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Boniface Ramsey

Neil McLynn
J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz
Ambrose of Milan:
Political Letters and Speeches
Letter 20
1. In nearly all your letters you inquire anxiously about the Church; hear then
what is going on. The day after I received the letter in which you told me how
you had been troubled in your dreams, a heavy weight of troubles began to assail
me. It was not now the Portian Basilica, that is the one without the walls,
which was demanded, but the new Basilica, that is, one within the walls, which
is larger in size.
2. In the first place some chief men, counsellors of state, appealed to me to
give up the Basilica, and restrain the people from raising any commotion. I
replied as a matter of course, that a Bishop could not give up God’s house.
3. On the following day the people expressed their approval in the Church, and
the Prefect also came thither, and began to urge us to yield up at least the
Portian Basilica. The people were clamorous against this, whereupon he departed,
saying, that he would report matters to the Emperor.
4. On the following day, which was the Lord’s day, having dismissed the
catechumens after the lessons and sermon, I was explaining the Creed to some
candidates for Baptism in the Baptistery of the Church. There the news was
reported to me that, on learning that officials had been sent from the palace to
the Portian Basilica, and were putting up the Imperial hangings, many of the
people were proceeding thither. I however continued my ministrations, and began
to celebrate the Eucharist.
5. While I was offering, tidings were brought me that the populace had seized
upon one Castulus, whom the Arians called a priest. Passers-by had come upon him
in the streets. While making the oblation I began to weep bitterly and to
beseech God’s aid that no blood might be shed in the Church’s quarrel; or if so,
that it might be my own, and that not for my people only, but even for the
ungodly themselves. But, to be brief, I sent some presbyters and deacons, and
rescued the man.
6. The severest penalties were immediately decreed; first upon the whole body of
merchants. And thus, during the sacred period of the last Week, wherein the
debtor was wont to be loosed from his bonds, chains are placed on innocent men’s
necks, and two hundred pounds’ weight of gold is demanded within three days.
They reply they will willingly give as much, or twice as much again, so that
they may not violate their faith. The prisons too were filled with tradesmen.
7. All the Officials of the palace, the Recorders, the Proctors, the Apparitors
of the several Courts, on the pretext of its being unlawful for them to be
present at seditious assemblies, were commanded to keep at home, severe threats
were held out against men of high rank in case the Basilica was not delivered
up. The persecution raged, and had an opening been afforded, they seemed likely
to break out into every kind of outrage.
8. I myself had an interview with the Counts and Tribunes, who urged me to give
up the Basilica without delay, declaring that the Emperor was acting on his
rights, inasmuch as he had supreme power over all things. I replied that if he
required of me what was my own, my estate, my money, or the like, I would not
refuse it, although all my property really belonged to the poor, but that sacred
things were not subject to the power of the Emperor. ‘If my patrimony be
required,’ I said, ‘take it; if my person, here it is. Will you drag me away to
prison, or to death? I will go with pleasure. I will not entrench myself by
gathering a multitude round me, I will not lay hold of the Altar and beg for my
life; rather will I offer myself to death for the Altar.’
9. In fact my mind was shaken with fear when I found that armed men had been
sent to occupy the Basilica. I was seized with dread lest in protecting the
Church, blood might be shed which would tend to bring destruction on the whole
city. I prayed that if so great a city or even all Italy were to perish I might
not survive. I shrank from the odium of shedding blood, and I offered my own
throat to the knife. Some officers of the Goths were present; I addressed them,
saying, ‘Is it for this that you have become citizens of Rome, to shew
yourselves disturbers of the public peace? Whither will you go, if everything
here is destroyed?’
10. I was called upon to calm the people. I replied that it was in my power not
to excite them, that it was in God’s Hand to pacify them. That if I was
considered the instigator, I ought to be punished, that I ought to be banished
into whatever desert places of the earth they chose. Having said this, they
departed, and I spent the whole day in the old Church. Thence I returned home to
sleep; that if any man wished to arrest me, he might find me prepared.
