Below is a list of authors for whom links to complete original language texts and translations have been found.
The original language links are mainly to scanned pages of  the Migne PG  and PL volumes at Google Books and include virtually all the authors in Migne from the first five centuries. Sometimes the links are to other versions and sites which are also in the public domain. Where an author is listed there are individual links on the subscription version of the website to ALL (in most cases) of the author's works which are contained in Migne PG  and PL.
There are also links to complete English translations where they have been found. If there is an online English translation of an author's work available you are likely to find it through these links. But be aware that there are not online English translations of all works.
Where English translations have been found of the original language texts there is also a facility for viewing them alongside each other. There is a link for this from the subscription site homepage.

Acacius of Beroea Greek texts

Acacius of Melitene Greek texts

Aeneas of Gaza Greek text

Agrippa Castor Greek works

Alberic the Deacon Latin text

Alexander 1 (Pope) Greek texts

Alexander of Alexandria Greek works

Alexander of Alexandria translations

Alexander of Jerusalem Greek works

Alexander of Jerusalem translations

Alexander of Lycopolis Greek texts

Alexander of Lycopolis translations

Ambrose Latin texts

Ambrose - Translations

Ambrosiaster Latin texts

Amoenus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Amphilochius of Iconium Greek texts

Amphilochius of Iconium translation

Amphilochius of Sida Greek texts

Anacletus Greek texts

Anastasius I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Anatolius of Alexandria Greek texts

Acts of Andochus text

Ammonius Presbyter of Alexandria - Greek texts

Amphilochius of Iconium - Greek texts

Amphilochius of Iconium - Translations

Andreas of Samosata - Greek texts

Andrew the Apostle, Martyrdom of - Greek text

Andrew the Apostle, Martyrdom of - translations

Anianus - Latin texts

Anicetus 1 - Greek texts

Annales Ecclesiae Africanae

Anonymous of the third century

Anonymous texts from Migne as indexed at documentacatholicaomnia (see on menu system)

Anterus - Original language texts

Anterus - Translations

Antipater of Bostra - Greek texts

Antoninus Honoratus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Antonius - Latin texts (supposed 3rd century Christian poet)

Antony the Great of Egypt - Original Language texts

Antony the Great of Egypt - Translations

Apollinaris of Laodicea - Greek texts

Apollonius - Greek texts

Apollonius - Translations

Apophthegmata Patrum original language texts

Apophthegmata Patrum - Translations

Archaeus - Greek texts

Archelaus - Original language texts

Archelaus - Translations

Aristides - Original language texts

Aristides - Translations

Aristo of Pella - Greek texts

Aristo of Pella - Translations

Arnobius - Latin texts

Arnobius - Translations

Arsenius - Greek texts

Asterius Amasenus - Greek texts

Asterius Amasenus - Translations

Asterius Urbanus - Greek texts

Asterius Urbanus - Translations

Athansius - Greek texts

Athanasius - Translations

Athenagoras - Greek texts

Athenagoras - Translations

Atticus of Constantinople - Greek texts

Auctor Incertus texts from Migne as indexed at documentacatholicaomnia (see on menu system - under Unknown Author)

Auctores Varii texts from Migne as indexed at documentacatholicaomnia (see on menu system - under Various Authors)

Augustine Latin texts

Augustine - Translations

Aurelius of Carthage - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Ausonius Latin texts and translations

Auspicius of Toul - Latin text (see on menu system)

Avitus Presbyter - Latin text (see on menu system - vertical only)

Avitus of Vienna - Latin texts

Bachiarius Monachus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Barnabas - Greek texts

Barnabas - Translations

Bartholomaeus - Texts

Basil Greek texts

Basil translations

Basil of Seleucia Greek texts

Basilides (Gnostic) Greek texts (fragments)

Bede Latin text (included because of text about Alban in 1.7)

Bede translation (included because of text about Alban in 1.7)

Benedict of Nursia - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Boethius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Boethius - translation - Cons. Phil. (see on menu system)

Boniface I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Caelestius - Latin texts

Caesarius (brother of Gregory - ? author of Dialogues)

Caesarius of Arles - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Caius/Gaius (Pope) - Latin texts

Caius/Gaius (Presbyter) - Texts

Caius/Gaius (Presbyter) - Translations

Callistus I - Original language texts

Callistus I - Translations

Candidus Isaurus Greek text

Capreolus of Carthage - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Cassian (John) Latin texts

Cassian (John) translations

Celerinus - Latin texts

Celestine I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Celsus - Latin text (3rd or 4th century author of work in Migne "De Judaica Incredulitate" 

