Books related to John Chrysostom - with links to Amazon.

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Available online
Migne, PG 47-64. On the subscription version of the Early Church Texts website there are indexed links to nearly all the works of Chrysostom in these volumes. There are also links to English translations where they have been found available online, with a facility for viewing the translation alongside the original Greek text. “Sign up” page here.
Savile. On the subscription version of the Early Church Texts website there are links to scanned version of the eight volumes of the Savile edition of Chrysostom's works. “Sign up” page here.
Field. Frederick Field edited the Greek texts of the Homilies on Matthew and the Homilies on the Pauline letters (including Hebrews). On the subscription version of the Early Church Texts website there are indexed links to all of these homilies (over 300). English translations can be viewed alongside the Greek text. “Sign up” page here.
Published editions (The Amazon links for these volumes may not work in all countries.)
Aubineau, M. and R. E. Carter, 1968, 1970. Codices Chrysostomici Graeci 1, II and III, Paris: Éditions de CNRS. (There are others also in this series.)
Brändle, Rudolf and Verena Jegher-Bucher, Johannes Chrysostomos. Acht Reden gegen juden (Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1995).
Broitier, Laurence, Jean Chrysostome, neuf sermons sur la Genèse (Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1989)
Dumortier, J., Saint Jean Chrysostome. Les cohabitations suspects; Comment observer la virginité (Budé, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1955)
Dumortier, J., Jean Chrysostome. À Theodore, SC 117 (SC 117, Paris: Les Ėditions du Cerf, 1966)
Dumortier, J., Jean Chrysostome. Homélies sur Ozias (SC 277, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1981)
Dumortier, J. and Arthur Lifooghe, Jean Chrysostome. Commentaire sur Isaïe (SC 304, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1983).
Exarchos, B. K., Johannes Chrysostomos über Hoffart und Kindererziehung, (Munich: Hüber, 1954)
Grillet, Bernard and G. H. Ettlinger, Jean Chrysostome. À une jeune veuve, (SC 138, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1968).
Hagedorn, Ursula and Dieter, Johannes Chrysostomos. Kommentar zu Hiob (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1990).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome, Sur la providence de Dieu (SC 79, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1961).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome. Lettre d'exil à Olympias et tous les fidèles (SC 103, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1964).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome. Lettres à Olympias (SC 13, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1968).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome. Sur l'incomprehensibilité de Dieu (SC 28; 2nd ed., Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1970).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome, Sur la vaine gloire et l'éducation des enfants (SC 188, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1972)
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome. Sur la sacerdoce: dialogue et homélie (SC 272, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf (1980).
Malingrey, A. M., Jean Chrysostome. Sur l'égalité du Père et du Fils: contre les anoméens homélies vii–xii (SC 396, Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1994).
Musurillo, H. and B. Grillet (eds), Jean Chrysostome, La Virginité (SC 125, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1966).
Piédagnel, A., Jean Chrysostome. Panégyriques de S. Paul (SC 300, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1982).
Piédagnel, A., and Louis Doutreleau, Trois catéchèses baptismales (SC 366, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1990).
Schatkin, Margaret A. et al., Jean Chrysostome. Discours sur Babylas, Homélie sur Babylas (SC 362, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1990).
Schulte, F., 1914. Johannes Chrysostomos, De inani Gloria et de educandis liberis, Progr. 627 Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck, Münster: Schöningh.
Sorlin, Henri and Louis Neyrand, Jean Chrysostome, Commentaire sur Job, (SC 346 & 348, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1988).
Wenger, A. (ed.), Jean Chrysostome. Huit catéchèses baptismales inédites (SC 50, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1957).



TRANSLATIONS  (See NPNF I.9-14. The subscription version of the website has indexed links to all the translations in the NPNF volumes.)

Allen, Pauline (2013), John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians (Society of Biblical Literature: Writings from the Greco-Roman World)


Barnes, Timothy D. and Bevan, George (2013), Funerary Speech for John Chrysostom (Translated Texts for Historians, Liverpool University Press)


Christo, Gus George (1998), St. John Chrysostom on Repentance and Almsgiving (Fathers of the Church Series - 96 - Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press)

Goggin, T.A. (1957), John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 1-47 (Fathers of the Church Series - 33 - Catholic University of America Press) 

Haidacher, S., 1907. Des hl. Johannes Chrysostomos über Hoffart und Kindererziehung, Freiburg: Herder. (German - this work can be found @


Goggin, T.A, (1959), John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist: Homilies 48-88 (Fathers of the Church Series - 41 - Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press) 

Halton, Thomas (1963), In Praise of Saint Paul (Catholic University Press of America)

Harkins, P.W. (1963), Baptismal Instructions (Ancient Christian Writers Series - 31 - Westminster, MD: Newman Press)


Harkins, P.W. (1979), John Chrysostom: Discourses Against Judaizing Christians (Fathers of the Church Series - 68 - Catholic University of America Press)

Harkins, P.W. (1984), Saint John Chrysostom on the Incomprehensible Nature of God (Fathers of the Church Series - 72 - Catholic University of America Press)

Hill, Robert C. (1986), John Chrysostom: Homilies on Genesis, 1-17 (Fathers of the Church Series - 74 - Catholic University of America Press) 

Hill, Robert C. (1990), John Chrysostom: Homilies on Genesis 18-45 (Fathers of the Church Series - 82 - Catholic University of America Press)

