Books related to John - with links to Amazon

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Elowsky J. C. (2007), John 1-10 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture IVa)
Elowsky J.C. (2007), John 11-21 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture IVb)
Hill E. (2008), Homilies on the Gospel of John (1-40) (III/14)
Paffenroth K., Teske R. SJ, and Campbell M. OSA (2014), New Testament I & II (1/15 & 1/16) Includes: Sermon on the Mount, Agreement among the Evangelists, Questions on the Gospels, Seventeen Questions on Matthew.
Rettig J. W. (1988), Tractates on the Gospel of John 1-10 (The Fathers of the Church 78)
Rettig J. W. (1988), Tractates on the Gospel of John 11-27 (The Fathers of the Church 79)
Rettig J. W. (1993), Tractates on the Gospel of John 28-54 (The Fathers of the Church 88)
Rettig J. W. (1994), Tractates on the Gospel of John 55-111 (The Fathers of the Church 90)
Rettig J. W. (1995), Tractates on the Gospel of John 112-124; Tractates on the First Epistle of John (The Fathers of the Church 92)
Cyril of Alexandria
Maxwell D. (2013), Commentary on John: Cyril of Alexandria: Volume 1 -  books 1 - 5 (Ancient Christian Texts)
Maxwell D. (2015), Commentary on John: Cyril of Alexandria: Volume 2 -  books 6 - 12 (Ancient Christian Texts)
Russell N. (2000), Cyril of Alexandria (The Early Church Fathers) (Commentary on Isaiah, Commentary on John, Against Nestorius, An Explanation of the Twelve Chapters)
Gregory of Nazianzus
Dunkle B. (S.J.) (2013), Poems on Scripture (Popular Patristics)
John Chrysostom
Goggin, T.A. (1957), John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 1-47 (Fathers of the Church Series - 33 - Catholic University of America Press)
Goggin, T.A, (1959), John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist: Homilies 48-88 (Fathers of the Church Series - 41 - Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press) 
Mayer, Wendy (2000), John Chrysostom (The Early Church Fathers)  (London and New York: Routledge)
On Ephesians Homily 11, On Colossians Homily 7, Homily Delivered After Remains of Martyrs etc.,A Homily on Martyrs, On His Return, On the Statues homily 17, Against the Games and Theatres,
Baptismal Instruction 8, On Eutropius, On "I Opposed Him to his Face", On "My Father's working still", Against the Jews Oration 1, On 1 Corinthians Homily 21,On The Acts of the Apostles Homily 3, Concerning Blessed Philogonius, letters from exile
Heine R. E. (1989/2000), Origen: Commentary on the Gospel According to John Books 1-10 (The Fathers of the Church Series, 80)
Heine R. E. (1993/2006), Origen: Commentary on the Gospel According to John, Books 13-32 (The Fathers of the Church Series, 89)
Trigg J. W. (1998), Origen (The Early Church Fathers) (Commentary on Psalms 1-25, fragment from preface; Commentary on Lamentations, selected fragments; Commentary on Genesis, fragment from Book 3, Commentary on John, Book 1; Commentary on John, Book 13.3-192; Homily 12 on Jeremiah; Homilies 19 and 20 on Luke; Homily 5 on 1 Samuel; Letter to Gregory; Commentary on John, Book 32. 1-140; Commentary on John, Book 32.318-67)
Theodore of Mopsuestia
Conti M. (2010), Commentary on the Gospel of John: Theodore of Mopsuestia (Ancient Christian Texts)
McLeod F. G.  (2008), Theodore of Mopsuestia (The Early Church Fathers) Contains extracts from: In opposition to the allegorists, Psalm 8, The creation of Adam and Eve, Commentary on John's gospel, Commentary on Philippians 2: 5-11, Selections from Theodore's commentaries on the epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians, On the incarnation, In opposition to Apollinaris, Catechetical homilies, Conciliar anathemas.