Cerealis Castellensis - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Chromatius of Aquileia - Latin texts

Claudianus Mamertus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Claudius Apollinaris - Greek texts

Claudius Apollinaris - Translations

Clement of Alexandria - Greek texts

Clement of Alexandria - Translations

Clement of Rome - Greek texts

Clement of Rome - Translations

Clovis (Clodoveus) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Coelius Sedulius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Commodian - Latin texts

Commodian - Translations

Councils of Carthage - Texts

A Roman Council - Text

Cornelius - Latin Texts

Cyprian - Latin texts

Cyprian - Translations

Cyril of Alexandria - Greek texts

Cyril of Alexandria - English translations

Cyril of Jerusalem - Greek texts

Cyril of Jerusalem - English translations

Damasus I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Dalmatius the Monk - Greek texts

Dexter, Flavius Lucius (Pseudo-Dexter) - Latin text

Diadochus of Photike - Greek texts

Diadochus of Photike - Translations

Diodore of Tarsus - Greek texts

Diodore of Tarsus - Translations

Didymus the Blind - Greek texts

Diognetus - Epistle to - Greek text

Diognetus - Epistle to - Translations

Dionysius of Alexandria - Greek texts

Dionysius of Alexandria - Translations

Dionysius the Areopagite- Greek Texts

Dionysius the Areopagite- Translations

Dionysius Exiguus - Original language texts

Dionysius of Rome - Greek texts

Dionysius of Rome - Translations

Dracontius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Eleutherius (Pope) - Greek Texts

Eleutherius of Tournai - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Elpis ? wife of Boethius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Ennodius, Magnus Felix Latin texts

Epiphanes (Gnostic) Greek Texts (fragments)

Epiphanius Greek Texts

Epiphanius English translations

The Passion of Epipodius - Text

Erechthius of Antioch in Pisidia - Greek fragment

Etheria (Egeria) Latin texts

Etheria (Egeria) English translations

Eucherius of Lyons - Latin texts

Eudocia Imperatrix Greek text

Eugenius of Carthage - Latin texts

Eugyppius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Eumenius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Eusebius (Pope) - see on menu system

Eusebius of Alexandria - Greek texts

Eusebius of Caesarea - Greek texts

Eusebius of Caesarea - English translations

Eusebius of Dorylaeum - Greek and Latin texts

Eusebius of Emesa - Greek texts

Eusebius of Emesa - English translation

Eusebius of Vercelli - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Eustathius of Antioch - Greek texts

Eustathius of Berytus - Greek text

Eustathius (translator of Basil's Hexaemeron) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Euthalius the Deacon - Greek texts

Eutychian - Latin texts

Evagrius Monachus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Evagrius of Pontus - Greek texts

Evagrius of Pontus - English translations

Evaristus - Greek texts

Evodius - Latin texts

Fabian - Greek texts

Fabian - Translations

Faltonia Proba - Latin text (see on menu system)

Fastidius Episcopus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Faustinus (5th cent.) - Latin text (see on menu system)

Faustinus et Marcellinus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Faustus of Rhegium - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Felix I - Latin texts

Felix II - Latin texts

Firmicius Maternus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Firmus of Caesarea (Cappadocia) - Greek texts

Flavian original language texts

Fulgentius of Ruspe - Latin texts

Gaudentius of Brescia - Latin texts

Gelasius I (Pope) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Gelasius of Cyzicus Greek texts

Gennadius of Constantinople - Greek texts

Gennadius of Marseilles Latin texts

Gennadius of Marseilles translations

Gregory Nazianzen original language texts

Gregory Nazianzen translations

Gregory of Nyssa original language texts

Gregory of Nyssa translations

Gregorius Thaumaturgus - Greek texts

Gregorius Thaumaturgus - Translations

Hegesippus - Greek texts

Hegesippus - Translations

Helpidius Rusticus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Heracleon (Gnostic) - Greek texts (fragments)

Hermas - Greek Text

Hermas - Translation

Hermias - Greek texts

Hermias - Translations

Hieronymus, Theologus Graecus - Greek texts

Hilarianus Quintus Julius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Hilarius Diaconus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Hilary of Arles - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Hilary of Poitiers - Latin texts

Hilary of Poitiers - Translations

Hilary (Pope) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Hippolytus - Greek texts

Hippolytus - Translations

Historia Monachorum - Greek text in Migne PG vol. 65, together with further notes about the text and a link to Norman Russell's translation available at Amazon etc.

