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Games and Theatres,
Baptismal Instruction 8,
On Eutropius, On "I Opposed Him to his Face", On "My Father's
working still", Against the Jews Oration 1, On
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On Saint Meletius, On Saint Eustathius, On Saint Lucian, On Saint Phocas, On
Saints Juventinus and Maximinus, On The Holy Martyr
Ignatius, On Eleazar and the Seven Boys, Homily 1 on the Maccabees, Homily 2 on the Maccabees, On Saints Bernike, Prosdoke and Domnina, On Saint Barlaam, On Saint Drosis,
TAn Encomium on
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Ephesians 6: 1-4, Homily 12 on Colossians 4: 18, Sermon on Marriage, How to
Choose a Wife
Schatkin, Margaret A. (1985), Saint John Chrysostom : Apologist:
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Greeks and Demonstration Against the Pagans that Christ Is God (Fathers
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