and The Holy Spirit - Text 3 - Latin with English translation

Augustine on the Trinity and The Holy Spirit - Text 4 - Latin with English translation

Augustine on War - from Contra Faustum Manichaeum, book 22, chapters 69 - 76 - on the Just War. Latin text with English translation

Augustine on whether Christians should serve in the army - Letter 189 to Boniface - Latin text with English translation

Barnabas, Epistle of, 9: 6-9, and 12: 1-7 - The Greek Text with English translation

Basil - Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature - Greek Text of the complete work with English translation

Basil on God's Essence and God's Attributes - Greek Text with English translation, Letter 234

Basil on the Holy Spirit (1) - Greek Text with English translation, Conceptions about the Spirit which conform to the teaching of the Scriptures, from De Spiritu Sancto 9, 22-23.

Basil on the Holy Spirit (2) - Greek Text with English translation, Letter 159 to Eupaterius and his daughter

Basil, Letter 2, to Gregory - Greek text with English translation - ascetic life at Annesos

Basil on ousia and hypostasis - Greek text with English translation

Basil - Regulae Fusius Tractatae, q. 7 - Greek text with English translation

Basil homily on Psalm 14 against usury - Greek text with English translation

Bede - the Martyrdom of Alban - Latin text with English translation from Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum

Canons of the Council of Carthage (417 or 418) on sin and grace - Latin text with English translation

Canons of the Council of Chalcedon - 451 - Greek text with English translation and Latin version.  Greek from Bright's Canons, plus all notes.

Canons of the Council of Constantinople - 381 - Greek text with English translation and Latin version.  Greek from Bright's Canons, plus all notes.

Canons of the Council of Elvira - Latin text of the 81 canons with English translation and Dale and Hefele background notes

Canons of the Council of Ephesus - 431 - Greek text with English translation and Latin version.  Greek from Bright's Canons, plus all notes.

Canons of the Council of Gangra - mid 4th century - Greek text with English translation and Latin version.

Canons of the Council of Nicaea - 325 - Greek text with English translation and Latin versions

Cassian, John - The Spirit of Accidie - Latin text with English translation from Institutes,  10. 1-2

Chalcedonian Definition - Greek text with English translation

Chalcedon - The Edict of Marcian and Valentinian III confirming the doctrinal decisions of the Council - Latin and Greek text with English translation

Chalcedon - The Letter of the Council to Leo - Greek and Latin text with English translation

Clement of Alexandria, About himself, Stromata I, I, 11 - Greek text with English translation

Clement of Alexandria, Liber Quis Dives Salvetur, 11 - 17, on the Christian attitude towards riches - Greek text with English translation

Clement of Alexandria on Philosophy and Christianity - Greek text with English translation

Clement of Alexandria on The Ineffability of God - Stromaties 5.12

Clement of Rome on Christian Ministry - Greek text with English translation - Chapters 40-42 and 44 of 1 Clement

Codex Theodosianus - Latin text with English translation

Constantinople, Council of, 448 - The condemnation of Eutyches

Creed of Constantinople - 360 - Homoean - Greek text with English translation from Athanasius, De Synodis.

Creed of the Long Lines, Ekthesis Macrostichos - 345 - Greek Text with English translation (from Athanasius and Socrates)

Creed of Nicaea - Greek text as agreed at the Council of 325 with English translation

Creed of the Western Council of Sardica - 343 - Theodoret, Historia Ecclestiaca, 2.6 (or 8) - one divine hypostasis

Creed (first) of Sirmium - 351 - Athanasius, De Synodis, 27 (also Greek text from Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, and Latin from Hilary, De Synodis

Creed (second) of Sirmium - 357 ("The Blasphemy") - Latin text from Hilary De Synodis, 11 (also Greek text from Athanasius, De Synodis, and Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica).

Creed (fourth) of Sirmium - 359 (The "Dated") - Greek text, with English translation, from Athanasius, De Synodis, and Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica.