Historica Tusculana Fragmenta - Greek text in Migne PG vol. 85

Hosius - see under Osius

Hydatius - Latin text (see on menu system)

Hyginus - Greek texts

Idatius - see under Hydatius

Ignatius - Greek texts

Ignatius - Translations

Incomplete Commentary on Matthew - Latin text

Incomplete Commentary on Matthew - Translation  (Google Preview only)

Innocent I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Irenaeus - Greek texts

Irenaeus - Translations

Isaac Ex Iudaeo Christianus - Original language texts

Isaiah the Solitary - Original language texts

Isaiah the Solitary - Translations

Isidore of Pelusium - Greek texts

Isidore of Pelusium - Translations

Isidorus (Gnostic) - Greek texts (fragments)

Jerome Latin texts

Jerome translations

John of Antioch Greek texts

John of Carpathus - Latin and Greek text

Cassian (John) Latin texts

Cassian (John) translations

John Chrysostom original language texts

John Chrysostom translations

John the Deacon - Latin text (see on menu system)

Julian of Eclanum Latin texts

Julian (Emperor) Greek texts with English translation

Julianus Pomerius - Latin text (see on menu system)

Julius I, Pope - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Julius Africanus - Greek texts

Julius Africanus - Translations

Justin translations

Justin original language texts

Juvencus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Lactantius - Latin texts

Lactantius - Translations

Leo the Great (Pope) - Latin texts

Leo the Great (Pope) - Translations

Leporius Monachus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Liberius, Pope - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Lucianus Presbyter - Latin text (see on menu system - vertical only)

Lucius - Latin texts

Lupus of Troyes (Trecensis) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Macarius of Alexandria - Original language texts

Macarius Magnes - Latin and Greek texts

Macarius Magnes - Translations

Macarius (Pseudo) - Greek texts

Macarius (Pseudo) - Translations

Malchion - Greek texts

Malchion - Translations

Mamertinus Claudius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Mamertus Claudianus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Marcellinus Comes - Latin text (see on menu system)

Marcellinus - Pope (see on menu system)

Marcellus of Ancyra - Greek texts

Marcellus of Ancyra - Translations

Marcellus (Pope) - Latin texts

Marius Mercator - Latin texts

Marius Victorinus (see under Victorinus)

Mark the deacon - original language texts

Mark the deacon - Translations

Mark the hermit (or ascetic) - Greek texts

Mark the hermit - Translations

Mark, Pope - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Martin of Tours - Latin text (see on menu system)

Matthias - Greek texts

Maximus Grammaticus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Maximus and Urbanus to Cyprian - Text

Maximus of Jerusalem - Greek texts

Maximus of Jerusalem - Translations

Maximus of Turin - Latin texts (many of the works in Migne being spurious)

Melito - Greek texts

Melito - Translations

Miltiades (Pope) - see on menu system

Minucius Felix Latin text

Minucius Felix - Translations

Memnon of Ephesus Greek texts

Merobaudes - Latin text (see on menu system)

Monumenta Vetera Ad Arianorum Doctrinam - (see on menu system)

Nazarius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Nectarius of Constantinople Greek text

Nemesius of Emesa Greek texts

Nicetas of Remesiana Latin texts

Nilus of Ancyra Greek texts

Nilus of Ancyra translation - there is a translation of just one work in the Philokalia - see under this on the menu system

Nonnus of Panapolis Greek texts

Novatian Latin texts

Novatian - Translations

Novatus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Optatianus Porphyrius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Optatus Latin texts

Optatus translations

Orientius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Origen Original original language texts

Origen translations

Orosius Latin texts

Orosius translations

Orsiesius Original original language texts

Osius Cordubensi Episcopus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Pachomius - Original language texts

Pachomius - Translations

Pacian Latin texts

Pacian translations

Palladius - Greek texts

Palladius - Translations

Pamphilus - Greek texts

Pamphilus - Translations

Pantaenus - Greek texts

Pantaenus - Translations

Papias - Greek fragments

Papias - Translations

Paschasinus Latin text

Paschasius the Deacon - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Passion of Perpetua - Latin and Greek text

Passion of Perpetua - Translations

Patrick - Latin texts  (see on menu system)

Paul of Emesa Greek texts

Paul and Stephen - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Paulinus Mediolanensis - Latin texts

Paulinus of Milan - Translations

Paulinus of Nola - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Paulinus of Périgueux - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Pelagius Latin texts

Perpetuus of Tours - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Peter I of Alexandria - Original language texts

