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G. A. (1986), The Fathers Speak: St Basil the Great, St Gregory of Nazianzus, St Gregory of Nyssa |
R. J. (1922 - 34), Basil: The Letters, Volume I, Letters 1-58 (Loeb Classical Library No. 190) |
M. & Radde-Gallwitz A. (2011), Against Eunomius (Fathers of the Church 122) |
Harrison N. V. (1995), On The Human Condition: St Basil the Great (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press "Popular Patristics" Series) | ||||
S. (2011), On the Holy Spirit: St. Basil the Great (Popular Patristics) |
C. P. (2009), On Social Justice: St. Basil the Great (Popular Patristics) |
S. (2005), The Asketikon of St Basil the Great (Oxford Early Christian Studies) |
Wagner M. M. (1950), Basil of Caesarea: Ascetical Works (Fathers of the Church 9) Includes: An Introduction to the Ascetical Life, An Ascetical Discourse and Exhortation on the Renunciation of the World and Spiritual Perfection, A Discourse on Ascetical Discipline, Concerning Faith, Herewith Begins the Morals, An Ascetical Discourse, An Ascetical Discourse, The Long Rules, Concerning Baptism. | ||||
A. C. (1963/2003), Saint Basil, Exegetic Homilies (Fathers of the Church (Paperback)
46) |
A. C. (1951), Saint Basil: Letters 1-185 (Fathers of the Church 1) |
A. C. (1955), Saint Basil: Letters, Volume 2 (186-368) (Fathers of the Church
2) |
On the Value of Greek Literature (Greek and English Edition) |
Texts published in the Corpus Christianorum series (See the catalogue at http://www.brepols.net.) Bibliotheca Basiliana Universalis - CCBBU |
CCTPG Coulie et al. Thesaurus Basilii Caesariensis I et II (Basilius Caesariensis) 2002 |
Texts published by Sources Chrétiennes See www.sourceschretiennes.mom.fr. | ||||
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