Cyprian Letter to Pompey about Stephen's views on the baptism of "heretics" - Epistle 73 or 74, LXXIII or LXXIV - Latin text with English translation

Cyprian Letter to Quintus about the baptism of "heretics" - Epistle 70 or 71, LXX or LXXI - Latin text with English translation

Cyprian on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord - Epistle 63 to Caecilius

Cyprian on the Unity of the Church - De Unitate Ecclesiae - Latin text with English translation

Cyril of Alexandria, Letter to John of Antioch - Greek text with English translation

Cyril of Alexandria, Second Letter to Nestorius - Greek text with English translation

Cyril of Alexandria Twelve Anathemas - Greek text with English translation

Cyril of Jerusalem on  the significance of baptism from Mystagogica Catechesis, 1. 1-3, Catechetical Lecture 19 XIX.


Cyril of Jerusalem on the Catholic Church from Catechetical Lecture, 18. 23 & 26


The Didache - Greek text with English translation - with a focus on baptismal and eucharistic practice.


Dio Cassius on Persecution under Domitian - Greek text with English translation, Historia Romana, 67. 14, on persecution under Domitian.

Diognetus, Epistle to - Greek text with English translation - also known as letter of Mathetes to Diognetus, Epistle to Diognetus

Dionysius of Alexandria defends his Theology - Greek text with English translation from Athanasius, De Sententia Dionysii, 14 - 18.

Dionysius of Rome against the Sabellians - Greek text from Athanasius, De Decretis Nicaeni Synodi, ch. 26. Greek text with English translation.

Egeria (Etheria) - Silviae Vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio Ad Loca Sancta (chapter XXV - Epiphany): The Pilgrimage of Etheria - Latin text with English translation

Egeria (Etheria) - Silviae Vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio Ad Loca Sancta (chapters XXIX - XL - Holy Week and Easter): The Pilgrimage of Etheria - Latin text with English translation

Epiphanius on Sabellius and Sabellianism - from Adversus Haereses (Panarion), 62

Eusebius of Caesarea on the Canon of the New Testament, from Historia Ecclesiastica 3.25. Greek text with English translation

Eusebius of Caesarea on the Canonical Epistles of the New Testament, from Historia Ecclesiastica 3.3. Greek text with English translation

Eusebius of Caesarea  - Letter to Carpianus, (about gospel canons) Greek text with English translation

Eusebius of Caesarea  - Letter to his Church about the Creed of Nicaea. (as found in Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.8). Greek text with English translation.

Eusebius of Caesarea Life of Constantine, Vita Constantini - Greek text with English translation - In this sign Conquer

Eusebius of Caesarea - Montanism - the Origins of, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.16. Greek Text.

Eusebius of Caesarea - Origen's work on the Text of the Old Testament (his Hexapla), from Historia Ecclesiastica, 6.16, Greek text with English translation.

Eusebius of Caesarea - on Origen, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 6. 2-3. Greek text with English translation.

Eusebius of Caesarea - on Pantaenus, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 5. 10 - 11. Greek text with English translation.

Eusebius of Caesarea - on Papias, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 3. 39. Greek text with English translation.

Eusebius of Caesarea - Persecution under Nero and martyrdom of Peter and Paul, from Historia Ecclesiastica, Greek text.

Eusebius of Caesarea - Quadratus and Aristides, from Historia Ecclesiastica, Greek text

Eusebius of Caesarea - The Quartodeciman Controversy, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 3. 23 - 25

Eusebius of Caesarea - Rain sent from heaven in answer to Christian prayer, Greek text and English translation from Historia Ecclesiastica

Eusebius of Caesarea - on Tatian, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 4. 28 - 29. Greek text.

Eusebius of Caesarea - The Two Theodoti and Monarchianism, from Historia Ecclesiastica, 5. 28. Greek text.

