Latest Updates Information                                Click here for a complete list of texts on this site.


Navigate to the site's original language texts by using the Texts or Themes menus from the site homepage or any of the main text pages.


March 1st 2025

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added:
Eusebius of Nicomedia - Letter to Paulinus of Tyre, from Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.5 (or 6). MigneGreek text, NPNF translation.


January 28th 2025

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added:
Tertullian, Adversus Praxean vi-vii, on Wisdom and the Word of God - Migne Latin text, ANF translation.


December 31st 2024

Bibliographies have been added or extended for Caesarius of Arles and Julian of Eclanum.
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added for Didymus the Blind, Julian of Eclanum and Victorinus of Pettau.


December 1st 2024

Two new on-site texts with translation alongside have been added:
Palladius, Historia Lausiaca IV, on Didymus the Blind - Cuthbert Butler Greek text, Lowther Clarke translation.
De Viris Illustribus, Section 109, on Didymus the Blind - Migne Latin text, NPNF translation.


September 14th 2024

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Oration 4, Contra Julianum 1, chapters 59, 60, 71 and 124 (references to Theosis). C. W. King translation.
A new bibliography page on the theme of Theosis has also been added.


May 7th 2024

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Basil of Caesarea, De Spiritu Sancto, 9, 22-23. Migne Greek text. NPNF translation. Conceptions about the Spirit which conform to the teaching of the Scriptures.


February 12th 2024

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: From The Philocalia of Origen, a fragment from the Commentary on Matthew (On Matthew: 5.9).Greek text from J. A. Robinson, The Philocalia of Origen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1893 and George Lewis translation (1911). The theme is the harmony of Scripture.


January 6th 2024

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: The full Greek text of John Chrysostom's 9th homily on Matthew's gospel has been uploaded, with an English translation alongside prepared by The Revd Andrew Maguire. The homily is about the slaughter of the innocents, the flight into Egypt, the return to Nazareth and the folly of thinking too highly of noble lineage or wealth. The Frederick Field edition of the Greek text is used and there is also a link to the results of some research on Field carried out by Andrew Maguire.


December 20th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: The full Greek text of John Chrysostom's 8th homily on Matthew's gospel has been uploaded, with an English translation alongside prepared by The Revd Andrew Maguire. The homily is about the Birth of Christ, The Magi, the flight into Egypt and the spiritual life of Christian women and men in the Egyptian desert. The Frederick Field edition of the Greek text is used and there is also a link to the results of some research on Field carried out by Andrew Maguire.


November 13th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Sulpicius Severus, De Vita Martini, 3, describing how Martin shared his cloak.


November 10th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Rufinus, Preface to Origen's De Principiis, as found in Jerome, Letter 80.


October 6th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Jerome, Letter 127 to Principia, following the death of Marcella.


August 20th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Athanasius, Tomus ad Antiochenos, 3 - 7, the letter sent from the Council of 362 to the Church in Antioch.
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added for the works of Marcellus of Ancyra.


July 5th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Augustine, De Diversis Quaestionibus Octoginta Tribus, 46, on the theme of Plato's Forms / Ideas.

April 11th 2023

A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added: Justin, Apology, 2.10, on the theme of Christ and Socrates.

February 18th 2023

The full Greek text of John Chrysostom's 7th homily on Matthew's gospel has been uploaded, with an English translation alongside prepared by The Revd Andrew Maguire. The Frederick Field edition of the Greek text is used and there is also a link to the results of some research on Field carried out by Andrew Maguire.

A new bibliography page has been added - Nemesius of Emesa.

January 2nd 2023
A significant update has been made to one of the on-site texts on the website.  The full Greek text of John Chrysostom's 6th homily on Matthew's gospel can now be found, with an English translation alongside prepared by The Revd Andrew Maguire. The Frederick Field edition of the Greek text is used and there is also a link to the results of some research on Field carried out by Andrew Maguire.


November 15th 2022
A new on-site text with translation alongside has been added from Augustine, In Evangelium Ioannis tractatus, on the theme of The Holy Spirit and The Trinity and whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father only or from the Father and the Son.
In Evangelium Ioannis tractatus, 99: 6 - 9


August 20th 2022

New on-site texts with translation alongside have been added from Augustine, De Trinitate, on the theme of The Holy Spirit and The Trinity.
De Trinitate, 5.10.11 - 5.13.14; 15.17.30 - 15.17.31; 15.19.37
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added to the works of Synesius of Cyrene on the site's Synesius of Cyrene pages.


April 18th 2022

The Greek text for the paschal homily attributed to John Chrysostom has been updated and a new translation by the webmaster uploaded.
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added to the works of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the site's Theodore of Mopsuestia pages.


February 16th 2022

A new on-site text has been added:- John of Antioch, Letter to Cyril about Peace.


January 26th 2022

New pages have been created with links to original language texts of Dionysius Exiguus and Marius Mercator.


December 14th 2021

A new page has been created with links to Greek and Latin texts of Eusebius of Dorylaeum. There is also a page with a link to one English translation.


December 7th 2021

A new on-site text has been added: The Resolution of the "Conciliabulum" at Ephesus in 431 presided over by John of Antioch.


October 23rd 2021

A new bibliography page has been added - Women in Early Christianity.


September 1st 2021

There is now an option for institutions to have a subscription based on "referral url" access. This means that users “coming from a particular domain” are given access to the site. The system seems to work well, but this way of access will only be given to subscribing institutions where access to the “referring domain” is restricted to the institution’s authorised users.

Clavis Patrum numbers have been added to the works of Theodoret in the Theodoret section of the site. There are now more extensive links to his works including the letters.


June 14th 2021

A new on-site text has been added: Gregory Thaumaturgus, The Oration and Panegyric addressed to Origen (In Origenem Oratio Panegyrica), extracts from 6 and 13.


April 12th 2021

Work has been completed on downloadable "Word" versions of the on-site original language text extracts. They are now available for all on-site texts.

A new general introduction to the website video has been uploaded reflecting the significant updates to the site over the last two or three years.

Clavis Patrum numbers have been added on the off-site original language text pages for Clement of Alexandria and Rufinus. The site search engine can be used to find pages containing specific Clavis numbers.


February 1st 2021

Work has been progressing on adding downloadable "Word" versions of the on-site original language text extracts. Download links can be found on the site pages for all texts under the top of the screen "Horizontal" Texts menu for entries beginning A (Ambrose) to J (Jerome). By Friday 12th February John Chrysostom, Julian of Eclanum, Julian (emperor) and Justin Martyr should also be included.

A new video has been uploaded about using the website for studying early Christian writings relating to Scripture. See under horizontal menu Home etc./Video Guides to site/Using the Site for Biblical Studies.


November 28th 2020

Publicly available bibliography pages have been added for Ausonius, Ennodius and Prudentius.
On the subscription version of the site pages have also been added for Ausonius, Ennodius and Prudentius with links to scanned version of Latin texts (Clavis Patrum numbers included) and translations where found.


November 9th 2020

Over the past three months:
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added for the works of Cyril of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea.
Work has been completed on adding links for the extensive list of authors on the site menu system to the relevant Clavis Patrum entry at the Clavis Patrum @ Brepols website.
A new on-site text has been added: Eusebius of Caeasarea, Letter to Carpianus about the Eusebian canon tables.


July 2020

During the month Clavis Patrum numbers have been added for the work of Epiphanius, Socrates and Sozomen. Work is almost complete on adding to the site menu system Clavis Patrum information for Greek writers of the fourth century. These updates apply to the subscription version of the site. A new bibliography page for Councils of the third to fifth centuries has been added for both the subscription and the publicly available versions of the site.


June 29th 2020

Work has been continuing on adding entries to the menu system for links to information at Clavis Clavium (Brepols). Links have mow been added for 3rd century writers. So the extensive list of writers featuring in the menu system for the first three centuries now have links to the wealth of information on texts at Clavis Clavium.


June 24th 2020

A new on-site text has been added. Gregory of Nyssa, the first part of Homily IV on Ecclesiastes on the theme of slavery.
A new bibliography page has been added with book about slavery in the early Christian world.


May 1st 2020

A new on-site text has been added. Gregory Nazianzen, Oration 43, 63 (In Laudem Basilii Magni) in which Gregory describes the hospital set up by Basil and the care it offers.
Several Google Books links for off-site texts have been updated.
Links to information at Clavis Clavium (Brepols) have been added on the site menu system for the majority of writers featured for the first and second centuries.


February 4th 2020

A new on-site text has been added. Extracts from Theodoret, Eranistes, relating to the Person of Christ.
A text with dictionary look-up links and a carefully prepared printable version.


December 18th 2019

The site sample text has been updated to a passage on Matthew chapter from the Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus Imperfectum).

This update relates to the subscription version of the site.
A link has been added to the CSEL Latin text of Arnobius, Adversus Nationes
Entries have been added on the site menu system for the Clavis Clavium entries for Alexander of Jerusalem, Anatolius of Alexandria, Aristides and John Chrysostom.


November 19th 2019

This update relates to the subscription version of the site.
A link has been added to the CSEL Latin text of Minucius Felix, Octavius
A new page has been added with links to Greek and Latin texts (Labbe & Cossart, Mansi, ACO) of the Council of Chalcedon, and associated documents.


October 3rd 2019

This update relates to the subscription version of the site.
Clavis Patrum numbers have been entered for the works of Athanasius in Migne volumes and in the Abridged Thesaurus Linguae Graecae which includes a significant number of the works of Athanasius. These numbers are "searchable" through the site search facility - e.g. CPG 2090.
(People need to register at TLG - free at - in order to see the works in the Abridged TLG.)
In the course of doing this update:-
- relevant works have been added to the books of the Bible pages - Acts, Hebrews, Job, John, Luke, Matthew, Psalms, Song of Songs;
- on the Migne volumes pages links have been added to works of Athanasius in the "Athanasius Werke" series which were the earliest to be published and where they have been found available at
A link to the Clavis Clavium entry for Athanasius has been added to the subscription site menu system.


September 13th 2019

The sample text on the website has been updated (to coincide with the Feast Day of John Chrysostom) to Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica, V. 34 (the exile and last days of John Chrysostom).

September 5th 2019

Clavis numbers have been added for the works of Sulpicius Severus - CPL 0474 - 0477 on the subscription version of the site.

Now that Brepols have introduced Clavis Clavium as an "Open Access" online facility links will gradually be added to the Early Church Texts menu system relative to writers. This has been done so far for the Cappadocian Fathers, Basil and the two Gregorys.


November 4th 2017

Work completed in recent weeks at Early Church Texts includes:
Clavis Patrum numbers have been added for the works of Jerome and Gregory of Nyssa (so that Clavis Patrum numbers are now in place for the works of all three Cappadocian fathers).
Links have been added (for writings of Jerome) to CSEL volumes in the public domain (Letters and Commentary on Jerome) and Morin volumes (several scripture related works not in Migne).
Separate pages have been created for Jerome's prefaces to biblical books and also for his translations of the works of other writers.
A bibliography has been added for Jerome Latin text volumes in the Corpus Christianorum, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum and Sources Chrétiennes series
Links have been added to the works of Paulus Orosius in Migne and CSEL volumes in the public domain.
A section has been added for Fortunatianus of Aquileia and particularly his recently discovered Commentary on the Gospels.


August 19th 2017

Updates have been made to the Gregory Thaumaturgus section of the subscription website. The Clavis Patrum numbers have been added against the names of work in the Migne Patrologia volumes. These should now show up in site searches.


December 20th 2016


Updates have been made to the Gregory Nazianzen section of the subscription website. The Clavis Patrum numbers have been added against the names of work in the Migne Patrologia volumes. These should now show up in site searches. In the bibliographies both on the publicly available and subscription versions of the site details have been added (with some links to Amazon) for Gregory Nazianzen volumes in the Corpus Christianorum and Sources Chrétiennes series.


November 10th 2016


EZProxy Server Compatibility
It had been drawn to my attention that the site has not been working correctly on EZproxy servers used by some libraries and universitities for their subscription based resources. This issue should now have been addressed and it is hoped that the site is now fully compatible with this environment. Other users should not notice any difference.

The Epistle of Barnabas
On the subscription version of the Early Church Texts website it is now possible to read the full Greek text of the Epistle of Barnabas(one of the writings included in the "Apostolic Fathers") with dictionary lookup links and an English translation alongside. The version used is the Kirsopp Lake edition.


October 28th 2016


The sample text has been updated to two Maximus of Turin's (5th century bishop) sermons on Zacchaeus.


October 10th 2016


Site Search Engine

Significant work has been done on the search engine facility at Early Church Texts.

With the expansion of the site over the last couple of years to include links to a huge number of complete patristic works it seemed the right time to place the search facility on a much wider variety of pages.  So the search box is now included on all the pages with links to complete texts as well as on the pages with "on-site" text extracts.

It is hoped that this will be useful, particularly bearing in mind the goal (which may take a little while to achieve) of adding the Clavis Patrum numbers alongside the titles and links for works. Eventually it will be possible to enter, say
and the result will come up with the pages containing Ambrose's Hexaemeron (CPL number 0123).
Actually this result will already come up, but, in time, it is hoped that a very wide range of works will be included.
Care has been taken to ensure that the search engine will identify the presence of numbers from 0001 to 9999 on any page.

The authors whose works (at least those to which there are links on the site) can be searched for through Clavis number are currently:-
Ambrose, Augustine, Cyprian, Hilary of Poitiers, John Chrysostom and Tertullian.

Updates will be given as the list grows.


John Chrysostom

Work has been completed on adding links at Early Church Texts to the scanned text in the Migne Patrologia volumes (PG 47 - 64) for the works of John Chrysostom. There should be individual links to all the works listed in the Migne index of Clavis Patrum Graecorum. The Clavis Patrum reference number has also been included for each work which means that it is now possible to use the site search engine (or search on the main John Chrysostom Greek texts page) to locate a work by its Clavis Patrum number.

The site should now be even more useful for those studying the works of Chrysostom.  It has:-
- links to the scanned Migne texts (alongside which English translations can be viewed where they have been found)
- links to texts at Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (where many Chrysostom Migne texts can be found in the free Abridged TLG)
- links to the eight volumes of the Savile edition of the works of John Chrysostom
- links to the Field editions of Chrysostom (homilies on Matthew and the Pauline epistles including Hebrews)

For many of the homilies on biblical texts (gospels of Matthew and John and letters of Paul including Hebrews) there are links to the individual homilies with a facility for viewing an English translation alongside.

The relevant links and Clavis Patrum numbers have also been included on the pages for biblical commentaries and homilies.


May 2nd 2016

A number of recently published books have been added to the site bibliographies.
The sample text has been updated to:- Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John, Book 9 (on John 13:34 - The New Commandment)


April 10th 2016

Significant work has been carried out on the Origen section of the website (subscription version). There are now links to the Greek texts (scanned versions) contained in the series:-
Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller - Origenes Werke
This is in addition to the existing links to the editions of Origen contained in Migne.