Peter I of Alexandria - Translations

Peter II of Alexandria - Greek texts

Peter Chrysologus - Latin texts

Peter the Deacon - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Philaster - Latin text (see on menu system)

Phileas - Greek texts

Phileas - Translations

Philo, Bishop of Carpasius - Greek texts

Philokalia - Greek texts from the first five centuries

Philokalia - Translation from the first five centuries

Philostorgius Greek texts

Philostorgius translations

Phoebadius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Pierius original language texts

Pierius translations

Pius I Latin texts

Polemius Silvius Latin text

Polycarp Greek texts

Polycarp translations

Polycrates original language texts

Polycrates translations

Pontian original language texts

Pontian translations

Pontius (Deacon of Carthage) Latin text (of Life of Cyprian)

Pontius translations

Possidius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Potamius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Pothinus, martyrdom of Latin text

Proclus of Constantinople Greek texts

Procopius of Gaza Greek texts

Prosper Tiro of Aquitaine - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Prudentius Latin texts

Publius Victor - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Quadratus Greek fragment

Quadratus translation

Quintianus Asculanus Greek texts

Quodvultdeus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Rabbula(s) of Edessa Greek texts

Remigius of Rheims - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Rhodon Greek fragments

Rhodon translations

Rufinus Latin texts

Rufinus translations

Ruricius of Limoges (Lemovicensis) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Salonius Latin texts

Salvian of Marseilles - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Secundinus Manichaeus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Sedulius (Coelius) - Latin texts

Serapion of Antioch Greek fragments

Serapion of Antioch translations

Serapion of Thmuis Original language texts

Severian of Gabala Greek texts

Severian of Gabala translations

Severus Episcopus - Latin text (see on menu system - vertical only)

Severus Majoricensis Latin text

Severus Rhetor - Latin text (see on menu system)

Sidonius Apollinaris - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Sigonius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Simplicius (Pope) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Siricius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Sixtus I in Migne

Sixtus II in Migne

Sixtus III - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Socrates Greek texts

Socrates translations

Soter texts in Migne

Sozomen Greek texts

Sozomen translations

Stephen I texts in Migne

Sulpicius Severus Latin texts

Sulpicius Severus translations

Sylvester I, Pope - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Symmachus , Pope - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius) - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Symphoriani, Passio Latin text

Synesius of Cyrene Greek texts

Synesius of Cyrene translations

Tatian Greek texts

Tatian translations

Telesphorus original language texts

Tertullian Latin texts

Tertullian translations

Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs Greek text

Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs translations

Theodore of Heraclea Greek texts

Theodore of Mopsuestia Original Language texts

Theodore of Mopsuestia translations

Theodoret Greek texts

Theodoret translations

Theodoric the Ostrogoth - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Theodosius I - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Theodotus of Ancyra Greek texts

Theognostus of Alexandria Greek fragments

Theognostus of Alexandria translations

Theonas of Alexandria Latin text

Theonas of Alexandria translations

Theophilus of Alexandria original language texts

Theophilus of Alexandria translations

Theophilus of Antioch Ad Autolycum Greek text

Theophilus of Antioch translations

Theophilus of Caesarea Greek fragment

Theophilus of Caesarea English translation

Theotomitus of Tomitanus - Latin text (from Greek)

Timothy of Alexandria Greek texts

Timothy of Alexandria English translations

Timothy of Berytus - Greek fragments

Titus of Bostra Greek texts

Turribius Latin text

Tyconius - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Ulfilas (see on menu system)

Uranius Presbyter Latin text

Urban I Latin text

Urban I translations

Valentinianus (Gnostic) Greek texts (fragments)

Valentinus (Gnostic) Greek texts (fragments)

Valerian of Cimiez - Latin texts

Victor I Latin texts

Victor Vitensis - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Victorinus, Gaius Marius -  Latin texts

Victorinus, Gaius Marius -  English translations

Victorinus of Pettau - Latin texts

Victorinus of Pettau translations

Victricius of Rouen Latin text

Victorius of Aquitania - Latin text (see on menu system)

Vigilius Diaconus - Latin text (see on menu system)

Vigilius Episcopus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Vigilius of Tapsus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Vicncent of Lérins Latin texts

Vincent of Lérins translations

Zacchaeus Christianus - Latin texts (see on menu system)

Zacharias of Mitylene Greek texts

Zeno of Verona - Latin texts

Zephyrinus Latin texts

Zephyrinus translations

Zosimas Abbas Greek texts

Zosimus - Latin texts (see on menu system)