Evagrius of Pontus - Eight Thoughts, from the Praktikos. Greek text with English translation

Flavian - Appeal to Leo, following the Robber Council of 449 (Appellatio Flaviani)

Gregory of Nazianzus on the Deity of the Holy Spirit - Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nazianzus on The Hospital of Basil - Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nazianzus - critique of Apollinarianism - Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nazianzus Letter CXXX to Procopius, in which he complains about the futility of Councils of Bishops.

Gregory of Nazianzus - Oration 1 on Easter (Oratio 1 - In sanctum Pascha et in tarditatem)

Gregory of Nazianzus on the Theophany, or Birthday of Christ. Oratio, 38 (1 - 4, 13 - 18). Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nyssa on Baptism. In Baptismum Christi (On the Baptism of Christ) - excerpt. Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nyssa Contra Usurarios - Sermon on Usury - Greek text with English translation (excerpts)

Gregory of Nyssa Life of St Macrina - excerpts - Vita Sanctae Macrinae Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nyssa on the self-emptying of the Godhead - Greek text with English translation

Gregory of Nyssa on slavery - Greek text with English translation

Gregory Thaumaturgus on Origen and Greek Philosophy - Greek text with English translation

Hadrian Rescript to Caius - Latin Text with English translation

Hilary of Poitiers on The Trinity - From De Trinitate, book 12. 52 and 57

Hilary of Poitiers on The Two Natures of Christ - From De Trinitate, book 9.14 and 10. 19

Hippolytus writing about Callistus - Greek text with English translation

Hippolytus on Montanist Prophets from Refutation of All Heresies, 8. 19 - Greek text with English translation

Ignatius Letter to the Magnesians - about Christianity and Judaism - Greek text with English translation (also whole letter)

Ignatius Letter to the Romans - chapter 5 about Martyrdom - Greek text with English translation (also link to Greek text and translation of whole letter).

Ignatius letter to the Smyrnaeans - Greek text with English translation (also complete letter)

Ignatius letter to the Trallians - with a particular focus on Docetism. Greek text with English translation (also complete letter)

Irenaeus on Basilides (Gnostic) - Latin text with English translation

Irenaeus about Ebionites - Latin text with English translation

Irenaeus on The Eucharist - Latin and Greek text with English translation, Adversus Haereses, 4.31

Irenaeus - the glory of God, a living human being from Adversus Haereses, 4.34, 5-7

Irenaeus - on Humanity and the Image and Likeness of God - extracts from Adversus Haereses

Irenaeus on Marcion - Latin and Greek text with English translation

Irenaeus on Recapitulation in Christ - Latin text with English translation

Irenaeus on the "Rule of Faith" - Greek and Latin text with English translation. The faith of the Church the same throughout the world

Irenaeus on Tradition from Adversus Haereses - Latin and Greek text with English translation. Apostolic tradition and Apostolic Succession

James, Protoevangelium of - Greek text with English translation (also called Infancy Gospel of James, Protevangelium Jacobi

Jerome Contra Joannem Hierosolymitanum, 7 (negative towards Origen) - Latin text with English translation

Jerome on Didymus the Blind - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Fragment of Letter 33 to Paula  (positive towards Origen) - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 15 to Pope Damasus (about three hypostases) - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 22 (Section 7) to Eustochium, Jerome's experiences as an ascetic in the Desert of Chalcis - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 22 (Section 30) to Eustochium, in which Jerome describes his struggle over whether he was a follower of Cicero or Christ

Jerome Letter 22 (Section 34-35) to Eustochium, Jerome describes the life of three kinds of Egyptian Monks: Cœnobites, Anchorites and Remoboth - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 45 to Asella - his departure from Rome - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 53 to Paulinus - about importance of Scripture and the need for a guide and teacher - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 127 to Principia - in memory of Marcella - Latin text with English translation

Jerome Letter 146 to Evangelus - Deacons, Presbyters and Bishops

Jerome preface to the Four Gospels - Letter to Pope Damasus - Latin text with English translation

