Links to
the scanned text (in the public domain) of the works of Hilary in the Migne Patrologia Series and
in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum series (CSEL) can be
found on the subscription version of the Early Church Texts web site. Click
on the homepage link above for more information. |
Texts (critical editions) published in the Corpus Christianorum series (See the catalogue at
and also the Brepols online “Library of Latin Texts”.) |
Doignon J., Tractatus super Psalmos I. Instructio Psalmorum, In Psalmos
I-XC (Brepols, 1997, CCSL 61) |
Doignon J. and Demeulenaere R., Tractatus super Psalmos II. In Psalmum
CXVIII (Brepols, 2002 CCSL 61A) |
Doignon J. and Demeulenaere R., Tractatus super Psalmos III. In Psalmos
CXIX-CL (Brepols, 2009 CCSL 61B) |
Smulders P., De Trinitate. Praefatio. Libri I-VII (Brepols, 1979 CCSL
62) |
Smulders P., De Trinitate. Libri VIII-XII (Brepols, 1980 CCSL 62A) |
Texts published by Sources Chrétiennes (With Clavis number and
Sources Chrétiennes volume number). See
www.sourceschretiennes.mom.fr. |
Commentaire sur l'Evangile de Matthieu 1-13 (Commentarius in Euangelium Matthaei I-XIII); CPL 430, SC vol. 254, 1978
Commentaire sur l'Evangile de Matthieu 14-33 (Commentarius in Evangelium Matthaei
XIV-XXXIII); CPL 430, SC vol. 258, 1979 |
Commentaires sur le Psaume 118 (1-8) (Tractatus super Psalmum CXVIII (I-VIII)); CPL 428, SC vol. 344, 1988
Commentaires sur le Psaume 118 (9-22) (Tractatus super Psalmum CXVIII (IX-XXII)); CPL 428, SC vol. 347, 1988
Commentaires sur les Psaumes 1-14 (Tractatus super Psalmos I-XIV); CPL 428, SC vol. 515, 2008
Commentaires sur les Psaumes 51-61 (Tractatus super Psalmos LI-LXI); CPL 428, SC vol. 565, 2014
Contre Constance (Liber contra Constantium Imperatorem); CPL 461, SC vol. 334, 1987
Traité des Mystères (Tractatus mysteriorum); CPL 427, SC vol. 19 bis, 1947
Trinité (La) (De Trinitate)
tome I (Livres I-III); CPL 433, SC vol. 443, 1999
Trinité (La) (De Trinitate)
tome II (Livres IV-VIII); CPL 433, SC vol. 448, 2000
Trinité (La) (De Trinitate)
tome III (Livres IX-XII); CPL 433, SC vol. 462, 2001
McKenna S. (1954/2002),
Saint Hilary of Poitiers: The Trinity (Fathers of the Church 25)
Wickham L. (1998), Hilary of Poitiers: Conflicts of Conscience and Law in the Fourth-Century Church (Liverpool University Press - Translated Texts for Historians)
(includes Against Valens and Ursacius and Letter to the Emperor
Constantius.) |
Williams D. H. (2012), Hilary of Poitiers: Commentary on Matthew (Fathers Of The Church
Beckwith C. L. (2009), Hilary of Poitiers on the Trinity: From De Fide to De Trinitate (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
Google Books Preview
here. |
Burns P. C. (2012), A Model for the Christian Life: Hilary of Poitiers' Commentary on the Psalms
(Catholic University of America Press) 
Google Books Preview
here. |
Image, Isabella, The Human Condition in Hilary of Poitiers: The Will and Original Sin between Origen and Augustine (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs,
Oxford University Press, 2017) |
Meijering E. P. , with van Winden J. C. M.
(1982), Hilary of Poitiers on the Trinity: De Trinitate 1, 1-19, 2, 3.
(Leiden: Brill).
Newlands G. M. (1978),
Hilary of Poitiers: A Study in Theological Method (Bern: Peter Lang / The George Newlands Reprint)
Scully, E.,
Physicalist Soteriology in Hilary of Poitiers (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, Brill Academic, 2015)
Weedman M. (2007), The Trinitarian Theology of Hilary of Poitiers (Leiden:
Brill - Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)
Google Books Preview
here. |