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Apocryphal Writings
James, Protoevangelium of, 11-25
Apostolic Fathers (with links to scanned version of
complete text for all listed below and 2 Clement and Polycarp to
I Clement 40 - 42, 44
Didache: Complete text
Diognetus: Epistle to 5-7
Ignatius: Trallians 9-10; Magnesians 8-10; Romans 5; Smyrnaeans 8
Polycarp: Martyrdom of 1-7
Shepherd of Hermas: Complete text
Arius and Arian Controversy
Arius' Confession of faith to Constantine from Eusebius, Historia
Ecclesiastica, 1.26
Arius' Letter to Alexander of Alexandria from Athanasius, De Synodis, 16
Arius' Letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia from Theodoret,
Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.4.
(or 5),1-4
Eusebius of Nicomedia - Letter to Paulinus of Tyre, from
Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.5 (or 6).
The Thalia of Arius from Athanasius
Arianos Oratio Prima , 1,5 and
then De Synodis,
Alexander of Alexandria on Arius from Eusebius,
Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.
6. 4 ff.
Letter of the Council of Nicaea to the Egyptian Church from Socrates,
Historia Ecclesiastica, 1. 9
Socrates on Arius and the beginnings of the Arian Controversy from
Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.5
Sozomen on Arius from Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.15
Second Creed of Sirmium - 357 (The Blasphemy) from Hilary,
De Synodis, 11
Fourth Creed of Sirmium - 359 (The Dated) from
De Synodis, 8
Homoian Creed of Constantinople - 360, from
Athanasius, De Synodis, 30
Canons of the Council of Constantinople - 381
Creeds of Nicaea (325) and Constantinople (381 - Nicene)
Antony, the Life
of, from Athanasius,
Vita S. Antonii,
5 - 10 and 89 - 94
Letters, 2 - to Gregory of
Nazianzus (c. 358)
The Longer Rule, Regulae Fusius Tractatae, VII
Coenobites, Anchorites and Remoboth, from Jerome,
Epistle XXII, 34-35
Evagrius, Eight Logismoi,
De Octo Vitiosis Cogitationibus
Gangra Council Canons
Jerome's temptations in the desert from
Letter XXII to Eustochium, section 7
Letter XLV to Asella in which he describes the ascetic life of some Roman
Christian women and his departure from Rome (385)
Letter CXXVII to Principia,
about Marcella, following her death in 410
Macrina St (about), from Gregory of Nyssa,
Life of St Macrina,
Martin of Tours (about), from
Sulpicius Severus,
Vita Martini,
On Prayer,
from De Oratione, XXXI - XXXIV
Pachomius (about), from Sozomen,
Historia Ecclesiastica,
3. 14
Homily 18
on Christian Perfection
Atonement and Salvation
Athanasius - On The Atonement - From De Incarnatione Verbi, 7-9
Augustine - On The Cross - Contra Faustum, 14. Augustine responds to the
Manichaean Faustus' views about the verse: 'Cursed is every one that hangeth on
a tree'.
Irenaeus - Recapitulation in Christ - Adversus Haereses, 3.18.1 and
5.21.1; the salvation lost in Adam is regained in Christ.
Rufinus - The Cross of Christ - From Commentarius In Symbolum Apostolorum,
14 - 17; Including the passage about the incarnate Christ as 'bait' for the
Cyprian's letter to Pompey - about Stephen's views on there being no need to
rebaptise 'heretics'
Cyprian's letter to Quintus - about the rebaptism of 'heretics'
Cyril of Jerusalem - This passage from the Catechetical Lectures, 19
outlines the significance of baptism.