11. When, before dawn, I passed out over the threshold, I found the Basilica
surrounded and occupied by soldiers. And it was said that they had intimated to
the Emperor that he was at liberty to go to Church if he wished it, that they
would be ready to attend him if he were going to the assembly of the Catholics;
otherwise that they would go to the assembly which Ambrose had convened.
12. Not a single Arian dared come out, for there were none among the citizens,
only a few of the royal household, and some of the Goths, who, as of old they
made their waggon their home, so now make the Church their waggon. Wherever that
woman goes, she carries with her all those of her own communion.
13. The groans of the people gave me notice that the Basilica was surrounded;
but while the lessons are being read word is brought me that the New Basilica
also is full of people, that the crowd seemed greater than when all were at
liberty, that they were calling for a Reader. To be brief, the soldiers
themselves, who were found to have occupied the Basilica, being informed of my
directions that the people should abstain from communion with them, began to
come to our assembly. At the sight of them the minds of the women are agitated,
one of them rushes forth. But the soldiers themselves exclaimed that they had
come to pray not to fight. The people raised a cry. In the most modest, most
resolute, most faithful manner they entreated that I would go to that Basilica.
In that Basilica also the people were reported to desire my presence.
14. Then I began the following discourse: Ye have heard, my sons, the lesson
from the book of Job, which according to the usual service of the season, is now
in course. By use the devil knew that this book was to be declared, in which all
the power of his temptations is laid open and betrayed, and therefore he exerted
himself to-day with greater violence. But thanks be to our God Who hath so
confirmed you in faith and patience. I went up into the pulpit to admire Job, I
found I had all of you to admire as Jobs. Job lives again in each of you, in
each the patience and virtue of that saint is reflected. For what more opportune
could be said by Christian men than that which the Holy Spirit hath spoken in
you this day? ‘We petition, your Majesty, we use no force; we feel no fear, but
we petition.’ This is what becomes Christians, to desire peace and quiet fear,
and still not to let the steadfastness of faith and truth be shaken even by
peril of death. For the Lord is our Guide, Who will save those who hope in Him.
15. But let us come to the lessons set before us. Ye see that power of
temptation is given to the devil to prove the good. The wicked one envies our
progress in good, he tempts us in various ways. He tempted holy Job in his
patrimony, he tempted him in his sons, he tempted him by bodily pains. The
stronger is tempted in his own person, the weaker in that of others. Me too he
would fain have despoiled of the riches which I possess in you, and he desired
to waste this patrimony of your tranquillity. Yourselves also he desired to
snatch from me, my good children for whom I daily offer sacrifice; you he
endeavoured to involve in the ruins of the public confusion. Already then I have
incurred two kinds of temptation. And perhaps the Lord, knowing my weakness,
hath not yet given him power over my body: though I myself desire it, though I
offer it, He perhaps still judges me unequal to this contest, and exercises me
by diverse labours. Even Job himself did not begin with this contest, but was
perfected by it.
16. But Job was tempted by the accumulated tidings of evil, he was tempted by
his wife who said, Curse God, and die. Ye behold how many things are suddenly
stirred up against us, the Goths, the troops, the heathen, the fine of the
tradesmen, the punishment of the saints. Ye observe what is commanded, when it
is said ‘Deliver up the Basilica;’ Curse God, and die. But here it is not only
‘Speak against God,’ but also ‘Act against God.’ The command is, ‘Betray the
altars of God.’