Information has also been added about the Clavis numbers of each of these works in the Clavis Patrum Graecorum. This means that it is possible to search for the works through the site search engine using the Clavis numbers - e.g. CPG 1453 (use "Phrase Search" - putting CPG 1453 in brackets) for the Commentary on John.

The Scripture related texts have also been included in the site's Scripture index pages.

The works concerned in the GCS series (some were already included, but all the Bible related texts have now been added) are:-

GCS 2. Origenes Werke I. (1. Aufl. 1899: Paul Koetschau)
On Martyrdom
Against Celsus 1-4

GCS 3. Origenes Werke II. (1. Aufl. 1899: Paul Koetschau)
Against Celsus 5-8
De Oratione

GCS 6. Origenes Werke III. (1. Aufl. 1901:Erich Klostermann; 2. Aufl. 1983: Pierre Nautin)
Homilies on Jeremiah
Fragments on Lamentations
De engastrimytho (= Homilia in i Reg. [i Sam.] 28.3-25)
Fragmenta in librum primum Regnorum (in catenis)
Fragment from 1 Samuel

GCS 10. Origenes Werke IV. (1. Aufl. 1903: Erwin Preuschen)
Commentarii in evangelium Joannis (lib. 19, 20, 28, 32)
Fragmenta in evangelium Joannis (in catenis)

GCS 22. Origenes Werke V. (1. Aufl. 1913: Paul Koetschau)
(De Principiis survives mainly in Latin.)
De Principiis 1-4

GCS 29. Origenes Werke VI. Homilien zum Hexateuch (1. Aufl. 1920: W. A. Baehrens)
(The following homilies on the "Hexateuch" survive primarily in Latin.)
Homilies on Genesis
Homilies on Exodus
Homilies on Leviticus

GCS 30. Origenes Werke VII. Homilien zum Hexateuch (1. Aufl. 1921: W. A. Baehrens)
Homilies on Numbers
Homilies on Joshua
Homilies on Judges

GCS 33. Origenes Werke VIII. (1. Aufl. 1925: W. A. Baehrens)
Homily on 1 Samuel I, 2 (translated into Latin by Rufinus)
Prologue to the Song of Songs (Latin)
Homilies on the Song of Songs - 2 in number (translated into Latin by Jerome)
Libri X on the Song of Songs - including prologue (translated into Latin by Rufinus)
Homilies on Isaiah (translated into Latin by Jerome)
Homilies on Jeremiah (translated into Latin by Jerome)
Homilies on Ezekiel fourteen in number, with prologue (translated into Latin by Jerome)

GCS 35. Origenes Werke IX. (1. Aufl. 1931: Max Rauer; 2. Aufl. s. GCS 49)
Homiliae in Lucam (translated into Latin by Jerome)
Commentarii in Lucam (fragmenta)

GCS 38. Origenes Werke XI. (1. Aufl. 1933: Erich Klostermann / Ernst Benz; 2. Aufl. 1976: Ursula Treu)
Commentarii in Matthaeum. Commentariorum series - in Latin on Matthew 22, 34 - 27, 63)

GCS 40. Origenes Werke X. (1. Aufl. 1935: Erich Klostermann/Ernst Benz)
Commentarii in Matthaeum. Libri X-XVII - (Greek text on Matthew 13, 36 - 22,33 together with Versio latina antiqua on Matthew 16, 13 - 22, 23)

GCS 41/1 Origenes Werke XII. Commentarius in Matthaeum III,1 (1. Aufl. 1941: Erich Klostermann/Ernst Benz)
GCS 41/2 Origenes Werke XII. Commentarius in Matthaeum III,2 (1. Aufl. 1955: ErichKlostermann / Ludwig Früchtel; 2. Aufl. 1968: Ursula Treu)
Commentarii in Matthaeum - Fragmenta
A. Zitate altchristlicher Scrhftsteller
B. Fragmente aus Katenen (572 fragments)
C. Die Homilien aus dem Homiliar Karls des Großen
This volume also contains indices.

Mention is made of
GCS 49. Origenes Werke IX. Homiliae in Lucam (1. Aufl. 1931: s. GCS 35; 2. Aufl. 1959: Max Rauer)
This volume is still in copyright and so it is not possible to include links to the text on the website.


April 9th 2016

The sample text has been updated to:-
Augustine - Tractate 123 on John (Breakfast by the lake)


March 16th 2016

Significant work has been done on the Tertullian section of the subscription version of the website.
1. Links have been added to all the Tertullian Latin texts in the out of copyright Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum volumes.
2. Information is also given about Tertullian volumes in CCSL (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina), CSEL (including those still in copyright) and Sources Chrétiennes.
3. The Clavis Patrum Latinorum numbers have been added against all the works

The sample off-site text (publicly available) has been updated to:-
Origen - Commentary on Matthew, tom. 16: 14-18 - on Matthew 21: 1-9. This is a fascinating passage, as we approach Palm Sunday, about the donkey and the colt and the entry into Jerusalem.

All texts in the off-site sample texts archive have now been integrated into the site menu system.


February 29th 2016

Significant work has been done on the Ambrose section of the subscription version of the website.
1. Links have been added on the Ambrose pages to the scanned text of Ambrose's works in "out of copyright" Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastorum Latinorum (CSEL) volumes. An indication is also given of the works which are contained in CSEL volumes which are still in copyright.
2. Works in Corpus Christianorum Series Latina volumes are also indicated and there is a full list of CSEL and CCSL Ambrose volumes.
3. The Clavis Patrum Latinorum numbers have been added against all the works and a list has been added of Ambrose's works (including dubia and spuria) listed in CPL but not in the Migne Patrologia volumes.


February 8th 2016

Significant work has been done on the Augustine section of the subscription version of the website.
1. Links have been added to the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastorum Latinorum (CSEL) scanned text where the relevant volumes are out of copyright (in addition to the existing links to the Migne text).
2. For the authentic works of Augustine the Clavis Patrum Latinorum (CPL) numbers have been added.
3. Information has been added about Latin texts in the Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (CCSL) volumes and in the CSEL volumes which are still in copyright.


January 29th 2016

Bibliographies have been added for Baptism, Christology, Christianity and Rome, Paganism and Christianity, The Trinity.

Texts by Augustine and Chrysostom in the off-site sample texts archive have been integrated into the site menu system.


January 17th 2016

The sample text has been updated to Jerome: De Viris Illustribus, Section 100 on Hilary of Poitiers (publicly available).

Work has been done on the Cyprian and Hilary of Poitiers bibliography pages (publicly available). Information has been added about original language texts published by Brepols (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina) and Sources Chrétiennes.

On the Cyprian and Hilary of Poitiers pages with links to off-site original language texts links have been added to works in the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum series in volumes 3 (parts 1, 2 and 3), 22 and 65. In many instances the Clavis Patrum number has also been added against individual works (subscription site only).


December 24th 2015

The sample text has been updated to Augustine: Sermons for the Feast of the Nativity. Migne, PL, Vol. XXXVIII, cols. 995 ff.


December 15th 2015

The sample text has been updated to Irenaeus on Luke chapter 1 - Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Adversus Haereses - Harvey edition - Tom. II, p. 32


November 29th 2015

The sample text has been updated to The Martyrdom of Andrew - Migne, PG, Vol.II, col. 1217 ff. Acta et Martyrium S. Andreae Apostoli

A new bibliography page has been added on the Apostolic Fathers.


November 23rd 2015

A new English translation has been added to the website: The Martyrdom of Clement based on the conclusion of the second epitome in Dressel, Alberti Rud. Max. Clementinorum Epitomae Duae: Altera Edita Correctior, Inedita Altera Nunc Primum Integra Ex Codicibus Romanis Et Excerptis Tischendorfianis (Lipsiae 1873)


November 8th 2015

A new "on-site" text has been uploaded to the website: Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis, I, I, 11 - a brief passage where Clement talks about himself and his writing.  But he does not give a lot away and leaves us thinking!


October 13th 2015

Further work has been done on the Peter Chrysologus section of the website. All the sermons are now individually indexed and this work has also been integrated into the Scripture section of the website where the books of the Bible are listed separately with commentaries and homilies on each book by patristic writers.

The John Chrysostom bibliography has been expanded with information about published critical editions of Greek texts.


September 23rd 2015

Links are now in place to the Greek text of all the homilies on Matthew and the Epistles of Paul contained in the Frederick Field 19th century editions. The homilies (340 in total) are individually indexed and there are also links to English translations.

Bibliographies have been added for Theophilus of Alexandria, Theophilus of Antioch and Christianity and Judaism.

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Pontius, The Life and Passion of Cyprian.

The site has been transferred to a new host (TSOHost) and all seems to be working well so far.


August 20th 2015

Bibliographies have been added for Arius/Arianism, Asceticism and Monasticism, Ephrem the Syrian, and Socrates.

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Augustine, Tractate 25 on John 6.


July 25 2015

Work has been completed on the "on-site" text pages for adding links to scanned versions of the complete original language texts (and translations where available).

A bibliography for Ignatius has been added.


June 25 2015

Significant work has implemented and will continue to make the website more "friendly" for mobile devices.  This includes a "restyling" of the homepages.
Added to Cyril of Alexandria bibliography: Crawford, Matthew R. Cyril of Alexandria’s Trinitarian Theology of Scripture. Oxford Early Christian Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014
Two new bibliography pages have been added: Constantine, and "Gnosticism and Apocryphal Gospels".
The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Augustine: Sermon 63 on Matthew 8: 23-27 (Calming the Storm).


May 23rd 2015

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Ambrose: De Spiritu Sancto, Book 1, Chapters 13-16.
Links have been added on the on-site Optatus text page to the complete Latin text and translation of his De Schismate Donatistarum.
Links have been added on the on-site Pelagius text pages to scanned versions of the complete Migne Latin text, together with English translations (where found).
Links have been added on the on-site Pliny and Trajan pages to a scanned edition of the Loeb edition of all Pliny's correspondence (Latin with English alongside).
Links have been added on the on-site Pseudo-Macarius text page to scanned versions of the complete Migne Greek text of the homilies and the Mason 1921 SPCK English translation.


May 14th 2015

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Augustine: Sermon 262 - On the Ascension.
The previous sample text (from 11th May) has been moved to the archive page of sample texts. Palladius: Lausiac History, chapter 32 on Pachomius.
Links have been added on the on-site Lucian text page to the complete Greek text and translation of his Passing of Peregrinus.
Links have been added on the on-site Minucius Felix text page to the complete Latin text and translation of his Octavius.
Links have been added on the on-site Novatian text page to the complete Latin text and translation of his De Trinitate.


April 25th 2015

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to has been updated to Basil of Seleucia: Oration 26 on "I am the Good Shepherd"..


April 4th 2015

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to has been updated to Gregory of Nazianzus: Second Oration on Easter. This is Gregory's last sermon and a profound reflection on Easter and the Gospel.


March 17th 2015

A bibliography on Martyrdom and Persecution has been added. It is hoped to add more such "thematic" bibliographies.


February 10th 2015

A new on-site text has been added to the website: Rufinus - Prologus in Libros Historiarum Eusebii.

Links have been added on the on-site text Codex Theodosianus to the complete Latin text of Codex Theodosianus.
Links have been added on the on-site Etheria (Egeria) text pages to the complete Latin text and translation of Silviae Vel Potius Aetheriae Peregrinatio Ad Loca Sancta.
Links have been added on the on-site Hilary of Poitiers text pages to the complete Latin text and translation of his De Trinitate.
Links have been added on the on-site Leo text pages to the complete Latin text and translations (where available) of his sermons and letters.
Links have been added on the on-site Rufinus text pages to the complete Latin text and English translation of Historia Ecclesiastica and Commentarius in Symbolum Apostolurum.


January 29th 2015

Significant work has been done on adding links to Frederick Field's editions of the homilies of John Chrysostom on Matthew and the Pauline Epistles, including Hebrews. These volumes, published between 1839 and 1862, are good and clearly printed editions of the Greek text. Field was a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and a priest at Reepham in Norfolk. Links to scanned versions of the text have been incorporated into the relevant Chrysostom pages on the subscription version of the website.

There are three volumes (out of ten) which it has not been possible to find online - all in the Pauline Epistles series:-
Volume 2 - 1 Corinthians
Volume 4 - Galatians and Ephesians
Volume 7 - Hebrews

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, VII. 45. The passages describes the events of 27th January 438 (around 30 years after John Chrysostom's death death)  when the remains of Chrysostom were returned to Constantinople with some ceremony. There is the original Greek text, an English translation and a facility for seeing the two alongside each other.

Links have been added on the on-site text Dio Cassius page to the complete text and translation of books 61 - 70 of  Historia Romana.
Links have been added on the on-site text Dionysius of Alexandria page to the complete text and translation of Athanasius' De Sententia Dionysii.
Links have been added on the on-site text Dionysius of Rome page to the complete text and translation of Athanasius' De Decretis.

January 17th 2015

Links have been added on the menu system for 1 and 2 Esdras, Odes (Septuagint Book of), Odes of Solomon, Prayer of Azariah, Prayer of Manasseh, Psalm 151, Psalms of Solomon, Susanna.

Links have been added under on-site Cassian pages and entries to the complete text and translation of De Coenobiorum Institutis Libri Duodecim.

A bibliography for Marcion has been added.  Also added to bibliographies were:-
Allen, Pauline (2013), John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians (Society of Biblical Literature: Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
Hofer, Andrew O.P. (2013), Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
Levering, Matthew (2013), The Theology of Augustine: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works (Baker Academic)


January 8th 2015

A new on-site text has been added to the website: John Chrysostom - In Diem Natalem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (sections 1 and 2 from PG Vol. 49, col. 351 ff.) This is the homily in which Chrysostom argues for 25th December being the date of Christ's birth.

Links have been added to the Migne Greek text for each of the 90 homilies of John Chrysostom on Matthew (scanned text at Google Books and also the text at abridged Thesaurus Linguae Graecae).

Links have been added under on-site Bede pages and entries to the complete text and translation of Ecclesiastical History of the English People.


December 22nd 2014

A new on-site text has been uploaded to the site - John Chrysostom - Homily on the birthday of Christ (Migne Greek text from PG Vol. 56, col. 385. Bryson Sewell translation).


December 15th 2014

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to Origen's Homily 8 on Luke. This is about the Magnificat in Luke 1: 46-51. The translation is a Google Books Preview from the Fathers of the Church series. It is also possible to view translations of some of the homilies on the nativity. The homilies on Luke survive in Jerome's Latin translation.

Further links to the text of apocryphal books have been added on the subscription website: Additions to Esther, Epistle of Jeremiah,1, 2, 3 and 4 Maccabees.