In The Didache - chapters 7 - 10
Gregory of Nyssa On Baptism - In Baptismum Christi, excerpt
In Justin Martyr - Apology, 1. 61
In Tertullian - De Corona, 3
The Canons of Carthage against Pelagianism
The Canons of Chalcedon
Canons of Constantinople
Canons of Elvira
Canons of Ephesus
Canons of Gangra
Canons of Nicaea 325
The "Catholic Church"
Cyprian - On the Unity of the Church - On the Unity of the Church, 4-6
Cyril of Jerusalem - Catechetical Lecture 19
Ignatius - Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 8
Irenaeus - The Rule of Faith - The faith of the Church the same throughout the
world; from Adversus Haereses, 1. 2 - 3
Siricius - Decretal to Himerius about papal authority
Vincent of Lerins - Commonitorium, 2. 4 - 3. 8 and 23. 54 - 58
Christianity and Philosophy
Augustine and Cicero - Confessions, 3. 6-9
Augustine on Christianity and Pagan learning - De Doctrina Christiana (On
Christian Doctrine), 40 (60, 61)
Augustine on Plato's Forms /
Ideas, De Diversis Quaestionibus Octoginta Tribus, 46
Basil on Greek Literature - Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek
Clement of Alexandria - Stromateis, 1.5 .28
Gregory Thaumaturgus - In Origenem Oratio Panegyrica, extracts from 6 and
13 (Origen and Philosophy)
Jerome - Ciceronian or Christian? - Jerome, Letter 22 to Eustochium,
section 30
Justin Martyr (Christians before Christ) - Apology 1.46
Justin Martyr - Christ and Socrates - Apology 2.10
Synesius, Letter 105 to his
brother (about Synesius' appointment as bishop)
Tertullian (What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?) - De
Praescriptione Haereticorum, 7
Christmas - See under Nativity of Christ
Apollinaris of Laodicea - a number of fragments from Lietzmann
Apolliniaranism, critique of -
101 (part of)
Athanasius - Oratio Contra Arianos III, 29-34
Athanasius - Tomus ad Antiochenos, 3 - 7
The Chalcedonian Definition - from the Council of Chalcedon - Agreed at the
Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon in 451
Constantinople, Council of, 448 - The condemnation of Eutyches
Cyril of Alexandria 12 Anathemas
Cyril's letter to John of Antioch
Cyril's 2nd letter to Nestorius
Eutyches - Condemnation of at Constantinople 448 - The testimony of Eutyches at
the 448 Council, summoned by Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, and his
condemnation for his monophysite views. (Extracts from Mansi, Conciliorum)
Gregory of Nazianzus Nativity Oration - Oratio, 38 (1 - 4, 13 - 18)
Hilary on Two Natures of Christ - De Trinitate Libri Duodecim, 9. 14 and
10. 19
Leo 8th Sermon on the Nativity - SERMO XXVIII [Al. XXVII]. In Nativitate
Domini VIII.
Leo's Tome (Complete text) - Epistola XXVIII. Ad Flavianum Episcopum
Constantinopolitanum Contra Eutychis Perfidiam Et Haeresim
Nestorius - 2nd Letter to Cyril
Tertullian on Christ's Two Natures - Adversus Praxean, 27
Tertullian on The Incarnation - Apologeticus pro
Christianis (Apology), 21: 10-14
Theodoret, Eranistes - extracts from relative to the
Person of Christ
Theodore of Mopsuestia -
De Incarnatione, 7
Church and State
Ambrose's letter to Marcellina (Letter 20)
Ambrose's Letter to Theodosius (Letter 51)
Codex Theodosianus - Various Edicts
Ambrose, Letters 17 and 18 to Valentinian
The Edict of Galerius (311 edict of toleration as given in Lactantius Liber
De Mortibus Persecutorum)
The Edict of Milan (313 - as given in Lactantius Liber De Mortibus
Eusebius - Constantine's vision of the cross (Vita Constantini, 1. 26-31)
Eusebius - The Neronian Persecution (Historia Ecclesiastica, 2. 25)
Hadrian's Rescript to Caius (Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 4.9 and
Latin from Rufinus' translation)
Julian's Rescript on Christian Teachers (Letter 36)
Lactantius - The beginning of persecution under Diocletian (Liber de Mortibus
Persecutorum, XI - XIII)
Lactantius - Constantine's vision of the cross (Liber de Mortibus
Persecutorum, XLIV)
Libellus of the Decian Persecution (From June 250)
Marcian and Valentinian edict following Council of Chalcedon, requiring
The Martyrdom of Alban (Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, 1.