17. So then we are pressed by the Imperial mandates, but we are strengthened by
the words of Scripture, which answered, Thou speakest as one of the foolish
women speaketh. Not slight therefore is that temptation, for temptations which
come through the agency of women we know to be more severe. Lastly, Adam also
was betrayed by Eve, and thereby it came to pass that he betrayed the Divine
commandments. Becoming aware of this error, and his guilty conscience accusing
him, he desired to hide himself, but could not; wherefore God says to him, Adam
where art thou? that is, what wert thou before? where hast thou now begun to be?
where did I place thee? whither hast thou fallen? thou ownest thyself naked,
because thou hast lost the garments of a good faith. The things wherewith thou
desirest to clothe thyself are leaves. Thou hast cast aside the fruit, thou
desirest to lie hid under the leaves of the Law, but thou art betrayed. For one
woman’s sake thou hast chosen to depart from thy God, therefore thou fliest from
Him whom thou soughtest to see. Thou hast chosen to hide thyself with one woman,
to leave the mirror of the world, the abode of Paradise, the Grace of Christ.
18. Why need I add that Elijah also was cruelly persecuted by Jezebel? that
Herodias caused John the Baptist to be put to death? Each man seems to suffer
from this or that woman; for me, in proportion as my merits are less, my trials
are heavier. My strength is weaker, but I have more danger. Women succeed each
other, their hatreds are interchanged, their falsehoods are varied, the elders
are gathered together, the plea of wrong to the Emperor is put forward. What
explanation is there then of such grievous temptation to such a worm as I am,
but that it is not me but the Church that they persecute.
19. At length came the command, ‘Deliver up the Basilica;’ I reply, ‘It is not
lawful for us to deliver it up, nor advantageous for your Majesty to receive it.
By no law can you violate the house of a private man, and do you think that the
house of God may be taken away? It is asserted that all things are lawful to the
Emperor, that all things are his. But do not burden your conscience with the
thought that you have any right as Emperor over sacred things. Exalt not
yourself, but if you would reign the longer, be subject to God. It is written,
God’s to God and Caesar’s to Caesar. The palace is the Emperor’s, the Churches
are the Bishop’s. To you is committed jurisdiction over public not over sacred
buildings.’ Again the Emperor is said to have issued his command, ‘ I also ought
to have one Basilica;’ I answered ‘It is not lawful for thee to have her. What
hast thou to do with an adultress who is not bound with Christ in lawful
20. While I was engaged with this subject, it was reported to me that the
Imperial hangings were taken down, the Church filled with people, and that my
presence was required; straightway I turned my discourse to this, saying, How
deep and profound are the oracles of the Holy Spirit! Remember, brethren, what
was read at matins and how we responded with deep grief of mind, O God the
heathen are come into Thine inheritance. And truly the heathen came, nay, even
more than the heathen, for the Goths came and men of divers nations, they came
armed with weapons, and surrounded and seized the Basilica. Ignorant of Thy
Greatness we grieved for this, but our ignorance was mistaken.
21. The heathen came, but truly into Thine inheritance they came, for they who
came as heathen were made Christians. They who came to invade Thine inheritance,
were made coheirs of God; those whom I accounted enemies are become my
defenders; I have as comrades those whom I esteemed adversaries. Thus has that
been fulfilled which the prophet David spake of the Lord Jesus, that His
Dwelling is in peace, there brake He the horns of the bow, the shield, the
sword, and the battle. For whose office, whose work is this but Thine, Lord
Jesus? Thou sawest armed men coming to Thy temple, on the one hand the people
groaning and collecting in a crowd that they might not seem to give up the
Basilica, on the other hand the soldiers commanded to use force. Death was
before my eyes, lest in the midst of all this madness should break out into
licence. But Thou, O Lord plantedst Thyself in the midst, and madest the twain
one. Thou restrainedst the soldiers, saying, If ye run to arms, if they who are
within My temple are disturbed, What profit is there in My blood? All thanks
therefore be to Thee, O Christ. It was not an ambassador, not a messenger but
Thou O Lord hast delivered Thy people, Thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded
me with gladness.