December 8th 2014

A new on-site text has been added to the website:- Jerome's "Helmeted" preface to the books of Samuel and Kings.
This interesting text sheds light on Jerome's views about the books to be included in the Old Testament Scriptures and also on his work as a translator.


November 18th 2014

Further links have been added on the Early Church Website to the text (original language and English translation) of and background information on some apocryphal books on which there are patristic commentaries or homilies.

See on the menu system (left hand vertical menu) for:-


Links to the text of further apocryphal books will be added shortly.

The sample text (publicly available) has been updated to John Chrysostom's Homily 79 on Matthew (chapter 25: 31-41) - the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, which is the Revised Common Lectionary reading for this coming Sunday.

Work has also been done on updating some of the site's guide pages and making them a little more easily accessible. See under the top menu "Home etc. / Guide to site's main features".


November 11th 2014

A new on-site text has been added to the website:-
Augustine on the Septuagint from City of God, XVIII. 41-43.

Augustine gives valuable information about the background to this Greek translation of the Old Testament and the esteem in which it was held by the Christians of his day.

The sample text on the Early Church Texts Website has been updated to:-
Chrysostom's homily 78 on Matthew (25.1-30)


November 3rd 2014


During the month of November a significant part of any individual subscription taken out at the Early Church Texts Website will be passed on to the UK Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for the Ebola Crisis - $14 from standard subscription, $7 from student subscription, $2 from a trial 3 day subscription and $12 from any $25 to convert to a year's standard subscription.


October 30th 2014

Significant work has been done on adding links to biblical texts. This update applies to the subscription version of the site.

On the left hand vertical menu entries have been added for links to the text of:

Old Testament Books
Hebrew (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Kittel)
Greek (Rahlfs and Swete)
Latin (Vulgate)
Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English alongside each other

New Testament Books
Greek (NA28, UBS 5, Westcott and Hort, Textus Receptus)
Latin (Vulgate)
Greek, Latin and English alongside each other

On the site pages with links to commentaries and homilies on each book of the Bible links to the same versions of the biblical text have been added. So it is now possible, for each book of the Bible, easily to find links both to the biblical text and also patristic commentaries and homilies on the the text.

The sample text on the Early Church Texts website has been updated to:-
Leo - Sermon 95 on The Beatitudes: Matthew 5: 1-9.

Links to complete available original language texts (scanned at have been added for Apollinaris and Aristides (with links to translations also for Aristides).


October 13th 2014

A new on-site text has been uploaded: Jerome's Prefaces to his Latin translation of the Psalm from both the Greek and the Hebrew.

Links to complete texts in Migne (or Loeb for Julian) and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of  Julian.

Roger Pearse mentioned a Pseudo-Chrysostom sermon translated by Adam McCollum.
Links have been added on the Chrysostom pages of the website (see sermon "De Salute Animae").


September 30th 2014

Links to complete texts in Migne (or Hippolytus Werke for Hippolytus) and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of  Hippolytus, Lactantius and Vincent of Lérins.

The site sample text has been updated to:- Augustine, Sermon 90 on Matthew 22. 1-14.

Added to site bibliographies with links to Amazon:-
Hillar M. (2013), From Logos to Trinity: The Evolution of Religious Beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian (Cambridge University Press)
Behr J. (2013), Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity (Christian Theology in Context) (Oxford University Press)
Boersma H. (2013), Embodiment and Virtue in Gregory of Nyssa: An Anagogical Approach (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
Hooker M. (2014), Origen of Alexandria: Exegetical Works on Ezekiel (Ancient Texts in Translation 2) (Chieftan Publishing)
Hildebrand S. M. (2014), Basil of Caesarea (Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality) (Baker Academic)
Guarino T. G (2013), Vincent of Lérins and the Development of Christian Doctrine (Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality) (Baker Academic)

Added links to Bryson Sewell's translation of Severian of Gabala's De Spiritu Sancto.



September 22nd 2014

Links to complete text in Migne (or Hussey for Sozomen) and and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of  Sozomen and Theodoret.

A new on-site text has been uploaded: John Chrysostom Homily 9 on repentance, with an English translation by the webmaster.

The site sample text has been updated to:- John Chrysostom, Homily 7 on Philippians (on chapter 2, verses 5 - 11)

Links have been added on appropriate pages to the recently published translation in the "The Complete Works of Augustine in English" series:-
Paffenroth K., Teske R. SJ, and Campbell M. OSA (2014), New Testament I & II (1/15 & 1/16) Includes: Sermon on the Mount, Agreement among the Evangelists, Questions on the Gospels, Seventeen Questions on Matthew.


September 9th 2014

Links to complete text in Migne and and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of  Jerome and John Chrysostom.

The site sample text has been updated to:- Augustine, Sermo LXXXIII (On the words of the Gospel, Matt. xviii. 21, “How oft shall my brother sin against me,” etc.)


August 30th 2014

Links to complete texts in Harvey or Migne and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of  Irenaeus.

Pages have been created so that the original language pages and translation pages for the scripture index can be viewed separately. These can be viewed through the vertical side menu under B / BF - BZ / Bible Commentaries...

Significant work has been done on the Severian of Gabala pages and the works (in Migne PG and Savile) attributed to Severian in Clavis Patrum Graecorum, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and Quasten Patrology are now all included, along with links to some translations by Bryson Sewell.

The scripture related works of the following writers have been added to the site Scriptural index: Cyprian of Gaul, Lactantius, Macarius (Pseudo), Marcellus of Ancyra, Methodius of Olympus, Nonnus of Panopolis, Paulinus of Milan, Pelagius, Peter I of Alexandria, Philo of Carpasius, Potamius of Lisbon, Rufinus, Salonius, Severian of Gabala, Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, Theodore of Heraclea, Theodotus of Ancyra, Titus of Bostra, Valerian of Cimiez, Victorinus of Pettau, Zeno of Verona.

With Methodius of Olympus and Pseudo-Macarius it has also been made easier to view the Greek and translation alongside each other.

A link to a translation of Paulinus' life of Ambrose has been added.

A bibliography page has been added for Maximus of Turin and it has been noted that, later, further work needs to be done on his sermons, some of which could also be added to the site scriptural index.



August 14th 2014

The scripture related works of the following writers have been added to the site Scriptural index:  Diodore of Tarsus, Dionysius of Alexandria, Eucherius of Lyons, Eusebius of Emesa, Eustathius of Antioch, Euthalius the Deacon, Flavius Lucius Dexter, Fulgentius of Ruspe, Gaudentius of Brescia, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Hegesippus, Heracleon, Julian of Eclanum, Julius Africanus, Leo

Work has also been done to make it easier to view translations of Dionysius and Julius Africanus alongside the original.

Links to complete texts in Migne and translations where available have been added to the onsite text pages of Cyril of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nyssa and Socrates.

Links have been added to the site's main menu system for viewing commentaries, homilies etc. by writers of the first five centuries on all biblical books. (See under left-hand side vertical menu: B / BF - BZ / Bible Commentaries, Homilies etc.)

Individual links have been added for the translations of Augustine's homilies on the gospels (sermons 51 - 147), with links also that make it easy to view the Latin text alongside. This work has been integrated into the site's scriptural index.



August 4th  2014

The scripture related works of the following writers have been added to the site Scriptural index: Alberic the Deacon, Ammonius of Alexandria, Amphilochius of Iconium, Antipater of Bostra, Apollinaris, Asterius of Amasea, Avitus of Vienna, Basil of Seleucia, Chromatius of Aquileia, Clement of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind.

Among these particular work has been done to make it easier to see English translations alongside some of the homilies of Asterius.

The software underlying the site's menu system has been updated to a new version with help from

The site sample text has been updated to:- Augustine - the storm on the sea and Peter walking on the water: Sermon LXXVI on Matthew ch. 14 v. 25.



July 14th 2014

The bibliography for Hilary of Poitiers has been expanded and significant work has been done on the Hilary of Poitiers section of the website, which links to one or two texts added which are in CSEL but not in Migne.  Hilary's exegetical works have been added to the site's scriptural index.

Works of Alberic the Deacon, Chromatius of Aquileia, Flavius Lucius Dexter, Eucherius of Lyons, Fulgentius of Ruspe, Gaudentius of Brescia and Paulinus of Milan, Peter Chrysologus, Sedulius Coelius, Valerian, Victorinus (Gaius Marius) and Zeno have been added to the index of links direct to Google Books and will shortly be added to the site scripture index (already done for Victorinus).

Amazon linked bibliographies have been added for Victorinus, Valerian of Cimiez, Peter Chrysologus, Zeno of Verona.


June 28th 2014

The bibliography for Theodore of Mopsuestia has been expanded. Significant work has also been done on the general Theodore of Mopsuestia section;  his exegetical works on Scripture have been added to the site's scriptural index.

A new page has been created with links to the writings of Avitus of Vienna in PL Volume 59 @ Google Books.


June 24th 2014

Updates have been made to the Theodoret (5th century Bishop of Cyr(rh)us) section of the Early Church Texts website.

Links to several more published translations have been added to the bibliography:-

Reference to these published translations has also been included on the pages where the original Greek and translation (where available) can be seen alongside each other:-
It has generally been made much easier to match the original language and translation (where available) alongside each other and, in the translations column, the extensive collection of Theodoret's letters (181) is now individually indexed and the Greek can easily be seen alongside.

Theodoret was a prolific commentator on Scripture and these works have been integrated into the site's growing scriptural index.

Significant work has also been done on the Hippolytus section of the Early Church Texts website.

The bibliography with links to Amazon (publicly available) has been extended.

On the subscription version of the site:-
- links have been added to the original language texts in the Hippolytus Werke volumes in the Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte series;
- works linked to Scripture have been added to the sites's scriptural index;
- it has been made easier to see the original language and translations (where available) alongside each other;
- links to chapters of individual books in the translation of Refutation of All Heresies have been added.


June 8th 2014

The Gregory Nazianzen and Gregory of Nyssa Greek text pages have been updated slightly and the scripture related works have been added to the scripture index.
With Gregory of Nazianzen a separate page has been created with links to the poems on Scripture.


June 1st 2014

With Pentecost approaching the sample text on the Early Church Texts website has been updated to Augustine's Sermon 271 for the Day of Pentecost. This is freely available.

Further work has also been done on the Eusebius of Caesarea section of the website and separate pages have been created for the Scripture related works of Eusebius. These works have also been added to the site's index of Biblical Books. These pages are available only on the subscription version of the site.


May 20th 2014

Updates made on Amazon bibliography pages for Cyril of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa.

Updates made to Cyril of Alexandria off-site text pages with an index now in place for Cyril's letters and homilies.  Cyril's Scripture related works have been added to the site's scriptural inded.


May 15th 2014

New pages have been added to the subscription version of the website which contain an index of scripture related works by Book of the Bible. This is currently only available through the facility for viewing original language texts and translations alongside each other. The works now included in this index are the scripture related works of Ambrose, Ambrosiaster, Augustine, Basil, Jerome, John Chrysostom and Origen.

The Basil section of the website has been enhanced so that now there are individual links to all his homilies and sermons contained in the relevant Migne PG volumes.

The site "sample text" has been updated to Augustine's Tractate 46 on John 10: 11-13 (Christ the Good Shepherd)


April 22nd 2014
Further significant work has been done on the John Chrysostom section of the Early Church Texts website.

Among the writings of Chrysostom there is a wealth of material (commentaries and homilies) relating to Scripture.

New pages have been created which list (with access to the full original language text) all the works in the Migne PG volumes which relate more specifically to Scripture and which also list in groups (by book) the works which relate to each individual book of the Bible. This includes individual homilies on particular verses or books. Both works considered authentic and those considered dubious or spurious (identified as such) but generally included in the corpus of Chrysostom's works are cited.

Links have also been added to several of the Savile volumes of the works of Chrysostom.

A similar scriptural index is now also in place for the works of Augustine. This includes a detailed index of the sermons.

These pages can be accessed only by subscribers to the website.

Different "sample texts" have also featured over the last couple of weeks: Leo's sermon 62, the 11th on the Passion and an Easter sermon of John Chrysostom (Adversus Ebriosos). These can also be found in the sample texts archive section of the website under the top menu Home etc./Archive of sample texts.


March 8th 2014
During Lent the "sample texts" on the Early Church Texts website will be: the five theological orations of Gregory of Nazianzus. These are among his finest works. A different oration will be featured each week.

The first theological oration is a "preliminary discourse against the Eunomians".

Further work has also been done on one of the website's (subscription version only) Augustine pages.
it is now possible to see Google Books Previews for many of the published English translations of Augustine.
These are not available in all cases but there are several for those in the Ancient Christian Writers, Complete Works of Saint Augustine and The Fathers of the Church series. There are links to information about each published translation from all of these series.
So from this page (wider monitor preferred!) it is now possible to view:
- the original Latin text of all Augustine's works in Migne PL
- An online English translation alongside (where available)
- information about a wide range of published English translations, many with links to Google Books Preview that can also be viewed alongside the Latin text.


March 3rd 2014
In the bibliography (with links to Amazon) section of the website there are now separate pages for each book of the Bible with relevant commentaries, homilies etc. listed.
On the subscription version of the site the pages on Ambrosiaster have been updated with links to the separate books on Paul's epistles. Also new pages have been added for the "Incomplete Commentary on Matthew" (Opus Imperfectum).


February 18th 2014
Significant work has been done on the Origen section of the Early Church Texts website. Links (@ Amazon) to several published English translations of Origen’s works have been added to the bibliographies. This is publicly available.

On the subscription version of the website links to the published English translations (@ Amazon) have been added alongside the links to the complete original language texts of the works with links also to Google Preview where available.

A totally new page on the subscription version of the website is one where the scripture related works of Origen (many and varied) are listed in order of biblical book (Genesis, Exodus etc.). The page includes links to the original language text and English translation, where available, of commentaries, homilies etc. and also links to extant fragments of Origen’s work on the Hexapla.


February 11th 2014
Links have been  to Greek texts in Migne for Anianus, Caelestius and Procopius of Gaza.  This means that now there are indexed links to virtually all of the writers (from the first five centuries) and their works contained in the Migne Patrologia series.


February 3rd 2014
Links have been  to Greek texts in Migne for Aeneas Gazaeus, Ammonius presbyter Alexandrinus, Andreas Samosatensis, Antipater Bostrensis Episcopus, Candidus Isaurus, Dalmatius Monachus, Erechthius of Antioch in Pisidia, Eudocia Imperatrix Augusta, Eusebius of Alexandria, Eusebius of Emesa,  Eustathius Berytensis Episcopus, Gennadius Patriarcha CP, John Carpathius, Quintianus Episcopus Asculanus, Theotimus Tomitanus Episcopus, Timotheus Berytensis Episcopus, Historica Tusculana.

Also added a link to an English translation of a homily of Eusebius of Emesa (though not one in Migne)


January 27th 2014
Added Cyril of Alexandria First Miracle at Cana from Commentary on John as a sample text.