The Martyrdom of Polycarp (The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna
The Passion of Perpetua (Complete Greek and Latin Text)
Pliny's Letter to Trajan about how to deal with Christians (Letter 10.96
in Loeb 1915 edition)
Tacitus - Persecution under Nero (Annales ab excessu divi Augusti, 15.44)
Socrates on The Statue of Eudoxia (Historia Ecclesiastica, 6. 18. 1-5)
Symmachus's Plea to Valentinian II (included after Ambrose's Letter 17 in
Tertullian - The Blood of Christians is Seed (Apologeticus pro Christianis
(Apology), 48 - 50)
Tertullian on Christians and the Emperor (Apologeticus pro Christianis
(Apology), 29 - 33)
Trajan's Reply to Pliny (Letter 10.97 in Loeb 1915 edition)
Antioch - creeds of 341 council
Carthage - canons of 418 council against Pelagianism
Chalcedon (451)
Definition (creed) of 451 council
Edict of Marcian and Valentinian
following the council and requiring conformity
The Tome of Leo
Letter of the Council to Leo
Constantinople - canons and creed of 381 council
Elvira - canons of c. 305 council
Ephesus - canons of 431 council - plus also Cyril's twelve anathemas
- John of Antioch - Resolution of The Conciliabulum at Ephesus (431)
Gangra - canons of council (c. 340 - 360)
Nicaea - canons, creed and letter to Egyptian church of 325 council
Sardica (Serdica) - creed of 343 western council and Socrates' account (Historia
Ecclesiastica, 2. 20)
Sirmium - first creed of (351), second creed of (357), third creed of (359)
Tyre (335) - Sozomen on Athanasius and the council of (Historia Ecclesiastica,
2. 25)
Creeds of Antioch (341)
Creed of Caesarea (as in Eusebius' letter to his church on the creed of Nicaea,
in Socrates - Historia Ecclesiastica, 1. 8)
Creed of Chalcedon (451)
Creed of Constantinople (381)
Homoean Creed of Constantinople (360)
'Long Lines' or 'Macrostichos' (345)
Creed of Nicaea (325)
The 1st Creed of Sirmium (351)
The 2nd Creed of Sirmium (357)
The 4th Creed of Sirmium (359 - The 'Dated')
Creed of Western Council of Sardica (343)
Irenaeus - The Rule of Faith
Origen - The Rule of Faith
Tertullian - The Rule of Faith
The Old Roman Creed
Ignatius on docetism - Trallians, 9-10
Optatus, on the origins of - De Schismate Donatistorum, 1. 15-19
Etheria - Easter in Jerusalem (Silviae Vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio
Ad Loca Sancta (chapters XXIX - XL))
Gregory of Nazianzus - Oration 1 on Easter (Oratio 1 - In sanctum Pascha et
in tarditatem)
John Chrysostom - Easter Sermon (as in Migne PG,
Vol. 59, Col. 721)
Letter of Nicaea to the Egyptian Church - (including about the date of Easter,
as in Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1. 9 )
Quartodeciman Controversy - Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5. 23-25
Irenaeus on the Ebionites - Adversus Haereses, 1.22
and Lifestyle
Augustine and 'Just War' -
Contra Faustum Manichaeum, 22. 69-76
Basil against Usury - Homilia in Psalmum XIV - (extracts, including most
of 1, first part of 2, part of 4 and whole of 5)
Canons of the Council of Elvira (c. 305)
Christians and the military - Augustine, Letter 189
Chrysostom (John) on Rich and Poor - Homily XXXIV on I Corinthians 13: 8
Clement of Alexandria: The Salvation of the Rich - Liber Quis Dives Salvetur,
Epistle to Diognetus: chapters 5-7
Gregory of Nazianzus on The Hospital of Basil - Oration 43,63
Gregory of Nyssa - On Slavery - Expositio in Ecclesiasten - beginning of
Homily IV
Gregory of Nyssa - Against Usury - Oratio Contra Usurarios (excerpts)
No Pagans in the Army - (from Codex Theodosianus)
Tertullian on Military Service
- De Corona, chapters 1, 11
and 12
Tertullian to his wife - Ad Uxorem, the whole of the first book
The Eucharist
Augustine Sermon on - Sermon 272
Chrysostom - Awe at the Eucharist - Homily 9 on Repentance
Cyprian - Wine mixed with water to be used - Epistle 63 to Caecilius (extracts)
In The Didache - Didache, chapters 7-10
In Irenaeus - Adversus Haereses, 4. 31 (Harvey edition)
In Justin - Apology, 1. 65-67
In Tertullian - De Corona, 3
Free Will and Grace
Augustine on Free Will - City of God, 22.30.3
Irenaeus on the Image and Likeness of God - Adversus Haereses, extracts
from books 3, 4 and 5
John Chrysostom on Free Will - from Homily 16 on Romans 9
Pelagius on Free Will - From Augustine, De Gratia Christi, 5
Pelagius - Letter and Confession of Faith to Innocent I (417)
Irenaeus on Basilides - Adversus Haereses, 1.19
God, understanding
nature of
Basil on God's Essence and Attributes - Letter 234
Clement of Alexandria on God's Ineffability - Stromateis, 5.12
The self-emptying of the Godhead - Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, 5.