Jerome prefaces to the Psalms - Latin text with English translation

Jerome preface to the Books of Samuel and Kings - Latin text with English translation

John of Antioch - Resolution of The Conciliabulum at Ephesus - 431 - Greek text with English translation

John of Antioch - Letter to Cyril of Alexandria about Peace - Greek text with English translation

John Chrysostom - Homily on the Birthday of Christ - Greek text with English translation

John Chrysostom - Homily on the Date of Christmas - Greek text with English translation

John Chrysostom on Free Will and Grace - Greek text with English translation

John Chrysostom Homily VI on Matthew - On the Magi and the Star, Greek text with English translation (full homily on subscription version of site)

John Chrysostom Homily VII on Matthew - On the Magi and the Star and Herod, Greek text with English translation (full homily on subscription version of site)

John Chrysostom Homily VIII on Matthew - On the Magi and the flight into Egypt, Greek text with English translation (full homily on subscription version of site)

John Chrysostom Homily IX on Matthew - On the slaughter of the innocents, the flight into Egypt and the folly of setting great store by noble lineage or wealth - with English translation (full homily on subscription version of site)

John Chrysostom Homily IX On Repentance - On Repentance, and those who have forsaken the Assemblies, and about the Sacred Table and Judgment

John Chrysostom Homily XIII On The Statues (Opening Sections) - The Tribunal established by Theodosius

John Chrysostom Homily XVII On The Statues (Selections) - The Intervention of the Monks

John Chrysostom Homily XXI On The Statues (Complete text in Greek and on subscription site) - Flavian before Theodosius

John Chrysostom - Letter during his second exile from Constantinople appealing to to Innocent I for support (from Palladius Dialogus De Vita S. Joannis Chrysostomi)

John Chrysostom Easter (Paschal) Sermon

John Chrysostom on Rich and Poor - from Homily XXXIV on 1 Corinthians 13: 8

Julian of Eclanum - Baptism -Latin text with English translation

Julian (Emperor) Rescript on Christian Teachers (362) - Greek text with English translation

Justin Martyr on Baptism from Apology, 1. 61. - Greek text with English translation

Justin Martyr on the possibility of there being Christians before Christ from Apology, 1.46 - Greek text with English translation

Justin Martyr on Christ and Socrates from Apology, 2.10 - Greek text with English translation

Justin Martyr on the celebration of the Eucharist and the pattern of Sunday of Worship from Apology 1. 65 - 67. - Greek text with English translation

Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XI - XIII. The beginning, in 303, of the great persecution under Diocletian and Galerius. Latin text with English translation

Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XXXIV. The edict of Galerius (311), granting recognition and freedom of worship to Christians. Latin text with English translation

Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XLIV. Constantine's heavenly vision before the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312. Sign of the Cross.

Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XLVIII. The Edict of Milan granting freedom of worship to Christians, plus the translation into Greek of Eusebius from Historia Ecclesiastica. 10. 5.

Leo - Sermon on the Festival of The Nativity VIII, (Sermon XXVIII). Latin text with English translation.

Leo - The Tome of Leo - Latin and Greek texts with English translation. Epistola XXVIII. Ad Flavianum Episcopum Constantinopolitanum Contra Eutychis Perfidiam Et Haeresim.

Libellus from the time of persecution under the emperor Decius - Greek text with English translation

Lucian - The Passing of Peregrinus (11-14) - Greek text with English translation

Martyrdom of Clement - English translation with access to the Greek text

Meletius of Lycopolis (Melitius) - the beginning of schism - Codex Veronensis LX from Routh, Reliquae Sacrae. Latin text with English translation.

Minucius Felix - Octavius - chapters 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12 - Caecilius makes a case against Christianity. Latin text with English translation.

Muratorian Canon original Latin text with translation, both as found in Migne PL and in Gwatkin Selections from Early Christian Writers.

Nestorius' Reply to the Second Letter of Cyril of Alexandria. Greek text with English translation.