Added links to Greek texts for Amphilochius of Iconium, Nectarius of Constantinople, Basil of Seleucia, Euthalius the Deacon, Gelasius of Cyzicus and Zacharias of Mitylene.

Augustine and Cyprian on-site texts now have links to the full texts (Migne Latin versions at Google Books and English translations at


January 20th 2014
Some incompatibilities with Internet Explorer 11 have been addressed. A "captcha" has been added to the site email form.

Significant work has been done on the Cyprian section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Cyprian's works and for studies on Cyprian.
This is publicly available.

Links to Latin texts (at Google Books and are in place (subscription version only) not only for the works in Migne, but also for the works contained in the Hartel CSEL edition. Cyprian's letters are individually indexed so that it is straightforward to see the Hartel Latin text with an English translation alongside. On the site's pages with links to original Latin texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Latin texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Latin original (Migne or Hartel) and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-
The Letters
On the Unity of the Church
On the Dress of Virgins
On the Lapsed
On the Lord's Prayer
An Address to Demetrianus
On the Vanity of Idols
On Mortality
On Works and Alms
On the Advantage of Patience
On Jealousy and Envy
Exhortation to Martyrdom, Addressed to Fortunatus
Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews
The Seventh Council of Carthage under Cyprian. Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Some treatises attributed to Cyprian are also given.


December 31st 2013
A bibliography has been added with links to all the volumes in the IVP series "Ancient Commentary on Scripture".


December 30th 2013
Work has been done on the Augustine section of the Early Church Texts website.

Links have been added (mainly to Amazon) to published English translations of all works currently available in the following series: Ancient Christian Writers, The Complete Works of Saint Augustine, The Fathers of the Church. On the subscription version of the website the links have been included on the page where it is possible to see Latin texts with available online English translations alongside. This gives on one page a fairly comprehensive facility to see the Migne versions of Augustine Latin texts, an online English translation if available, and options for published translations.

Works has also been done on the Irenaeus section of the website. It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Latin or Greek and English translations where these have been found online on external websites.

This applies to
Adversus Haereses
A number of fragments.

Information has also been added about published English translations.

Links have also been to the original language texts (fragments) in Migne for the following Gnostic writers: Basilides, Epiphanes, Heracleon, Isidorus, Ptolemaeus, Valentinianus, Valentinus.


December 23rd 2013
Significant work has been done on the Lactantius section of the Early Church Texts website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Lactantius' works and for studies on Lactantius.
This is publicly available.

Links to Latin texts (at Google Books and are in place for the works in Migne. On the site's pages with links to original Latin texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Latin texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Latin original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-
The Divine Institutes
The Epitome of the Divine Institutes
A Treatise on the Anger of God Addressed to Donatus
On the Workmanship of God, or the Formation of Man
Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died
Fragments of Lactantius
The Phœnix (attributed to Lactantius)
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord (attributed to Lactantius)


December 16th 2013
Significant work has been done on the Clement of Alexandria section of the Early Church Texts website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Clement's works and for studies on Clement.
This is publicly available.

Links to Greek texts (at Google Books and are in place not only for the works in Migne, but also for the works contained in the Stählin series (subscription version only). On the site's pages with links to original Greek texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Greek texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Greek original (Migne or Stählin) and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-
Exhortation to the Heathen
The Instructor
The Stromata, or Miscellanies
Who is the Rich Man that shall be saved?
Various fragments

Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Fulgentius of Ruspe, Remigius of Rheims, Benedict of Nursia, Albericus Diaconus, Paulus et Stephanus, Dionysius Exiguus, Caesarius of Arles.


December 9th 2013
Significant work has been done on the Eusebius of Caesarea section of the Early Church Texts website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Eusebius's works and for studies on Eusebius.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Greek texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Greek texts if a published English translation is available.
Links to Greek texts (at Google Books and are in place not only for the works in Migne, but also for works contained in the Eusebius Werke series.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Greek original (Migne or Eusebius Werke) and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-
The Church History
The Life of Constantine
The Oration of Constantine
The Oration in Praise of Constantine
Chronicon (Latin)
Commentary on the Psalm 51(2)
Against Hierocles
The Proof of the Gospel
On the celebration of Easter
Encomium on the Martyrs
The History of the Martyrs in Palestine
Letter to Carpianus on the Gospel Canons (with Canons)
The Preparation of the Gospel

Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Elpis (uxor Boethii), Ennodius Magnus Felix, Eleutherius of Tournai.


December 1st 2013
Significant work has been done on the Ambrose section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Ambrose's works and for studies on Ambrose.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Latin texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Latin texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Latin original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-

Cain and Abel
On the Decease of His Brother Satyrus
On the Duties of the Clergy
Exposition of the Christian Faith
On the Holy Spirit
Letters (91 letters with the English translation individually indexed and links to the Latin text)
The Memorial of Symmachus
On the Mysteries
Concerning Repentance
The Sacraments
The Sacrament of the Incarnation of Our Lord
Sermon against Auxentius
Six Days of Creation (Hexameron)
Concerning Virgins
Concerning Widows

Also included are:-
The Proceedings of the Council of Aquileia against the heretics Palladius and Secundianus

Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Drepanius Florus, Paschasius Diaconus, Petrus Diaconus, Vigilius Tapsensis, Helpidius Rusticus, Eugyppius Abbas.


November 24th 2013
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Julianus Pomerius, Dracontius, Auspicius of Toul, Paulinus of Périgueux, Amoenus.

Significant work has been done on the Justin Martyr section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Justin's works and for studies on Justin.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Greek texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Greek texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Greek original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to:-

First Apology (chapters individually indexed in the English translations column)
Second Apology (chapters individually indexed in the English translations column)
Dialogue with Trypho (chapters individually indexed in the English translations column)

Discourse to the Greeks
Hortatory Address to the Greeks
On the Sole Government of God
On the Resurrection, Fragments
Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin

Also there is Martyrdom of Justin

With the texts from the writings of Basil which were specially prepared for the site links have been added on these pages to complete original language texts and translations of the particular works. Such links will be added to all the on-site texts pages over the next few weeks.


November 18th 2013
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Avitus of Vienna, John the Deacon, Faustinus (5th cent.).

Significant work has been done on the Leo the Great section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Leo's works and for studies on Leo.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Latin texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Latin texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Latin original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to many of Leo's letters and sermons. In the English translations column many of the letters and sermons are individually indexed.


November 11th 2013
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Cerealis Castellensis, Eugenius Carthaginensis.

Significant work has been done on the Cyril of Jerusalem section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Cyril's works and for studies on Cyril.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Greek texts and English translation alongside (subscription version only) it is now indicated against the Greek texts if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Greek original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.
This applies to the Catechetical Lectures and the Lectures on the Mysteries.


October 27th 2013
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Eustathius (translator of Basil's Hexaemeron), Salonius, Lupus Trecensis, Ruricius Lemovicensis, Perpetuus of Tours.

Significant work has been done on the Athanasius section of the website.

A bibliography with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Athanasius' works and for studies on Athanasius.
This is publicly available.

On the site's pages with links to original Greek texts (subscription version only) it is now indicated against each work if a published English translation is available.

It has been made much easier on the subscription version of the website to view alongside each other the Greek original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.

Works where English and Greek can easily be seen alongside each other in this way are:-

Against the Heathen. (Contra Gentes.)
The Incarnation of the Word. (De Incarnatione Verbi)
Statement of Faith. (Expositio Fidei.)
On Luke x. 22. (Illud Omnia, &c.)
Encyclical Letter. (Epistola Encyclica.)
Defence Against the Arians. (Apologia Contra Arianos.)
Defence of the Nicene Definition. (De Decretis.)
Defence of Dionysius. (De Sententia Dionysii.)
Life of Antony. (Vita Antoni.)
Circular to Bishops of Egypt and Libya. (Ad Episcopos Aegypti Et Libyae Epistola Encyclica.)
Apology to the Emperor. (Apologia Ad Constantium.)
Defence of His Flight. (Apologia de Fuga.)
Arian History. (Historia Arianorum ad Monachos.)
Against the Arians. (Orationes contra Arianos IV.)
On the Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia. (De Synodis.)
Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch. (Tomus ad Antiochenos.)
Synodal Letter to the Bishops of Africa. (Ad Afros Epistola Synodica.)
Letters of Athanasius (including Festal Letters with each letter individually indexed) with Two Ancient Chronicles of His Life.

Also included are:-
Alexander's Deposition of Arius. (Depositio Arii.)
Letter of Eusebius about the Council of Nicaea to the people of his diocese. (Epistola Eusebii.)


October 17th 2013
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne for Nicetas of Remesiana, Capreolus of Carthage and Uranius the Presbyter.

Significant work has been done on the Jerome section of the website.

A bibliography (publicly available) with links to Amazon has been added for English translations of Jerome's works and for studies on Jerome.

On the Subscription version of the website:-

On the site's pages with links to original Latin texts it is now indicated against each work if a published English translation is available.

As well as links to all the Latin texts in Migne, links have also been added to the Bernoulli edition of "De Viris Inlustribus" and the Morin edition of Jerome's Homilies.

It has been made much easier to view alongside each other the Latin original and an English translation where these have been found online on external websites.

Works where English and Latin can easily be seen alongside each other in this way are:-

Lives of Illustrious Men (individually indexed and note that Gennadius' continuation of Jerome's work can also be seen in the same way.)
Apology Against Rufinus
Letters (individually indexed with translations of a very large number)
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
The Life of S. Hilarion
The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
The Dialogue Against the Luciferians
The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
Against Jovinianus
Against Vigilantius
To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem
Against the Pelagians
Prefaces to biblical translations: The Four Gospels, The Pentateuch, Joshua, The Books of Samuel and Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, Daniel, The Twelve Minor Prophets, Chronicles (LXX), Book of Job (LXX), The Psalms (LXX), Books of Solomon (LXX), Tobit and Judith (LXX)
Prefaces to biblical commentaries: Ecclesiastes, Matthew, Translation of Origen on St. Luke, Galatians, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel (preface and whole commentary)
Prefaces to other works: Chronicle of Eusebius, Origen's Two Homilies on the Song of Songs, Book on Hebrew Names, Book on the Sites and Names of Hebrew Places, Book of Hebrew Questions

October 7th 2013
A new text has been added to the website: Julian of Eclanum on baptism from Liber I ad Turbantium, as found in Augustine, Contra Secundam Juliani Responsionem Imperfectum Opus, 1.53.  There is also a page of links to passages from the works of Julian (mainly in Augustine) as found in Migne.
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne (at for Paschasinus, Polemius Silvius, Turribius, Idatius, Marcellinus Comes.


October 3rd 2013
Links have been added (publicly available) on the Early Church Texts website to information about published translations of Gregory of Nyssa's works and general works about him.
On the subscription version of the website it has been made much easier to view complete online public domain English translations (where available) of the works of Gregory of Nyssa alongside the original Greek text. This applies to:-
Against Eunomius, On the Holy Spirit, On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit, On 'Not Three Gods', On the Faith, On Virginity, On Infants' Early Deaths, On Pilgrimages, On the Making of Man, On the Soul and the Resurrection, The Great Catechism, Funeral Oration on Meletius, On the Baptism of Christ, Most of the letters (individually indexed), Life of St Macrina


September 28th 2013
It has been made much easier to see complete public domain translations (when available) of the works of Gregory Nazianzen alongside the original Greek text.
Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne (at for Fastidius episcopus and Antoninus Honoratus.
Also links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts and a translation (Consolation of Philosophy) of the writings of Boethius.


September 22nd 2013
Links have been added to the menu system (vertical menu only) for Avitus Presbyter, Lucianus Presbyter, Severus Episcopus. Links have been added to the menu system for Quodvultdeus, Secundinus Manichaeus, Vigilius Diaconus.
The facility for seeing Greek texts of Cyril of Alexandria with English translations alongside (where available) has been updated so that it is easier to match the Greek with the translation.


September 16th 2013
Links have been added to Latin texts in Migne (at google books) for Ambrosiaster and Evodius.  Links have been added to the menu system for Latin texts in Migne (at for Leporius Monachus.
The facility for seeing Greek texts of Basil with English translations alongside (where available) has been updated so that it is easier to match the Greek with the translation.


9th September 2013
A new text has been added to the site:- Pelagius' Letter and Confession of Faith to Innocent I, dating from 417.
Links have been added to off-site Latin texts of Pelagius. Links have been added to the menu system for Flavius Lucius Dexter, Sidonius Apollinaris, Popes Gelasius, Hilary, Simplicius and Symmachus.  The links to "anonymous", "auctor incertus" and "auctores varii" texts (as indexed at have also been added.


24th August 2013
Links have been added to Latin texts in Migne (at google books) and translations for Gennadius of Marseilles, John Cassian and Vincent of Lérins.


Friday 23rd August 2013
Links have been added to Latin texts in Migne (at google books) and translations for Optatus, Pacian, Rufinus and Sulpicius Severus. Links have been added to Latin texts in Migne (at google books) for Felix II and Severus Majoricensis.  Links have been added to Latin texts in Migne (at for Zeno, Eusebius of Vercelli, Firmicius Maternus, Philaster, Faustinus et Marcellinus, Victorius of Aquitania, Theodosius I, Vigilius Episcopus, Monumenta Vetera Ad Arianorum Doctrinam, Hilarianus Quintus Julius, Hilarius Diaconus, Novatus, Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius), Maximus Grammaticus, Mamertinus Claudius, Publius Victor, Ulfilas, Juvencus, Optatianus Porphyrius, Sedulius, Severus Rhetor, Faltonia Proba, Secundinus Manichaeus, Chromatius of Aquileia, Aurelius of Carthage, Bacharius Monachus, Evagrius Monachus, Victricius of Rouen.


Friday 2nd August 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Possidius, Sancti Augustini Vita, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXI
In this text Possidius describes Augustine's final days and the devastating effects of the Vandals' invation of North Africa


Thursday 18th July 2013
Added menu links (for texts in Migne PL vol. VIII) to Latin texts for Popes Julius I, Liberius, Marcus, Sylvester I, and also to Latin texts for Eumenius, Nazarius, Sigonius, Victorinus Afrus, Osius Cordubensi Episcopus, Potamius.
Links to Latin texts and translations of work of Hilary of Poitiers have also been added with the facility for viewing alongside each other.