Holy Spirit
Augustine on The Trinity and
The Holy Spirit from De Trinitate, 5.10.11 - 5.13.14; 15.17.30 - 15.17.31;
Augustine on The Trinity and The Holy Spirit and whether The Spirit proceeds
from The Father only or from The Father and The Son, from In Evangelium Ioannis tractatus, 99: 6 - 9
Basil on the Holy Spirit (1) - Conceptions about the Spirit which conform to the
teaching of the Scriptures.
De Spiritu Sancto 9, 22-23
Basil on the Holy Spirit (2) - Letter 159 - to Eupaterius and his daughter (c.
The Deity of the Holy Spirit -
Gregory of Nazianzus, Oration 31, 9-11, Theological Oration, 5
Heresy about the Holy Spirit - Athanasius, Ep. Ad Serapionem, 1.1
Ambrose and the synagogue in Callinicum - Ambrose, Letter 40
Christianity and Judaism - Ignatius, Magnesians 8-10
Ebionites - Irenaeus on - Adversus Haereses, 1.22
Ignatius - Romans, 5
Perpetua and Felicitas -
The Passion of Perpetua (Complete Greek and Latin Text)
Polycarp, The Martyrdom of - (The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna
The Military and War
Augustine and 'Just War' - Contra Faustum Manichaeum, 22. 69-76
Christians and the military - Augustine, Letter 189
No Pagans in the Army - from Codex Theodosianus
Rain in answer to Christian prayer - Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.
Tertullian on Military Service - De Corona, 1, 11 and 12
Ministry and Episcopacy
Augustine - On the Episcopate - City of God, 19. 19
Clement of Rome - I Clement, 40 - 42, 44
Cyprian - On the Unity of the Church - On the Unity of the Church, 4-6
Ignatius - Ministry and Sacraments - Smyrnaeans, 8
Irenaeus - On Tradition - Adversus Haereses, 3.2.1 - 3.4.2
Jerome - Letter 146 to Evangelus - about Deacons, Presbyters and
Dionysius of Rome - Against the Sabellians
Epiphanius on Sabellius - Adversus Haereses (Panarion), 62
Eusebius on the Two Theodoti - Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.28
See under Asceticism
Eusebius - Origins of Montanism - Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.16
Hippolytus - Montanist Prophets - Refutation of All Heresies, 8.19
Nativity of Christ
Etheria - Epiphany in Jerusalem - (Silviae Vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio
Ad Loca Sancta (chapter XXV))
Gregory of Nazianzus - Nativity Oration - Oratio, 38 (1-4, 13-18)
John Chrysostom - Homily on the birthday of Christ (a - There is something
which long ago patriarchs painfully longed for - about date of Christmas)
John Chrysostom - Homily on the birthday of Christ (b - I see a strange and
novel mystery)
John Chrysostom - Homily VI on Matthew 2: 1-2, about the
Magi, the star and Herod. The full homily.
John Chrysostom - Homily VII on Matthew 2, about the
Magi, the star and Herod (continued). The full homily.
John Chrysostom - Homily VIII on Matthew 2, about the Birth
of Christ, The Magi,
the flight into Egypt and the spiritual life of Christian women and men in the
Egyptian desert. The full homily.
John Chrysostom - Homily IX on Matthew 2, about the slaughter
of the innocents, the flight into Egypt, the return to Nazareth and the folly of
thinking too highly of noble lineage or wealth. The full homily.
Leo - Sermon XXVII (8th on the Nativity)
Protoevangelium of James (11-25)
Origenist Controversy
Jerome - Letter 33 to Paula (fragment of)
Jerome - Contra Joannem Hierosolymitanum, 7
Jerome - Letter 127 to Principia (after the death of Marcella)
Rufinus - Preface to Origen's De Principiis
Socrates defends Origen - Historia Ecclesiastica 6. 13
Paganism and Christianity
Augustine - Philosophy and Theology / Christianity and Pagan learning from De Doctrina Christiana (On Christian Doctrine), 40 (60, 61)
Basil on Greek Literature - Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek
Jerome - Ciceronian or Christian? - Jerome, Letter 22 to Eustochium,
section 30
Lucian - The Passing of Peregrinus, 11-14
Minucius Felius - Octavius - excerpts from chapters 5 - 12 (speech of
Origen - Celsus' Objections Against Christianity - various extracts from
Contra Celsum
(See also under "Christianity and Philosophy".)