Hill, Robert C. (1992), John Chrysostom: Homilies on Genesis 46-67 (Fathers of the Church Series - 87 - Catholic University of America Press)


Hill, Robert C. (2004), St. John Chrysostom: Eight Sermons on the Book of Genesis (Holy Cross Orthodox Press)

Hill, Robert C. (1998), St. John Chrysostom: Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 1 (Holy Cross Orthodox Press)

Hill, Robert C. (1998), St. John Chrysostom: Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 2  (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998)


Hunter, David G. (1988), A Comparison Between a King and a Monk/Against the Opponents of the Monastic Life (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, Vol 13: Lewiston: Edwin Mellen)

Laistner, C.W. (1951), Christianity and pagan culture in the later Roman Empire: Together with an English translation of Johan Chrysostom's Address on vainglory and the right way for parents to bring up their children (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press)

Mayer, Wendy (2000), John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers)  (London and New York: Routledge)
On Ephesians Homily 11, On Colossians Homily 7, Homily Delivered After Remains of Martyrs etc.,A Homily on Martyrs, On His Return, On the Statues homily 17, Against the Games and Theatres,
Baptismal Instruction 8, On Eutropius, On "I Opposed Him to his Face", On "My Father's working still", Against the Jews Oration 1, On 1 Corinthians Homily 21,On The Acts of the Apostles Homily 3, Concerning Blessed Philogonius, letters from exile


Mayer and Bronwen (2006), The Cult of the Saints (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press Popular Patristics) (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press)
Homilies on various saints
On Saint Meletius, On Saint Eustathius, On Saint Lucian, On Saint Phocas, On Saints Juventinus and Maximinus, On The Holy Martyr Ignatius, On Eleazar and the Seven Boys, Homily 1 on the Maccabees, Homily 2 on the Maccabees, On Saints Bernike, Prosdoke and Domnina, On Saint Barlaam, On Saint Drosis, TAn Encomium on Egyptian Martyrs, On the Holy Martyrs, On Saint Romanus, On All the Martyrs, Letter of John to Rufinus, Letter of Vigilius to John


Neville, Graham (1964),  St. John Chrysostom: Six Books on the Priesthood (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press Popular Patristics Series) (London SPCK; revised T. A. Moxon, Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press)

Roth, Catharine P. (1999), On Wealth and Poverty (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press) Sermons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 on Lazarus and the Rich Man

Roth, Catharine P. and Anderson, David (1997), On Marriage and Family Life (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press)
Homily 19 on 1 Corinthians 7, Homily 20 on Ephesians 5: 22-33, Homily 21 on Ephesians 6: 1-4, Homily 12 on Colossians 4: 18, Sermon on Marriage, How to Choose a Wife

Schatkin, Margaret A. (1985), Saint John Chrysostom : Apologist: including translation of Discourse on the Blessed Babylas, Against the Greeks and Demonstration Against the Pagans that Christ Is God (Fathers of the Church Series - 87 - Catholic University of America Press)

Shore, Sally (1983), On Virginity, Against Remarriage (Studies in Women and Religion, V. 9) (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen)




Amirav, H., Rhetoric and Tradition: John Chrysostom on Noah and the Flood (Traditio Exegetica Graeca (12), Peeters, 2003)
Baur, Chrysostomus, John Chrysostom and His Time, Volumes 1 & 2 (Newman Press, 1959)
De Wet, Chris L. Preaching Bondage: John Chrysostom and the Discourse of Slavery in Early Christianity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015)
Edwards, Robert G. T., Providence and Narrative in the Theology of John Chrysostom (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
Ford, David C., Women and Men in the Early Church: The Full Views of St. John Chrysostom (St Tikhon's Seminary Press, 1996)
Garrett, Duane A., An Analysis of the Hermeneutics of John Chrysostom's Commentary on Isaiah 1-8 With an English Translation (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, Edwin Mellen Press, 1992)
Goodall, Blake, Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Letters of St.Paul to Titus and Philemon (University of California publications, Classical studies (20), 1979)
Gorday, Peter, Principles of Patristic Exegesis: Romans 9-11 in Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, Edwin Mellen Press, 1983)
Hartney, Aideen M., John Chrysostom and the Transformation of the City (Bristol Classical Press, 2004)
Kelly, J. N. D., Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom: Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop (Baker Academic, 1999)
Krupp, Robert Allen, Shepherding the Flock of God: The Pastoral Theology of John Chrysostom (American University Studies. Series VII. Theology and Religion (101), Peter Lang 1992)
Lawrenz, Melvin E., The Christology of John Chrysostom (Edwin Mellen Press, 1997)
Leyerle, Blake, Theatrical Shows and Ascetic Lives: John Chrysostom’s Attack on Spiritual Marriage (University of California, 2001)
Ludlow, M., Art, Craft, and Theology in Fourth-Century Christian Authors (Oxford Early Christian Studies, 2020)
Maxwell, Jaclyn L. Christianization and Communication in Late Antiquity: John Chrysostom and his Congregation in Antioch (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Mitchell, Margaret M., The Heavenly Trumpet: John Chrysostom and the Art of Pauline Interpretation (Westminster John Knox Press, 2002)
Rylaarsdam, David, John Chrysostom on Divine Pedagogy: The Coherence of his Theology and Preaching (Oxford Early Christian Studies, 2014)

Wilken, Robert L., John Chrysostom and the Jews : Rhetoric and Reality in the Late 4th Century (Wipf & Stock, 2004)