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Edition of the Latin text:
Du gouvernement de Dieu (ed. G. Lagarrigue; SC 220; Paris: Cerf, 1975 [Com].
The Writings of Salvian, The Presbyter: Governance of God, Letters, Books To The Church (The Fathers of the Church; a New Translation)
(trans. J.F.
O'Sullivan; FC 3; New York: Cima, 1947; Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of
America Press in association with Consortium Books, 1977), 25-232.
J.-C. Ignace, Salvian et les invasions de Vème siècle en Gaule d'après le "De gubernatione Dei" (Toulouse: n.p., 1966).
J. Blänsdorf, "Salvian über Gallien und Karthago: Zu Realismus und Rhetorik in der spätantiken Literatur," in Studien zu Gregor von Nyssa und der christlichen Spätantike (ed. H. R. Drobner and C. Klock; SVigChr 12; Leiden and New York: Brill, 1990), 311-32.
Colish M. L. The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Middles Ages (Leiden: Brill (1985), Vol. 2, pp. 109-114)
Drinkwater J. and Elton H. (1992/2002), Fifth-Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity (Cambridge
University Press)
See Maas M., pages 275-287, Ethnicity, Orthodoxy and Community in Savian of
Marseilles and The Resolution of the Crisis.
O'Donnell J. J., Salvian and Augustine (AugStud 14 (1983) 25-34)
Olsen G. W, Reform After the Pattern of the Primitive Church in the Thought of Salvian of Marseilles (CHR 68 (1982): 1-12)