Nicene Creed - Greek text with English translation (and Latin versions)

Novatian on the Trinity - Latin Text with English translation (De Trinitate, chapter 31, Fausset 1909 edition with NPNF translation)

Old Roman Creed - Greek and Latin texts with English translations (forerunner of Apostles' Creed) - with links also to relevant texts from Marcellus of Ancyra, Rufinus, Pseudo-Augustine and Abbas Pirminius.

Optatus on the origins of the Donatist Controversy from De Schismate Donatistarum, 1.15-19. Latin text with English translation.

Origen - Celsus' objections against Christianity - extracts from Contra Celsum. Greek text with English translation

Origen on Prayer - De Oratione, XXXI - XXXIV. Greek text and English translation

Origen - The Preface to De Principiis - Greek text and English translation

Origen on The Harmony of Scripture - Greek text with English translation. From a fragment of The Commentary on Matthew found in The Philocalia of Gregory and Basil

Origen on how to understand and interpret Scripture - Greek text with English translation. De Principiis 4.2.4

Origen on The Parabolic Element in Scripture - Not all Scripture should be understood literally. Greek text with English translation. De Principiis 4.16.

Palladius on Didymus the Blind - Latin text with English translation

Palladius - See John Chrysostom Letter to Innocent I (above)

The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity (Felicitas) - Greek and Latin text with English translation

Pelagius on Free Will - Latin text with English translation

Pelagius Letter to Demetrias (chapter 16) - Latin text with English translation

Pelagius Letter and Confession of Faith to Innocent I  - Latin text with English translation

Pliny letter to Trajan about Christians - Latin text with English translation

Martyrdom of Polycarp - De Martyrio Sancti Polycarpi - Latin text with English translation

Possidius - Sancti Augustini Vita, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXI - Latin text with English translation

Pseudo-Macarius - homily 18 on Christian perfection - Greek text with English translation

Rufinus and the Old Roman/Aquileian/Apostles Creed - from Commentarius In Symbolum Apostolorum,  2. Latin text with English translation

Rufinus and the Cross of Christ - from Commentarius In Symbolum Apostolorum,  14 -17. Latin text with English translation

Rufinus - Preface to the Ecclesiastical History - Prologus Rufini in Libros Historiarum Eusebii. Latin text with English translation

Rufinus - Preface to Origen's De Principiis - Preface to Origen's De Principiis (On First Principles) - as found in Jerome's Letter 80. Latin text with English translation

Salvian, De Gubernatione Dei, (Extracts - 3. 9; 4. 12-14; 5. 4) - On the Government of God. Latin text with English translation (Eva M. Sanford)

Shepherd of Hermas - Extracts with a link to the complete Greek text and English translation

Siricius - Decretal to Himerius - Latin text with English translation

Socrates, The letter of Alexander and his clergy (c. 319) about the controversy surrounding Arius - Greek text with English translation - Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.6. 4 ff.

Socrates on Arius and the start of controversy - Greek text with English translation

Socrates on The Council of Sardica - Serdica (343) - Greek Text with English translation - Historia Ecclesiastica 2.20

Socrates on John Chrysostom and the Statue of Eudoxia - Greek text with English translation

Socrates and the Letter of the Council of Nicaea to the Egyptian Church - Greek text with English translation

Socrates - the murder of Hypatia - Greek text with English translation

Socrates on Nestorius and his appointment to Constantinople - Greek text with English translation - Historia Ecclesiastica

Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica, 6. 13 (Socrates and Origen) - Greek text with English translation

Sozomen on Arius - Historia Ecclesiastica, 1,15 - Greek text with English translation

Sozomen on Athanasius and the Council of Tyre - Greek text with English translation - Historia Ecclesiastica, 2.25

Sozomen on Ephraim the Syrian - Historia Ecclesiastica, 3,16 - Greek text with English translation

Sozomen on Pachomius - Historia Ecclesiastica, 3,14 - Greek text with English translation