Monday 1st July 2013
A significant enhancement has been made to the facility for subscribers to view complete Greek texts of John Chrysostom with an English translation alongside (where available).
Previously users had to scroll down the list of texts in each column to match Greek and English (quite a challenge with so many Greek texts). Now alongside each translation link there is also a link to the matching Greek text, and likewise, with the links to the Greek texts, there is also a link to a translation where one has been found.
With the numerous homilies on New Testament books which are available in the NPNF translation each homily is individually indexed and it is possible very simply to see the original Greek text alongside.
Research has also been done on English translations of works of Chrysostom which can be found in books. This has also been included, with a list of works available in each book (also with the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae reference number) and links included to Amazon and Google Books (in some of which limited previews of translations can be seen).
The number of works by or attributed to John Chrysostom is vast. The webmaster cannot be certain that all such Greek texts are included in the list on the website, but it is certainly extensive (around 500) with links to the complete Greek texts, on external websites, of approaching 400 and links to translations where they have been found.
It is hoped that this facility will be very useful for all who wish to study the works of John Chrysostom.


Saturday 22nd June 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Jerome, Letter 146 to Evangelus, about Deacons, Presbyters and Bishops.
(As this text also had some influence on John Wesley and his view about whether presbyters could ordain a page of relevant links to letters etc. of John Wesley has also been added.)
The page for viewing complete Augustine texts and translations has been updated so that it is now much easier to match the original language texts with the translations.
Links to Latin texts on external websites have been added for Popes Eusebius, Miltiades and Marcellus.


Monday 10th June 2013
Links to Latin texts and translations, where found, have been uploaded for Lactantius (from Migne PL vol. VI & VII). A link through the menu system has also been included for Latin texts of Pope Marcellinus.


Tuesday 4th June 2013
Links to original language texts and translations, where found, have been uploaded for the following authors who can be found in Migne PG vol. XXXIII: Peter II of Alexandria, Timothy of Alexandria, Apollinaris of Laodicea, Isaac ex Judaeo Christianus, Diodore of Tarsus.


Monday 27th May 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Tertullian Apologeticus Pro Christianis, chapters 48 - 50, the concluding three chapters of the work, in which Tertullian writes the well-known phrase; "The blood of Christians is seed".


Monday 13th May 2013
Links to Greek texts (and translations where found) have been uploaded for: Severian of Gabala, Theophilus of Alexandria, Historia Monachorum, Philostorgius, Atticus, Proclus, Flavian, Mark the Hermit and Diadochus. These are all from Migne PG Vol. LXV.
A new version of the introductory video for the site has been uploaded.  This reflects the recent new features on the site.
Last week the subscription handling software for the site needed to be upgraded as the old version was no longer compatible following an upgrade at the server by the webhost. Users will notice a different log-in screen.  One drawback is that people can no longer enrol on-line as "guest users" for the site's newsletter updates. People will have to email the webmaster to request this.  Subscribers are automatically enrolled, but can choose to opt out if they wish.


Monday 22nd April 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Pseudo-Macarius, Homily 18 on Christian perfection.
Links to the Greek text and a translation of the version found in Migne PG of Mark the Deacon's Life of Porphyry of Gaza have been uploaded to the website.


Monday 15th April 2013
Links to the Greek text and a translation of the version found in Migne PG of the "Apophthegmata Patrum" have been uploaded to the Early Church Texts website. These "sayings" are a rich source of information on the wisdom and history of the desert fathers and mothers of the fourth and fifth centuries.


6th April 2013
Links to work in Migne PG volumes 18, 78 and 79 have been added, along with links to translations where they have been found. Alexander of Alexandria, Alexander of Lycopolis, Eustathius of Antioch, Isidore of Pelusium, Marcellus of Ancyra, Methodius of Olympus, Nilus of Ancyra, Peter (I) of Alexandria, Titus of Bostra, Theodore of Heraclea, Zosimas Abbas. This update applies only to the subscription version of the website.


Monday 25th March 2013
Links to complete Greek texts and translations (from or attributed to the first five centuries) in The Philokalia have been uploaded to the Early Church Texts website. It is possible to view the Greek text and translation alongside each other. The links are to texts on external websites. There are writings by or attributed to Antony, Diadochus of Photiki, Evagrius, Hesychius, Isaiah the Solitary, John Cassian, Mark the Ascetic, Neilus the Ascetic and Theognostus. The Philokalia is a collection of texts by spiritual masters of the Eastern Church. These carefully prepared links are available only to subscribers to the website.


Friday 15th March 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Synesius, Letter 105 to his brother, in which he expresses his doubts and anxieties about his appointment as bishop of Ptolemais, around the year 410.


Tuesday 26th February 2013
Links to complete texts and translations for Evagrius of Pontus and Isaiah the Solitary have been uploaded to the subscription version of the website.


Sunday 17th February 2013
A number of new links to complete texts and translations have been uploaded to the subscription version of the Early Church Texts website. These are mainly from or linked with volume 40 of Patrologiae Graecae Cursus Completus (Egyptian Fathers). The authors concerned are:- Philo of Carpasius, Asterius of Amasea, Nemesius of Emesa, Hieronymus Theologus Graecus, Orsiesius Abbas Tabennensis, Serapion Thmuitanus Episcopus, Pachomius Tabennensis Abbas, Antony of Egypt.


Tuesday 12th February 2013
Links to complete Greek texts and translations of the works of Palladius have been uploaded to the website.


Tuesday 5th February 2013
Links to complete Greek texts and translations of the works of Macarius of Egypt in Migne (many now referred to as the works of Pseudo-Macarius) have been uploaded to the website.


Monday 28th January 2013
A new text has been uploaded to the website: Synesius, Hymn 6 to Christ. Also links to offsite Greek texts for Synesius and Arsesnius have been added.  For Synesius there also links to English translations.


Monday 21st January 2013
Links to original language texts of Theodore of Mopsuestia (Latin translations and Greek fragments) have been added to the site, together with links to some translations.


Tuesday 8th January 2013
Links have been added on the menu system to the three volumes of the Loeb editions (1913 and 1923) of the works of the Emperor Julian.


Monday 7th January 2013
Further work has been done on the facility for seeing complete original language texts and translations alongside each other. The facility is now well integrated into the site and the menu system. Where English translations have been found it is now possible to view in this way most of the Greek Christian writings of the first five centuries and many of the Latin writers including Ambrose (added today), Augustine, Commodian, Cyprian, Jerome, Leo, Minucius Felix, Novatian and Tertullian.  Links to the Greek texts in Migne for Didymus the Blind (no translations found) were also uploaded today.  The Greek writers in Migne PG volumes 1 - 84  for whom links to the original language texts still need to be uploaded are:- Methodius, Alexander Lycopolitanus, Petrus Alexandrinus, Alexander Alexandrinus, Eustathius Antiochenus, Titus Bostrensis, Marcellus Ancyranus, Petrus II Alexandrinus, Timotheus Alexandrinus, Apollinarius Laodicenus, Isaac ex Judæo Christianus, Diodorus Tarsensis, Macarius (of Egypt and Alexandria), Amphilochius Iconiensis, Nectarius Constantinopolitanus, Philo Carpasius Episcopus, Asterius Amasenus, Nemesius Episcopus, Hieronymus Theologus Græcus, Orsiesius, Serapion Thmuitanus,Pachomius Tabennensis, Antonius Magnus, Theodorus Abbas, Isaias Abbas, Evagrius Ponticus, Severianus Gabalitanus, Theophilus Alexandrinus, Palladius Helenopolitanus, Apophthegmata Patrum, Philostorgius, Atticus Constantinopolitanus, Proclus Constantinopolitanus, Flavianus Constantinopolitanus, Marcus Eremita, Marcus Diadochus, et Marcus Diaconus, Theodorus Mopsuestenus, Synesius Episcopus Ptolemaidis, Arsenius Eremita, Isidorus Pelusiota, Nilus Abbas. Otherwise links to the texts all Greek writers in PG 1 - 84 have been added to the site.


Thursday 12th December
It should now be possible to see alongside each other complete Latin texts and available online translations of the works of Augustine. Links are in place on the menu system.


Monday 10th December 2012
1. Links to complete Greek texts and translations of the works of Cyril of Jerusalem have been uploaded.
2. A trial facility has been uploaded for seeing complete original language texts and translations alongside each other. This applies to the works of Basil, Epiphanius, Socrates and Sozomen. Look under the texts section of the side vertical menus for these authors.


Thursday 6th December 2012
Links to the complete Greek text and a translation of the Historia Ecclesiastica of both Socrates and Sozomen have been uploaded (subscription site only).


Monday 3rd December 2012
1. A new text has been uploaded: Ambrose's Letter 20 about the events of Holy Week 385 or 6 and the attempt of Valentinian II to seize a basilica in Milan for Arian Christians.
2. Further links have been added (subscription version of site only) to texts (in Migne) and translations offsite: Gregory of Nyssa and Theodoret.


Monday 19th November 2012
1. Cyprian's Epistle 63 to Caecilius has been uploaded (extracts) in which Cyprian writes about the importance of both wine and water being used in the Eucharistic cup.
2. Further links have been added (subscription version of site only) to texts and translations offsite: Greek texts of Cyril of Alexandria in Migne and also several online translations of Cyril; Greek texts of Gregory Nazianzen in Migne. Links have also been added to other minor writers in the associated Migne volumes: Acacius of Beroea, Acacius of Melitene, Amphilochius of Sida, Caesarius, Firmus of Caesarea (Cappadocia), John of Antioch, Memnon of Ephesus, Paul of Emesa,  Rabbula(s) of Edessa, Theodotus of Ancyra.


Tuesday 6th November 2012

Links have been added to the menu system to Greek texts (including all those contained in Migne's Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca) and available online translations of the works of Epiphanius of Salamis. Detailed links (Greek text and translation) have been to each of the 80 "heresies" in the Panarion (Adversus Haereses).


Monday 29th October 2012

1. A new text has been uploaded: Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.28 about the Two Theodoti and their adoptionist Christology.
2. Links have been added to the menus system for all the works of Jerome in Migne's Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Prima. Also links have been added to several English translations of the works of Jerome.


Tuesday 9th October 2012

1. Links have been added to the complete texts of Athanasius contained in Migne PG volumes 25 - 28.
2. Links have been added to several Irenaeus related books (studies and translations) on the Amazon website.
3. Links have been added to the menu system to the index pages in the Mansi "Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio" volumes. See under the "Councils" sections of the top "centuries" menus. There are also links to pages in the relevant volumes so that, by using the index pages, it should be possible easily to navigate to texts related to particular Councils.


Monday 1st October 2012

Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, 4. 31 has been uploaded, in which Ireneaus writes about the Eucharist.


Tuesday 11th September 2012

Work has been done over the last fortnight on links to an extensive range of complete original language texts of the works by or attributed to John Chrysostom. This has now been uploaded to the website.


Monday 20th August 2012

Section 30 of Jerome's Letter 22 to Eustochium has been uploaded in which Jerome describes how he struggled over whether he was a follower of Cicero or Christ.


Monday 30th July 2012

Links through the menu system to the works of all Greek and Latin authors in Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, have been completed for the first two centuries. There are also links to online English translations where they have been found. Work will now continue on adding similar entries for authors from the third to fifth centuries. Today such links have been completed and uploaded for Eusebius of Caesarea.


Tuesday 23rd July 2012

Chapters 10 - 11 of Book V of Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica have been uploaded the website. In these chapters Eusebius talks about Pantaenus.

Direct links to the complete Migne original language works (at Google Books) for 1st, 2nd and early 3rd century authors with names beginning A-P have now been added to the menu system (subscription version of site only), along with links to online English translations where they have been found.


Thursday 13th July 2012

Jerome's Letter 45 to Asella has been uploaded to the website in which he describes his departure from Rome in the year 385 under a cloud of some unpopularity.

Direct links to the complete Migne original language works (at Google Books) for 1st, 2nd and early 3rd century authors with names beginning A-H have been added to the menu system (subscription version of site only), along with links to online English translations where they have been found.


Wednesday 20th June 2012

With developments in regulations about the use of cookies further information about cookies used on the Early Church Texts website has been added. An advisory notice and a consent notice have been included on the site's homepage and pages found by search engines.


Monday 11th June 2012

The Edict of Marcian and Valentinian III (452) confirming the doctrinal decisions of the Council of Chalcedon has been uploaded to the website.


Wednesday 30th May 2012

Direct links to the work listed under Origen in Migne (at Google Books) have been added.

It was noted that access to Greek works at "Hodoi Elektronikai" has been blocked.


Monday 21st May 2012

The Letter of the Council of Chalcedon to Leo has been uploaded to the website. The Council communicates to Leo its deliberations about Christology, its decisions about Eutyches and also (controversially for Leo) its decision about the status of the See of Constantinople.

Links have also been added through the menu system to the works of Leo available in Latin in Migne (with links to the individual works at Google Books) and elsewhere, and to public domain translations of the works of Leo.  Over the next few weeks links in a similar style will be added for all Greek and Latin writers of the first two centuries, and then, in due course, for the the first five centuries.


Thursday 25th April 2012

Flavian's Appeal to Leo following the Robber Council of 449 has been uploaded to the website. This text (in Latin because the original has not survived) has been taking from T.A. Lacey’s book Appellatio Flaviani (SPCK, 1903). Pretty much the complete text of the book has also been uploaded giving background information about the Robber Council, an introduction to and commentary on (along with the texts and translations of) the “Appeals” of Flavian and Eusebius of Dorylaeum, and also a chapter on Chalcedon.


Monday 9th April 2012

Gregory of Nazianzus' First Easter Oration has been uploaded to the website.


Thursday 29th March 2012

1. Various excerpts from Origen's Contra Celsum have been uploaded, giving a flavour of some of the objections that were made against Christianity.

2. The menu system links (subscription version of site) to original language texts and translations of Origen's works (on external sites) have been updated and extended.

3. Links (subscription version of site) have been added to the menu system to complete original language texts and translations of Justin's works on external websites.

4. Links (subscription version of site) have been added to the menu system (under left hand vertical menu M/MF-MZ/Migne Patrologia) to resources on external sites giving details of the contents of each volume of the Migne Greek and Latin series and also links to complete scanned volumes (all 161 Greek and 221 Latin) at Google Books and

5. A "Paganism and Christianity" section has been added to the "Themes" menu which gives links to relevant texts on the Early Church Texts website.


Monday 12th March 2012

Chapters XXXI - XXXIV (Koetschau edition) of Origen's De Oratione (On Prayer) have been uploaded to the site.

Links have also been added to the menu system to several complete original language texts and translations of Origen's works.


23rd February 2012

Additional links have been added to the menu system entries for links to translations and original language works for Clement of Alexandria.


17th February 2012

A passage from John Cassian has been uploaded - Institutes,  10.1-2 about the Spirit of Accidie. A number of additional links have been added to the menu system entries (subscription version of site only) for John Cassian, including detailed links to translations of his works.

Additional links have also been added to the menu system entries (subscription version of site only) for:-

information on Pseudo-Dionysius and Pseudo-Macarius

links to translations and original language works for Tatian and Theophilus.


12th February 2012

Extracts from the Council of Constantinople (448) at which Eutyches was condemned have been uploaded to the website.


24th January 2012

A further update has been made to the menu system software which finally seems to make the system work well on ipad. Thanks to Milonic Menus!