22. Thus I spoke, wondering that the Emperor’s mind could be softened by the
zeal of the soldiers, by the entreaties of the Counts, by the prayers of the
people. Meanwhile I am informed that a Secretary was come with the mandate. I
retired a little, and he notified to me the mandate. ‘What has been your
design,’ says he, ‘in acting against the Emperor’s orders?’ I replied, ‘What has
been ordered I know not, nor am I aware what is alleged to have been wrongly
done.’ He says, ‘Why have you sent presbyters to the Basilica? If you are a
tyrant I would fain know it, that I may know how to arm myself against you.’ I
replied by saying that I had done nothing which assumed too much for the Church,
but when I heard it was filled with soldiers, I only uttered deeper groans, and
though many exhorted me to proceed thither, I replied, ‘I cannot give up the
Basilica, yet I must not fight.’ That afterwards, when I was told that the
Imperial hangings were removed, and that the people required me to go thither, I
had directed the presbyters to do so, but that I was unwilling to go myself,
saying, ‘I trust in Christ that the Emperor himself will espouse our cause.’
23. If this seems like domineering, I grant indeed that I have arms, but only in
the name of Christ; I have the power of offering up my body. Why, I asked, did
he delay to strike if he considered my power unlawful? By ancient right Priests
have conferred sovereignty, never assumed it, and it is a common saying that
Emperors have coveted the Priesthood more often than Priests sovereignty. Christ
fled that He might not be made a king. We have a power of our own. The power of
a Priest is his weakness; When I am weak, it is said, then am I strong. But let
him against whom God has raised up no adversary: beware lest he raise up a
tyrant for himself. Maximus did not say that I domineered over Valentinian,
though he complains that my embassage prevented his passing over into Italy. I
added, that priests were never usurpers, but that they had often suffered from
24. The whole of that day was passed in this affliction; meanwhile the boys tore
in derision the Imperial hangings. I could not return home, because the Church
was surrounded by a guard of soldiers. We recited the Psalms with our brethren
in the little Basilica belonging to the Church.
25. On the following day, the book of Jonah was read in due custom, after which,
I began this discourse; We have read a book, my brethren, wherein it is foretold
that sinners shall return again to repentance. They are accepted on this
footing, that their present state is considered an earnest of the future. I
added that this just man was even willing to incur blame, rather than behold or
denounce destruction on the city; and, since that prophecy was mournful, that he
was also grieved because the gourd had withered; that God had said to the
prophet, Art thou sad because of the gourd? and Jonah had answered, I am sad.
Then the Lord said, if the withering of the gourd was a grief to him, how much
more ought he to care for the salvation of so many souls; and therefore that He
had suspended the destruction which had been prepared for the whole city.
26. Immediate tidings are brought to me that the Emperor had commanded the
soldiers to retire from the Church; and that the fine which had been imposed on
the merchants on their condemnation should be restored. What joy then prevailed
among the whole people, what applause, what congratulations! Now it was the day
whereon the Lord delivered Himself up for us, the day whereon there is a
relaxation of penance in the Church. The soldiers eagerly brought the tidings,
running in to the altars, and giving the kiss, the emblem of peace. Then I
perceived that God had smitten the worm which came when the morning rose, that
the whole city might be preserved.
27. These are the past events, and would that they were terminated, but the
excited words of the Emperor show that heavier trials are awaiting us. I am
called a tyrant, and even more than tyrant. For when the Counts besought the
Emperor to go to the Church, and said that they did so at the request of the
soldiers, he replied, ‘You would deliver me up to chains, if Ambrose bade you.’
I leave you to judge what awaits us after these words; all shuddered at hearing
them, but there are those about him who exasperate him.
28. Lastly Calligonus the Grand Chamberlain ventured to address himself
specially to me. ‘Do you, while I live, despise Valentinian? I will have your
head.’ I replied, ‘May God grant you to fulfil your threat: I shall suffer as
becomes a Bishop, you will act as befits an eunuch.’ May God indeed turn them
aside from the Church; may all their weapons be directed against me, may they
satiate their thirst in my blood!