Sulpicius Severus - Vita Martini, 3 - on Martin of Tours sharing his cloak with a naked beggar: Latin text with English translation

Sulpicius Severus - Vita Martini, 10 - on Martin of Tours' Monastery at Marmoutier: Latin text with English translation

Symmachus Plea to Valentinian II for the restoration of the Altar of Victory: Latin text with English translation

Synesius, Hymn 6 to Christ Greek text with English translation

Synesius, Letter 105 to his brother (about Synesius' appointment as bishop) Greek text with English translation

Tacitus Annals, 15.44, describing the great fire of Rome in the year 64 and persecution of Christians under Nero. Latin text with English translation.

Tertullian on Apostolic Tradition, from De Praescriptione Haereticorum,  20, 21 and 32 - Original Latin text with English translation

Tertullian passage from Apologeticus pro Christianis (Apology), 48 - 50 - The Blood of Christians is Seed - Latin text with English translation.

Tertullian passage from Apologeticus pro Christianis (Apology), 29 - 32 - about Christians and loyalty to the Emperor - Latin text with English translation.

Tertullian on the Incarnation from Apologeticus pro Christianis (Apology),  21: 10-14

Tertullian on Marcion - Latin text with English translation

Tertullian on Philosophy and Christianity - Latin text with English translation

Tertullian on the "Rule of Faith" from Liber de Praescriptionibus adversus haereticos, ch. 13

Tertullian on the Traditional Christian Practices (De Corona, 3) - Latin text with English translation - Baptism, Eucharist

Tertullian on the Trinity - Three Persons, One Substance (Adversus Praxean chapters 2 & 3) - Latin text with English translation

Tertullian on The Two Natures of Christ (Adversus Praxeam chapter 27) - Latin text with English translation

Tertullian on military service and the wearing of crowns (De Corona chapters 1, 11 and 12) - Latin text with English translation

Tertullian - To His Wife - the whole of the first book in which he advises her against remarriage in the event of his death

Tertullian on The Wisdom and Word of God (Adversus Praxean chapters 6-7) - Latin text with English translation

Theodore of Mopsuestia, An Antiochene Perspective on the Incarnation - Greek text with English translation from De Incarnatione, 7

Theodoret letter on the death of Cyril of Alexandria - Latin text with English translation

Theodoret on The Person of Christ - Greek text with English translation

Trajan reply to Pliny about Christians - Latin text with English translation

Vincent of Lérins on the Catholic Faith and "Heresy",  from Commonitorium, 2. 4 - 3. 8 and 23. 54 - 58. Latin text with English translation





Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Series

Apostolic Fathers





Clement of Alexandria

Codex Theodosianus



Cyril of Alexandria

Cyril of Jerusalem

Didymus the Blind


Ephrem the Syrian


Eusebius of Caesarea

Eustathius of Antioch

Evagrius of Pontus


Gelasius I

Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory of Nyssa

Hilary of Poitiers


Incomplete Commentary on Matthew




John Chrysostom

Julian Emperor

Justin Martyr


Latin Bible

Leo the Great


Maximus of Turin


Nemesius of Emesa






Peter Chrysologus







Theodore of Mopsuestia


Theophilus of Alexandria

Theophilus of Antioch

Valerian of Cimiez

Victorinus, Gaius Marius

Victorinus of Pettau

Vincent of Lérins

Zeno of Verona










1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles








Song of Songs




























1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John

2 John

3 John



The Septuagint



Arius and Arianism

Asceticism and Monasticism






General Patristics Bibliography (1)

General Patristics Bibliography (2)

General Introductory Texts

Gnosticism and Apocryphal Gospels

Judaism and Christianity

Martyrdom and Persecution

New Testament Canon Bibliography

Others of General Interest

Paganism and Christianity

Rome and Christianity


The Trinity

Women in Early Christianity
















Patristic texts in the original Greek and Latin

Patristic texts in Greek

Patristic texts in Latin

Early Church Fathers in Greek

Early Church Fathers in Latin