16th January 2012

- Tertullian's Ad Uxorem, the whole of book 1, has been uploaded to the site. Tertullian urges his wife not to remarry in the event of his death.

- The software underlying the menu system has been updated (with files given by the developers) in the hope of improving ipad compatibility.


10th January 2012

I noticed that the links to the texts of the Apostolic Fathers no longer seem to be working at Rick Brannan's website. This is a pity and I am not sure if it is permanent. It was a very useful facility. I have updated all the indexed Apostolic Fathers complete text links at Early Church Texts so that they now point to scanned versions of the Kirsopp Lake version at


Saturday 31st December 2011

Early Church Texts is now on Facebook.  There is a link from the subscription site homepage and the "original language only" homepage.

Links to English language translations for the works in ANF vol. 6 have been added to the menu system: Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius and Minor Writers; Methodius; Arnobius.


Thursday 22nd December 2011

Menu system links have been added (subscription version of site only) to public domain Greek texts and English translations of the works of Athanasius available online.

The menu system links (subscription version of site only) to Documenta Catholica Omnia have been updated as links including "www" in the address were no longer working.


Monday 19th December 2011

Athanasius' Oratio III Contra Arianos (chapters 29 - 34) has been uploaded to the website. The chapters are about the Word made flesh and the two natures of Christ.


Monday 5th December 2011 (affecting only the subscription version of the site)

1. Some issues affecting the site search engine have been addressed. (Cached searches were being retained and so sometimes yielding results for pages that have been moved or superseded.)

2. Further progress has been made on menu system links to offsite Greek texts and translations. There is now a fairly extensive set of links for Basil, Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom. Similar links for other authors will be added over the next few months.

3. Outdated links to information about Loeb volumes on the Harvard University Press website have been updated.


Monday 28th November 2011

Basil's Letter 2 to Gregory of Nazianzus has been uploaded. It describes the ascetic life of the community at Annesos.


Tuesday 1st November 2011

Selections from Basil's Regulae Fusius Tractatae (7) have been uploaded - about the importance of the ascetic life being lived in community. Note too that links to Greek texts and English translations of the works of John Chrysostom and Basil available online have now been added to the menu system. Over the next few months this facility will be extended to other writers (first the other two Cappadocian Fathers).


Monday 17th October 2011

The complete text of John Chrysostom's Homily XXI On The Statues has been uploaded - Flavian before Theodosius, pleading for the people of Antioch.


Monday 10th October 2011

The menu system for navigating  "English translations only pages" has been removed along with the associated homepage. Of course the "Original Language Only" version of the site (with associated menu system for texts only) remains and also the Subscription Version of the site with both original language and translation, and the much enhanced menu system with a wealth of links to background materials.


Monday 3rd October 2011

Selections from John Chrysostom's Homily XVII On The Statues has been uploaded - describing the intervention of the monks.


Monday 19th September 2011

The opening sections of John Chrysostom's Homily XIII On The Statues has been uploaded - describing the tribunal set up in Antioch by Theodosius.


Monday 12th September 2011

Links to John Chrysostom related books at Amazon uploaded (on Chrysostom pages and menu system).


Thursday 8th September 2011

Selections from Siricius's Decretal to Himerius have been uploaded.

A menu system has also been added to an "English Translations only" section of the website, to make navigation of these translations easier.


Monday 22nd August 2011

Jerome's Letter 15 to Pope Damasus has been uploaded to the website. Jerome seeks confirmation from Damasus that it is not right to speak of "three hypostases" in the Godhead.


Monday 1st August 2011

Chapters 1 - 2 and 15 - 17 of Aristides' Apology have been uploaded to the website.


Tuesday 19th July 2011

The complete Greek text and translation of Basil’s Address To Young Men On The Right Use Of Greek Literature has been uploaded to the website.


Wednesday 6th July 2011

Links added to Basil related books at Amazon.


Tuesday 5th July 2011

Basil the Great, Letter 159 to Eupaterius and his daughter has been uploaded. Basil affirms the divinity of the Holy Spirit.


Tuesday 28th June 2011

Eusebius of Caesarea on the Quartodeciman Controversy has been uploaded. In Historia Ecclesiastica, 5. 23 - 25, Eusebius writes about the debate concerning the date for the celebration of Easter.


Monday 13th June 2011

Rufinus' Latin translation of the Preface to Origen's De Principiis has been uploaded. Origen sets out what he sees as the "Rule of Faith" and the areas where speculation and investigation are permissible.


Sunday 12th June 2011

From today the English translations of texts alongside the original Greek and Latin will be available only on the subscription version of the site.


Monday 30th May 2011

Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia Ecclesiastica, book 6. chapters 2-3 has been uploaded to the website. Greek text with English translation - about the early years of Origen.


Tuesday 17th May 2011

The Canons of the Council of Gangra (mid 4th century) have been uploaded to the website. Greek and Latin texts are given with the NPNF English translation.  There are also the notes from NPNF and Hefele.


Tuesday 3rd May 2011

The changeover to the subscription version of the website has been implemented. The publicly available version of the site now simply has the original language texts (still with dictionary lookup links) and translations. The introductory notes, extensive background information links, search engine etc. are now only available through the subscription version of the site. The printable versions of the texts are available to all annual subscribers. Three day trial subscriptions for individuals are available which give access to just one of the three sections of printable texts (Creeds and Councils, Greek Writers, Latin Writers). The $5 cost of the trial subscription can later (within a specified period) be deducted from the cost of the $30 annual subscription for individuals. There are also subscription options for institutions.  See the website homepage links to further details.


Thursday 28th April 2011

Cyril of Alexandria's Letter 39 to John of Antioch (from the year 433) has been uploaded to the website. It describes the uneasy reconciliation that had been achieved between Alexandrian and Antiochene approaches to Christology.

Remember too that the current version of the website becomes subscription based from 2nd May. If you wish to take advantage of the special "advance" offer which gives almost an additional three months subscription to the site (until 31st July 2012) then you will need to visit
by the end of 30th April.
The $30 dollar subscription for individuals will ensure continuing access to all the features of the current site and also includes access to all the printable versions of the texts.


Saturday 16th April 2011

Irenaeus on Humanity and the Image and Likeness of God. Some relevant extracts from Adversus Haereses have been uploaded.


Thursday 7th April 2011

The problem with entering unicode Greek text into the search box on the original language text pages should now be resolved.


Monday 28th March 2011

Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinus. Chapters 11-14 have been uploaded in which Lucian tells of how Peregrinus "duped" some 2nd century Christians.


Saturday 19th March 2011

The subscription options for the site have been updated in preparation for the main part of the website becoming subscription based on 2nd May 2011. Information can be found through links on the site homepage and on the menu system (under "Home etc."). From 2nd May the original language texts with dictionary links and translations will still be publicly available, but without the enhancements such as the introduction to each text, textual notes, extensive external links on the menu system, context sensitive menus on each text page, and the site search engine. Access to printable versions of texts will be included in the new subscription which will also include the enhancements referred to. It is possible to purchase a subscription in advance of the changeover date. The cost of an annual individual subscription will be $30 per annum. There are also options for institutions.


Friday 18th March 2011

Some issues have been addressed affecting Internet Explorer and the page "Meletius of Lycopolis - Codex Veronensis LX".


Tuesday 15th March 2011

Ambrose, Letter 40 to Theodosius has been uploaded in which Ambrose urges the Emperor to  reconsider his decision to require the Christians of Callinicum use church funds to rebuild a synagogue burnt by Christians.


Wednesday 2nd March 2011

A new trial system for the site's menu system has been uploaded (with help from Milonic Solutions). The menu data set is identical, but the underlying menu control system is new and should hopefully improve the reliability and compatibility of the menu system for the future. Please let the webmaster know if you experience any issues with the new system.


Monday 14th February 2011

The second letter of Cyril of Alexandria to Nestorius has been uploaded, in which Cyril expresses his concerns about aspects of Nestorius' Christology and emphasises the personal (hypostatic) union of the human and divine in Christ.


Monday 31st January 2011

An extract from Athanasius has been uploaded - Epistola ad Serpionem, 1.1. on the beginnings of heresy about the Holy Spirit.


Monday 24th January 2011

An issue was addressed with the email facility linked with the site's subscription software. Possibly this facility has not been working correctly for some time.


Friday 21st January 2011

A significant upgrade has been made to the menu system. There is now a far more extensive set of links to information about the councils of the third, fourth and fifth centuries. These can be found indexed alphabetically under C/Councils on the vertical menu at the left of the screen, and indexed chronologically under 4th Cent/Councils etc. on the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. Hefele's work on the History of the Christian Councils has been used quite extensively for this purpose and also the helpful information found on the website Unfortunately this website is down at the time of uploading the upgrade. Hopefully should be up and running again soon.


Monday 20th December 2010

A section of Augustine's De Haeresibus, chapter 88 has been uploaded. Augustine describes and assesses Pelagianism.


Tuesday 7th December 2010

The Latin text and translation of the Epiphany section of the Pilgrimage of Egeria has now been uploaded (chapter 25).


Tuesday 30th November 2010

The occasional "lingering" of some menus and tooltips on the screen has been a concern. As a partial way of addressing this the "information tooltips" have been removed from the individual context sensitive menus on particular pages. This is a pity in some ways, but hopefully helps with something that can be a little bothersome. Information tooltips remain on the main vertical and horizontal menus at the top and side of the screen.


Friday 26th November 2010

The right hand scroll bar and up and down arrow issues with Chrome and Safari should now have been addressed for all pages.

A text by Augustine on Nature and Grace has been added - De Natura et Gratia, 3-6.


Sunday 14th November 2010

Canons of the Council of Carthage (417 or 418) on sin and grace - directed against Pelagius and Celestius.

Tuesday 9th November 2010

The Milonic Menu system version was updated to 5.831.


Monday 8th November 2010

Exploration continued into browser compatibility - extended to Safari 5 as well as Chrome 7.
All seems to work pretty well in Safari and Chrome - though there are some issues with menu items "lingering" on the screen.
One issue is that the right hand scroll bar and up and down arrows do not work with these browsers on the main text pages. The wheel mouse or "Page Up" and "Page Down" must be used.
In Safari the initial print settings make the subscription based text pages print out rather small. This can be rectified by pressing the "Alt" key to display menu items at the top. Go to File and then Page Setup or Print Preview. Page size and margin settings can be changed here. On the Print Preview page click on the "cog wheel" icon to change the page size and margin settings.
In Chrome the "Spanner" icon does not come up in subwindows, so, for example, there is no readily availability print option. You can Right click in the very top bar of the browser subwindows to see options including "print" - or press "Ctrl P" to get the print menu.


Saturday 6th November 2010

Checked the site out with Google Chrome as several visitors now use this. Various issues spotted.
1. Some functions were not working correctly. It does not seem possible with Chrome to have javascript menubar=yes and status=yes enabled at the same time. status=yes was changed to status=no in the relevant javascript file and this seems to have fixed the problem, though of course the status bar no longer shows up in Firefox and Internet Explorer when Early Church Texts opens a window.
2. The page specific menus towards the top of the text pages do not appear correctly (i.e. some omitted). This must be checked out.
3. The right hand scrollbar and scroll down arrow do not work (must use mouse wheel or page down to scroll down). This must be checked out.
4. The Wace Dictionary of Biography pages do not display.
(All of these are fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer - the joys of achieving cross browser compatibility!)


Later Saturday! - Most Chrome issues now addressed, though one or two of the Wace files may need updating and the right hand scrollbar and down/up arrows still do not work - mouse wheel and scroll down still need to be used.


Also spotted that the Perseus lookup links were broken in the Shepherd of Hermas files. This has been rectified.


Monday 1st November 2010

Wikipedia links completed for menu entries up to the end of "CO".


Saturday 30th October 2010

Augustine describes Pelagius' views on Original Sin in De Peccato Originali, 13.


Monday 11th October 2010

Pelagius, Letter to Demetrias, chapter 16 (dating from the year 414). In this letter Pelagius sets out his understanding of the interaction of human effort and divine help. Also completed adding "Wikipedia" links for the "B" entries on the menu system.


Thursday 30th September 2010

Completed adding "Wikipedia" links for "A" entries on the menu system.


Tuesday 28th September 2010

Ambrose's Letters 17 and 18 to Valentian II in response to Symmachus' Plea for the restoration of The Altar of Victory to the Roman Senate House (dating from the year 384).


Monday 13th September 2010

The Plea of Symmachus to Valentinian II for the restoration of the Altar of Victory in the Roman Senate. Given in Migne alongside Ambrose, Letter 17.


Tuesday 24th August 2010

A video guide (in testing for a while!) has been added. This should be a helpful resources for new visitors to the site so that they can find their way around. See under the Home etc. menu at the top left of the screen on most pages and the "Menu system video guide" link there.


Monday 23rd August 2010

A passage from Augustine's Confessions (9. 7. 15), about hymn singing in Milan under the episcopacy of Ambrose, and the discovery of the relics of the martyrs Gervasius and Protasius.


Monday 16th August 2010

Socrates on the murder of the philosopher Hypatia. Historia Ecclesiastica, 7, 15.


Monday 9th August 2010

Nestorius' Reply to the Second Letter of Cyril of Alexandria. Should Mary have the title of Theotokos? (God-bearer/Mother of God).

NPNF notes also added to the text for Theodoret, Letter to Domnus, on the death of Cyril of Alexandria. For some reason these had not been included previously.


Saturday 30th July 2010

Evagrius of Pontus "Eight Logismoi" (thoughts) from the Praktikos have been uploaded. There are also links to books about Evagrius available at Amazon. Over the next few weeks links will be added to books available at Amazon relevant to other authors and subjects.


Tuesday 20th July 2010

Work on the complete version of the Shepherd of Hermas  is now complete. The whole of the work (Greek Text in the version from Kirsopp Lake edition and ANF translation) is now available under the "Apostolic Fathers" link, with dictionary/morphology links, and also with printable files available through a subscription to "Greek Writers".


Friday 16th July 2010

The "Commandments" section of the complete version of the Shepherd of Hermas (under "Apostolic Fathers" link) now also has dictionary/morphology links and printable files ("Greek Writers" subscription based).


Thursday 15th July 2010

Significant updates have been made to the complete version of the Shepherd of Hermas (under "Apostolic Fathers" link). The "Visions" section now has dictionary/morphology links associated with Greek words. The "Visions" section also now has printable files ("Greek Writers" subscription based). These developments will be extended to the whole of the Shepherd of Hermas over the next week or two.


Wednesday 14th July 2010

Arius' letter to Alexander (Epiphanius version) has now been uploaded.

A significant upgrade has been completed to the site's "search facility". It is now possible to do searches using unicode Greek text either "complete with accents, breathings etc.", or "without any such markings at all" (so making searches with Greek text easier for those who are unfamiliar with the complexities of Greek accents etc.). See the "Search Help" / "Search Facility" note for more information. The facility for entering search terms in "Greek to English" transliterated text remains unaltered.


