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Details can be found at the bottom of this page about Latin texts in Corpus Christianorum Series Latina, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastorum Latinorum and Sources Chrétiennes.
volumes published in Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (Brepols)
14 Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam.
Fragmenta in Esaiam, M. Adriaen & P. A. Ballerini (eds.), 1957,
XXVIII+440 p.
Ambrose Volumes in the
Corpus Christianorum Ecclesiastorum Latinorum series (CSEL) still in
copyright and where there is no link from this website to the text 73 Explanatio symboli. De sacramentis. De mysteriis. De paenitentia. De excessu fratris Satyri. De obitu Valentiniani. De obitu Theodosii - ed. O. Faller - 1955
78 De fide ad Gratianum Augustum - ed. O. Faller - 1962
82/1 Epistulae et acta (lib. 1-6) - ed. O. Faller - 1968
82/2 Epistulae et acta (lib. 7-9) - ed. O. Faller, M. Zelzer - 1968
82/3 Epistulae et acta (lib. 10. epp. extra collectionem. gesta concilii Aquileiensis - ed. M. Zelzer - 1982
82/4 Indices et addenda - comp. M. Zelzer, 1996
Texts published by Sources Chrétiennes (With Clavis number and Sources Chrétiennes volume number). See www.sourceschretiennes.mom.fr.
Apologie de David (De apologia prophetae Dauid)
CPL 135; SC vol. 239, 1977
La fuite du siècle (De fuga saeculi); CPL 133, SC vol. 576, 2015
Jacob et la vie heureuse (Sur) (De Iacob et uita beata) CPL 130 SC vol. 534, 2010
La Pénitence (De paenitentia); CPL 156 SC vol. 179, 1971