Pelagius and Pelagianism
Augustine - Nature and Grace -
De Natura et Gratia, 3 - 6; a helpful summary of Augustine's doctrine of 'grace'.
Augustine - Pelagianism -
De Haeresibus , 88
Augustine - Pelagius' denial of Original Sin -
From Augustine, De Peccato Originali , 13
Canons of Carthage against Pelagianism (418) -
Canons against Pelagianism agreed at the Council of Carthage in 417 or 418
Julian of Eclanum - Baptism -
Liber I ad Turbantium, as found in Augustine, Contra Secundam Juliani Responsionem Imperfectum Opus, 1.53
Pelagius - On Free Will -
Quoted in Augustine, De Gratia Christi, 5
Pelagius - Letter to Demetrias -
Epistola ad Demetriadem, 16
Pelagius - Letter and Confession of Faith to Innocent I -
Sent in 417. The letter is reconstructed from fragments found in Augustine.
The Letter of the Council of Chalcedon to Leo
Flavian - Appeal to Leo following the Robber Council
Siricius - Decretal to Himerius about papal authority
Dio Cassius - Persecution under Domitian - Historia Romana, 67.14
Eusebius - The Neronian Persecution - Historia Ecclesiastica, 2.25
Hadrian's Rescript to Caius (Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 4.9 and
Latin from Rufinus' translation)
Lactantius - The beginning of persecution under Diocletian - Liber de
Mortibus Persecutorum, XI-XIII
Libellus of the Decian Persecution - (From June 250)
The Martyrdom of Alban - Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum,
The Martyrdom of Polycarp - The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna
The Passion of Perpetua - (Complete Greek and Latin Text)
Pliny's Letter to Trajan about how to deal with Christians (Letter 10.96
in Loeb 1915 edition)
Tacitus - Persecution under Nero (Annales ab excessu divi Augusti, 15.44)
Tertullian - The Blood of Christians is Seed (Apologeticus pro Christianis
(Apology), 48 - 50)
Trajan's Reply to Pliny (Letter 10.97 in Loeb 1915 edition)
Athanasius - 39th Festal Letter
Augustine - De Utilitate Credendi (On The Profit of Believing),
Augustine - on the Septuagint from De Civitate Dei
18. 41-43
Barnabas, Epistle of, 9.6-9 and 12.1-7
Eusebius - The Canon of the New Testament - Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.25
Eusebius - The Canonical Epistles - Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.3
Eusebius - Letter to Carpianus - about the Eusebian canon tables
Eusebius - Origen and OT Text - Historia Ecclesiastica, 6.16
Jerome -A guide is needed to understand Scripture - Letter 53 to Paulinus
(4-7 and 10)
Jerome - Latin Bible - Praefatio Hieronymi in Quatuor Evangelia
Jerome - Prefaces to his translations of the Psalms from the Greek and
the Hebrew
Jerome - Preface to the Books of Samuel and Kings (Helmeted)
Marcion's rejection of the Old Testament - Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses,
The Muratorian Canon
Origen - The Harmony of Scripture - Fragment on Matthew from The
Origen - Parabolic Element in Scripture - De Principiis, 4. 16
Origen - Understanding Scripture - De Principiis, 4. 11-13
Gregory of Nyssa - On Slavery - Expositio in Ecclesiasten - beginning
of Homily IV
Oration 4, Contra Julianum 1, chapters 59, 60, 71 and 124 (references
to Theosis)
Irenaeus - The Rule of Faith - Adversus Haereses, 1.2-3
Irenaeus - On Tradition - Adversus Haereses, 3.2.1 - 3.4.2
Tertullian - On Tradition - De Praescriptione Haereticorum, 20, 21 and 32
The Trinity
Athanasius - Tomus ad Antiochenos, 3 - 7
Augustine on the Trinity - De Trinitate, 9.1-5
Basil - Ousia and Hypostasis - Letter, 236.6
Dionysius of Alexandria - From Athanasius, De Sententia Dionysii, 14 (end
of) - 18
Dionysius of Rome - Letter Against The Sabellians
Gregory of Nazianzus - The Holy Spirit - Oration 31, 9-11, Theological
Oration, 5
Hilary of Poitiers - De Trinitate Libri Duodecim, 12.52 and 57
Novatian - De Trinitate, 31
Tertullian - Three Persons, One Substance - Adversus Praxean, 2-3
Tertullian - The Word and Wisdom of God - Adversus Praxean, 6-7
See also under 'Arius' and 'creeds'