Sunday 11th July 2010

Arius' letter to Alexander of Alexandria as found in Athanasius, De Synodis, 16. The version as found in Epiphanius will be uploaded soon.


Monday 5th July 2010

Work on the Gregory of Nyssa text "Contra Usurarios" is now complete and the printable version and Migne notes have been uploaded.


Friday 2nd July 2010

Work has been progressing on extracts from Gregory of Nyssa's Sermon "Contra Usurarios". The Greek text and a new translation prepared by the Early Church Texts Webmaster have been uploaded. The printable version of the text and the Migne notes will be added within the next few days.


Friday 25th June

Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica,  5. 5. Rain from heaven in answer to Christian prayers - evidence of Christians in the Roman army in the mid 2nd century. An additional entry has also been added to the menu system under "Themes"-  The Military and War.  This should give easy access to the texts recently added relating to this theme.


Tuesday 22nd June 2010

Some changes have been made to the way in which the website deals with the "popup windows" for links, Apostolic Fathers, morphology etc. The underlying code has been changed so that, hopefully, the size of popup windows will be optimised according to the display settings/monitor being used.


Friday 18th June 2010

Shepherd of Hermas complete Greek text now checked and updated up to the end of Parables, 5.


Wednesday 16th June 2010

John Chrysostom on the rich and the poor - an extract from Homily 34 on 1 Corinthians 13: 8. The rich have more need of the poor than the poor have of the rich.


Monday 14th June 2010

Codex Theodosianus - a selection of the edicts relating to Christianity and the Church from this corpus of Roman Law from the fourth and fifth century.


Sunday 6th June 2010

A significant upgrade to the site search facility. It is now possible to use unicode Greek characters with the search facility (as well as the existing "transliterated to English" Greek characters) for searching in the texts on the website.


Saturday 5th June 2010

All the "Visions" and "Commandments" of the complete text of the Shepherd of Hermas (In the Apostolic Fathers section of the website) have now been checked and updated.


Friday 4th June 2010

Augustine Letter 93, to Vincentius. In this letter Augustine seeks to justify the use of "coercive" measures against Donatist Christians in order to bring them into the fold of the Catholic Church.


Friday 28th May 2010

Basil Homily on Psalm 15 (Septuagint 14) against usury.


Monday 24th May 2010

The Canons of Elvira - all 81 canons of the Council held in the first decade of the fourth century - in Latin and with Hefele notes.

The "visions" section of the Shepherd of Hermas has also been checked for errors and updated.


Thursday 13th May 2010

Augustine Letter 189 to Boniface - Should a Christian serve in the military? Augustine says "yes".


Friday 7th May 2010

Tertullian on how Christians should now wear crowns or serve in the Roman Army: De Corona, chapters 1, 11 and 12.

(The issue about some links to some subwindows resulting in a "page not found" message before going to the required page has also been addressed.)


Saturday 1st May 2010

Augustine on War. Chapters 69 - 76 from Book 22 of Contra Faustum Manichaeum have been uploaded. This is a significant passage in Augustine's teaching about the "just war".


Tuesday 27th April 2010

Passages from Socrates and Sozomen's Historia Ecclesiastica (1. 26 and 2. 27 respectively) have been uploaded. These both give Arius' Confession of Faith to the Emperor Constantine when reconciliation was being sought in the late 320's or mid 330's.


Friday 9th April 2010

Work on the Easter section of The Pilgtrimage of Egeria is now complete and the notes and local Perseus morphology pages have now been uploaded.


Saturday 3rd April 2010

The complete Latin text and translation of the Holy Week and Easter section of the Pilgrimage of Egeria has now been uploaded (chapters 29 - 40). Notes and the local Perseus morphology pages will be uploaded over the next few days.


Wednesday 31st March 2010

During Holy Week and over the Easter period it is planned to upload the sections of the Pilgrimage of Egeria describing the Holy Week and Easter observances in Jerusalem around the end of the fourth century. It is anticipated that further extracts will be added every day or two until the whole of chapters 29 - 40 are there. Notes will be added later.


Monday 29th March 2010

Augustine on the Cross. Book 14 of Contra Faustum Manichaeum have been uploaded in which Augustine opposes Faustus' views about the verse from Deuteronomy "Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree".


Friday 19th March 2010

Arius, the Thalia of, as found in Athanasius, Adversus Arianos Oratio Prima, 1. 5 and De Synodis, 15


Tuesday 2nd March 2010

Athanasius, The Life of Antony. Chapters 5 - 10 and 89 - 94 of Athanasius' account of the life of the famous desert hermit have been uploaded. There are links to the complete Greek text and an English translation.


Wednesday 3rd February 2010

The updating of the Perseus morphological links to Perseus 4.0 is now virtually complete. It will be fully completed by Thursday 4th February. Following that there are unlikely to be any further updates to the site until early March.


Saturday 30th January 2010

Meletius of Lycopolis - Codex Veronensis LX. Letter of Four Egyptian Bishops, A note about the Meletian Schism, Letter of Peter of Alexandria to his flock. From Routh, Reliquiae Sacrae. The beginning of the schism over Meletius' ordinations.


Monday 18th January 2010

Dionysius of Alexandria, Defence of his Theology. Greek text from Athanasius, De Sententia Dionysii, 14 - 18. (The menu links to R. G. Grant's Church History Timelines were also updated as the GeoCities link was out of date.)


Friday 16th January 2010

Dionysius of Rome,  Letter Against The Sabellians. Greek text from a fragment as given in Migne PL vol. 5. (from Athanasius De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi, ch. 26).

Saturday 2nd January 2010

John Chrysostom - Homily VI on Matthew 2: 1-2, about the Magi, the star and Herod.


Wednesday 23rd December 2009

Leo - Sermon on the Festival of The Nativity VIII, (Sermon XXVIII). An encouragement to rejoice in the Festival, affirming the two natures of Christ and warning the faithful to be wary of all "heresies" which deny that twofold nature.


Thursday 10th December 2009

A text has been added about Papias - Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia Ecclesiastica, 3. 39. There are also links to fragments of Papias and references to him in other writings.


Wednesday 2nd December 2009

Salvian, De Gubernatione Dei, (Extracts - 3. 9; 4. 12-14; 5. 4). Salvian reflects on why the Christian God had not protected the Roman empire from "barbarian" invasions.


Wednesday 25th November 2009

Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.6. 4 ff. The letter of Alexander and his clergy (c. 319) about the controversy surrounding Arius has been added.


Wednesday 18th November 2009

Dio Cassius, Historia Romana, 67. 14 has been added on persecution under Domitian.


Tuesday 10th November 2009

Two texts about Quadratus and Aristides (2nd century Apologists) have been added: from Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 4. 3, and Jerome, De Viris Illustribus, 19 - 20.


Friday 29th October 2009

Canons 7 and 8 of the Council of Ephesus (431) have been added together with associated notes. This means that the Canons of the first four Ecumenical Councils are now all on the site together with associated notes from Bright, Canons of the First Four General Councils (Oxford, 1892), and the Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers. There is also a link on every "Canons" text page to the Canons of the other Ecumenical Councils.


Thursday 28th October 2009

An update to the Canon of Nicaea (325) text. All the relevant background notes from Bright, Canons of the First Four General Councils (Oxford, 1892) have been added.


Wednesday 21st October 2009

The Fourth Creed of Sirmium (The "Dated" of the year 359) has been added to the site. The Greek text is from Athanasius, De Synodis, 8, and Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 2, 37. This creed, with strong backing from the Emperor Constantius, affirmed that the Son is "like" the Father and prohibited the use of terms that included "ousia". A link to the text of the "Homoian" creed of Constantinople agreed in January 360 is also included.


Monday 12th October 2009

An extract from Sulpicius Severus, Vita Martini, has been added to the site: chapter 10 describing Martin of Tours' monastery at Marmoutier.


Monday 5th October 2009
Augustine's Sermon 272 has been added to the site, in which Augustine reflects on the nature of the sacrament of The Eucharist.


Friday 24th September 2009
The 2nd creed of Sirmium (357) has been added. This creed was something of a triumph for Arianism - stating that the Father is greater than the Son and that terms like "substance" and "ousia" should not be used because they are unscriptural. The Latin version found in Hilary, De Synodis is given along with the Greek translations in Athanasius, De Synodis and Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica.


Saturday 12th September 2009

A selection of extracts from The Shepherd of Hermas has been added together with a link to the complete Greek text and translation integrated into the Apostolic Fathers section.


Monday 31st August 2009

A new text has been uploaded: Basil on God's Essence and God's Attributes - Letter 234 to Amphilochius.


Thursday 20th August 2009

The 30 Canons of the Council of Chalcedon (451) have been uploaded. The full Greek text (and Latin) of the Canons is there, together with all the notes from William Bright's Canons of the First Four General Councils (scanned from the book), and the NPNF notes.
The work on incorporating links (within the menu system) to the texts of Christian Greek and Latin writers available at has now also been completed for the fifth century as well as the first to fourth.


Sunday 16th August 2009

Tertullian on the "Rule of Faith" from Liber de Praescriptionibus adversus haereticos, ch. 13.


Tuesday 28th July 2009

Tertullian on the Two Natures of Christ from Adversus Praxeam, ch. 27.

Monday 20th July 2009
A new text has been added to the website: Novatian De Trinitate, chapter 31. The Latin text from the Fausset 1909 edition with the NPNF translation.


Friday 1st July 2009

The first Creed of Sirmium from the year 351 - notable for its 27 anathemas. Athanasius, De Synodis, 27. Also the Greek text as given in Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, and the Latin text from Hilary, De Synodis.


Tuesday 23rd June 2009

Bede's chapter on the Martyrdom of Alban has been uploaded - Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, 1. 7. The first British Christian martyr.


Tuesday 23rd June 2009

Emperor Julian's Rescript (362) on Christian Teachers has been uploaded. Letter 36. The Rescript effectively prevented Christians from teaching Greek and Latin Classical literature.


Thursday 12th June 2009

A new text has been added to the website - Creed of the Long Lines, Ekthesis Macrostichos - 345 - (from Athanasius, De Synodis, 26) - there is also a link to the Greek text from Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, 2, 19.


Sunday 31st May 2009

A complete work has been added. The "Passion of Perpetua" describing Perpetua's martyrdom, with other catechumens, in Carthage in 203. The Latin and Greek text are included. The printable version is currently at beta stage, but will be updated shortly.


Saturday 23rd May 2009

A text has been added from Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 4. 28 - 29 about Tatian, the 2nd century apologist and author of the Oratio ad Graecos and The Diatessaron.


Thursday 14th May 2009

A text has been added from Theodoret, Historia Ecclestiaca, book 2 - the text of the statement of faith from the Western Council of Sardica in 343 - emphasising that there is one divine "hypostasis".


Friday 8th May 2009

A number of updates have been made to the menu system particularly including links to Christian texts and translations (where they have been found to be present) up to the end of the 3rd century at the Documenta Catholica Omnia website. Links to 4th and 5th century texts present there will follow in due course. Links have also been added (to the same site) for links to documents associated with several Church Councils. Links have been added for many councils of the 4th century to There is now quite an extensive set of information and textual links for Church Councils, particularly of the 4th century.


Thursday 7th May 2009

A text has been added from Clement of Alexandria, Liber Quis Dives Salvetur, 11 - 17, on the Christian attitude towards riches.


Thursday 30th April 2009

The links (under the 1st Century Menu) to external Greek New Testament texts have all been updated. The links used to be to the excellent site, but this has now been taken offline, apparently for copyright reasons. The links now point to the Westcott-Hort version of the Greek New Testament text available on the website. To see the text in Greek set "Configure Display" to "Unicode (UTF-8).


Thursday 30th April 2009

A text has been added from Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica 2.20 in which he describes the acrimonious Council of Sardica (Serdica) in the year 343 at which there was a split between the bishops of the Eastern and Western Church over the status of Athanasius and Marcellus of Ancyra, and also disagreement on various credal issues. The web page also contains links to a number of texts and resources relating to this Council.


Wednesday 22nd April 2009

A text has been added from Palladius Dialogus De Vita S. Joannis Chrysostomi. It is the letter of John Chrysostom to Pope Innocent I appealing for support in face of the hostility of Theophilus of Alexandria and Eudoxia, the wife of the Emperor Arcadius. Chrysostom is in exile from his See of Constantinople for a second time.


Saturday 11th April 2009

A John Chrysostom text (listed as spurious in Migne) has been added. A Paschal (Easter) Sermon.


Friday 10th April 2009

The Canons of the Council of Constantinople (381) have been uploaded. The full Greek text of the Canons is there, together with all the notes from William Bright's Canons of the First Four General Councils (scanned from the book), and the NPNF notes.


Monday 30th March 2009

A text has been added from Rufinus, Commentarius In Symbolum Apostolorum, 14 - 17. The passage is notable for the section in which Rufinus compares the cross to a hook "baited" for the devil.


Wednesday 25th March 2009

A text has been added from Athanasius De Synodis, 22-25. The events surrounding the Council of Antioch in 341 are described and the four creeds associated with the Council are given. The original language texts from Socrates and Hilary which describe the creeds of this Council are also with this text.


Tuesday 17th March 2009

A text has been added from Clement of Alexandria Stromaties 5.12 in which Clement reflects on the mystery and ineffability of God's nature, drawing on both Scripture and Greek philosophy.


Monday 9th March 2009

A text has been added from Sozomen Historia Ecclesiastica, 2.25, in which Sozomen writes about Athanasius and the issues and events surrounding the council of Tyre in 335 when bishops of an Arian persuasion were seeking to have Athanasius removed from the See of Alexandria.


Tuesday 3rd March 2009

A text has been added from Minucius Felix Octavius. Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12 in which Caecilius argues the case against the "new religion" Christianity.


Monday 23rd February 2009

A text has been added from Sozomen Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.16, in which Sozomen writes about Ephraim the Syrian.


Saturday 21st February 2009

The printing facility has been updated with an additional high quality "graphics file based" system which does not need the download of any additional font for Greek text and which should require no or minimal adjustments to browser settings for successful printing.


Monday 16th February 2009

A text has been added from Sozomen Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.14, in which Sozomen writes about Pachomius and the monks of Egypt.


Wednesday 4th February 2009

A text has been from Tacitus Annals, 15.44, describing the great fire of Rome in the year 64 and persecution of Christians under Nero.


Monday 26th January 2009

A text has been added from Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.8. This is the letter of Eusebius of Caesarea to his Church about the Creed of Nicaea. The letter is an important witness to the text of the Creed and has given rise to discussion about the role and motives of Eusebius at Nicaea in 325.


Monday 19th January 2009

A text has been added from Sozomen Historia Ecclesiastica, 1.15, in which Sozomen writes about Arius and the start of controversy.


Tuesday 13th January 2009

A significant update to the layout and content of the site homepage was implemented.


Saturday 10th January 2009

A text has been added from Vincent of Lérins, Commonitorium, 2. 4 - 3. 8 and 23. 54 - 58 - on the Catholic Faith and "Heresy". This is the influential passage including the phrase "quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est".


Friday 9th January 2009

The "Site Search" facility has now been included in all of the main original language text pages on the site.


Tuesday 6th January 2009

A "Site Search" facility has been added which enables users to search for English, Latin or Greek text in both the main pages and the associated notes. Read the "Search Help" page for information about doing Greek searches. In due course it is hoped to add a link to the search facility on all the main pages of the site. Currently it is just on the homepage.


Christmas Eve 2008

A Gregory of Nazianzus text has been added - "On the Theophany, or Birthday of Christ". Oratio, 38 (1 - 4, 13 - 18). A reflection on the nativity of Christ delivered in Constantinople around Christmas 380.


Monday 13th December 2008

A text has been added from Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica, 7.29, in which Socrates describes the appointment of Nestorius as Bishop of Constantinople and his action against Arians, Novatianists and Quartodecimans.


Wednesday 10th December 2008

Milonic Menu system updated to version 5.810


Thursday 4th December 2008

A text has been added from Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XXXIV. The Edict of Galerius (311). After several years of persecution recognition and freedom of worship are granted to Christians.


Thursday 27th November 2008

A text has been added from Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XI - XIII. It describes the beginning, in 303, of the great persecution under Diocletian and Galerius.


Thursday 20th November 2008

A text has been added from Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica, 6. 13, in which Socrates defends Origen against criticism.


Friday 14th November 2008

An excerpt from Gregory of Nyssa on Baptism has been added. In Baptismum Christi (On the Baptism of Christ). In this sermon Gregory speaks of how God can take ordinary things and achieve remarkable things through them.


Further work has also been done on the site search facility which is now extended to Greek words.  The system is not yet finalised, but further information and a beta test page can be found through the link at the bottom of the site homepage.


Wednesday 5th November 2008

A passage from Tertullian, De Praescriptione Haereticorum,  20, 21 and 32 has been added in which Tertullian emphasises the importance of the tradition going back to the apostles and the orderly succession of bishops.


Thursday 30th October 2008

All the site texts are now available for printing through taking out a subscription as detailed on the "Subscription Printing Facility" and "Important Information About Printing" links.


Sunday 26th October 2008

A text from Augustine's Confessions (3. 3. 6 - 5. 9) has been uploaded in which Augustine describes how the study of Cicero's Hortensius led him towards philosophy and the study of the scriptures.


Friday 24th October 2008

All the text in the "Greek Writers" section of the website are now available for printing for the payment of a modest subscription.


Monday 20th October 2008

Some excerpts have been added to the site from Gregory of Nyssa Life of St Macrina. Macrina, the sister of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, was the influential leader of a religious community on the banks of the River Iris.


Monday 13th October 2008

A text from Epiphanius Adversus Haereses (Panarion), 62 has been uploaded, in which the views of Sabellius and the Sabellians are described. Sabellius was a 3rd century "modalist monarchian".


Monday 6th October 2008

A longish text has been added which gives Theodore of Mopsuestia's understanding of the incarnation of God in Christ. Theodore's was an approach of the "Antiochene" school. The text is De Incarnatione, 7.


Monday 29th September 2008

The often cited passage has been uploaded from Irenaeus Adversus Haereses book 4 in which Irenaeus says that the glory of God is a living human being.


Monday 22nd September 2008

A passage from Tertullian, De Corona, 3, has been added in which Tertullian describes some of the practices with which he was familiar associated with Baptism and the Eucharist.


Thursday 18th September 2008

A facility for printing some of the site's texts has been added. This is available on a modest subscription basis. For $8.00 subscribers will be able, for three days, to print out the texts (with notes) in the "Creeds and Councils" section of the website. This includes some of the texts which receive the most hits - e.g. the Chalcedonian Definition, the Creed of Constantinople (381), and the Creed of Nicaea (325).

Over the next month or so, if all goes smoothly and there are no technical problems, then it is hoped that all of the texts on the site will be available for printing in a similar way. Target completion date is the end of October 2008. Full details and information on the printable texts currently uploaded can be found here.


Monday 15th September 2008

Added part of Jerome's Letter 22 (34-35) to Eustochium in which he describes the life of three kinds of Egyptian monks: Coenobites, Anchorites and Remoboth.


Monday 8th Setpember 2008

Added Gregory of Nazianzus Letter CXXX to Procopius, in which he complains about the futility of Councils of Bishops.


Saturday 6th September 2008

The problems with the look up facility to the Perseus morphology database on the local earlychurchtexts server have been addressed. Please report on any lingering problems that may be found.


Tuesday 2nd September 2008

Added Hilary of Poitiers on The Two Natures of Christ - from De Trinitate, book 9. 14 and 10.19.

I also noticed that something seems to have stopped the operation of the look up facility to the Perseus morphology database on the local earlychurchtexts server. I'm looking into this.


Tuesday 19th August 2008

Augustine on how he was influenced by Ambrose. Confessions, 5. 13. 23 - 14. 25.


Wednesday 13th August 2008

Gregory of Nazianzus' Critique of Apollinarianism has been updated to include the Migne notes on the Greek text.


Tuesday 5th August 2008

A couple of pages have been uploaded with links to printable texts with all associated notes. Within a month to six weeks it is hoped that all texts will be available in this format and printable for a modest subscription. (See also the "Printing and Copying" link on the Homepage.)  The rest of the site will remain as it currently is, so this will be an additional facility. See Texts/Cyril of Jerusalem/ Baptism, significance of, and Texts/Tertullian/The Incarnation. Feedback on any problems within printing is welcome. Use the email link on the Homepage.


Tuesday 29th July 2008

Added a facility for subscribing to a free e-newsletter (about once a week) which will give all the latest information about texts and developments at this site. See on the Homepage, or under the "Home etc." menu at the top of the screen.


Wednesday 23rd July 2008

Added Migne notes on the Latin and Greek text to Leo's Tome.


Monday 14th July 2008

Added Eusebius of Caesarea on Origen and his work on the Text of the Old Testament - the Hexapla - from Historia Ecclesiastica 6. 16. There are extensive background notes to accompany from the Migne text and the NPNF translation.


Monday 7th July 2008

Added Origen De Principiis 4.16 about the Parabolic Element in Scripture. Origen argues that it is foolish to interpret all Scripture literally.


Monday 30thJune 2008

Added Augustine writing about his conversion, from Confessions 8. 12. 28-30.


Monday 23rd June 2008

Added two sections of the Epistle of Barnabas  together with a link to the Greek text and translation of the whole epistle. The sections are examples of Barnabas' allegorical interpretation of the Jewish Scripture.


Tuesday 17th June 2008

Added chapters 30 and 31 to the Eusebius text about Constantine and the sign of the cross. Life of Constantine book 1.


Monday 16th June 2008

Added Lactantius on Constantine's heavenly vision before the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312. Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XLIV


Monday 9th June 2008

Added Jerome Letter 22 to Eustochium (section 7), about Jerome's experiences as an ascetic in the desert.


Monday 2nd June 2008

Added part of Jerome Letter 53 to Paulinus in which Jerome emphasises the importance of scripture and says that a guide and teacher is needed for proper understanding of scripture.


Monday 2nd June 2008

The Bible text links have been updated under Menus

Top Horizontal (1st Cent/Writings ('Christian')/Canonical)

Side Vertical Alphabetical

so that original language links now point to the Greek text at (Re:Greek) and the Latin Vulgate text at


Monday 28th May 2008

Added a libellus from the time of the persecution under the emperor Decius, with links to information on persecution and various translations of Cyprian related texts. See under Texts/Libelli or Themes/Church and State.


Friday 23rd May 2008

Added the Migne textual notes to Cyprian On the Unity of the Church.


Monday 19th May 2008

Added Eusebius on the Canonical Epistles (Peter and Paul) of the New Testament from Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.3.


Monday 12th May 2008

Added The Tome of Leo - both the Latin and Greek versions of this important and influential Christological text. (Migne notes will be added later.)


Monday 5th May 2008

Added Canons 1-6 of the Council of Ephesus 431. The notes included, from Bright's Canons Of The First Four General Councils, and NPNF, give a wealth of useful background information. The Greek text follows that in Bright's Canons.  A Latin version is also given from Dionysius Exiguus.


Tuesday 28th April 2008

Added Augustine on The Relation of the Old and the New Testaments from De Utilitate Credendi, 9.3.


Monday 21st April 2008

Added chapter 5 of Ignatius' Letter to the Romans with a link also to a complete Greek text and translation - on the theme of martyrdom.


Monday 14th April 2008

Added Eusebius on the Canon of the New Testament from Historia Ecclesiastica, 3.25.


Sunday 6th April 2008

Added an important passage for the development of the understanding of and language about the Trinity.  Tertullian's Adversus Praxeam, chapters 2 & 3.


Friday 4th April 2008

Updated Irenaeus on Tradition from Adversus Haereses book 3.  The original language texts are now based on the Harvey edition with the Harvey textual notes added.


Thursday 3rd April 2008

Added Eusebius of Caesarea on the Neronian Persecution, including the beheading of Paul and the crucifixion of Peter - from Historia Ecclesiastica, 2.25


Tuesday 18th March 2008

A slightly amended new version of the Milonic menu system files has been uploaded.  Please report any problems through the Webmaster email link on the homepage.


Monday 17th March 2008

Added two contrasting passages from Jerome - one positive towards Origen and another (later passage) negative. Fragment of Letter 33 to Paula and Contra Joannem Hierosolymitanum, 7.


Friday 14th March 2008

Added Augustine on Philosophy and Theology / Christianity and Pagan learning from De Doctrina Christiana (On Christian Doctrine), 40 (60, 61)


Monday 10th March 2008

Added Tertullian on The Incarnation from Apologeticus pro Christianis (Apology),  21: 10-14


Wednesday 5th March 2008

Added Justin Martyr on Baptism from Apology, 1. 61.


Wednesday 27th February 2008

Added I Clement, 40 - 42, 44 about Christian Ministry at the end of the first century, together with a link to the completed Greek text and translation of 1 Clement.


Monday 25th February 2008

The Martyrdom of Polycarp page has been updated so that it now has the Kirsopp Lake Greek text complete with textual notes. A locally based Perseus morphology has also been added to the pages.  Do check this out as an alternative to the Perseus Website based morphology.  Click on the link in the introductory lines. The aim is that eventually all pages will have this twofold approach.


Thursday 21st February 2008

Added a useful way of linking to and reading the Apostolic Fathers texts based at Rick Brannan's website. This is all the Apostolic Fathers Greek texts with English translations, except Hermas. Go to Texts / Diognetus, Epistle to / Chapters 5 - 7, and follow the link for "the complete Greek text with English translation as found on Rick Brannan's website". For future excerpts from the writings of the Apostolic Fathers I plan to add a link to the complete original language text in this way.


Thursday 21st February 2008

Added Justin Martyr on the celebration of the Eucharist and the pattern of Sunday of Worship from Apology 1. 65 - 67.


Friday 15th February 2008

Added The Didache - both the section about Baptism and the Eucharist, and the complete text with morphological links and translation.


Friday 8th February 2008

Added Irenaeus "The Rule of Faith" from Adversus Haereses, 1. 2 - 3. Irenaeus states that the faith of the Church is the same throughout the world.


Saturday 2nd February 2008

Added Tertullian passage from Apologeticus pro Christianis (Apology), 29 - 32 - about Christians and loyalty to the Emperor.


Sunday 27th January 2008

Added Ignatius Letter to the Magnesians,  chapters 8 - 10, on Christianity and Judaism; plus also the whole letter.


Saturday 19th January 2008

Added a passage from Hilary of Poitiers on The Trinity: From De Trinitate, book 12. 52 and 57.


Monday 14th January 2008

Added two passages from Cyril of Jerusalem's Catechetical Lectures:  On  the significance of baptism from Mystagogica Catechesis, 1 (Catechetical Lecture, 19); and on the Catholic Church from Catechetical Lecture, 18.


Monday 7th January 2008

Added Optatus on the origins of the Donatist Controversy from De Schismate Donatistarum. There is also now a page of links to translations of other passages which relate to the Donatist controversy - accessible from the Optatus page or through the menu system.


Saturday 5th January 2008

Added Irenaeus about Basilides (Gnostic) from Adversus Haereses, 1.19. There is also now a page of links to translations of Gnostic texts and critiques of Gnosticism in the writings of some of the Early Church Fathers - accessible from Basilides page or through the menu system (Gnosticism).


Wednesday 2nd January 2008

Added Irenaeus about Ebionites from Adversus Haereses, 1.22. The page also contains links to several other texts (in translation) which talk about the Ebionites.


Thursday 27th December 2007

Added chapters 5 to 7 of the Epistle to Diognetus. An anonymous author gives a moving description of the distinctive qualities of the Christian life.


Sunday 23rd December 2007

Added Cyprian's letter to Pompey in which he discusses the views of Pope Stephen about there being no need to rebaptise "heretics".


Saturday 22nd December 2007

Added chapters 11 to 25 of Protoevangelium of James (for Christmas!). These chapters are about the nativity of Christ.


Sunday 16th December 2007

Added Cyprian's Letter to Quintus about the baptism of "heretics". There are also links to other texts (currently English translations) about this controversy between Cyprian and Pope Stephen.


Wednesday 12th December 2007

An RSS feed has been added to the site which could be a useful way of keeping up to date with latest developments. Test it out from the homepage. Email the webmaster with any problems. This is a new approach for him, so do notify of any issues.


Tuesday 11th December 2007

Added Ignatius on Docetism from the Letter to the Trallians, 9-10.

Also updated Ignatius pages with more information and added the complete texts with morphological links for Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans and Trallians. Access through the links on the Texts / Ignatius pages.


Friday 7th December 2007

Added the Greek Text of Athanasius' 39th Festal Letter in which he gives the 27 New Testament Books which are to be considered canonical.


Monday 3rd December 2007

Various texts uploaded relating to the Old Roman Creed and the Apostles' Creed. See under Texts / Creeds / Old Roman. Included are the creed (Greek version) found in Marcellus of Ancyra's apologia to Pope Julius (found in Epiphanius), the Latin version of Rufinus derived from his Commentarius in Symbolum Apostolurum (plus his account of the tradition which links the creed with the apostles), the tradition found in Pseudo-Augustine linking particular clauses to particular apostles, and the earliest version of the Apostles' Creed as in current usage, found in the Dicta Abbatis Pirminii.


Monday 26th November 2007

Added another text about Montanism: Hippolytus on Montanist Prophets from  Refutation of All Heresies, 8. 19.

I have also experimented further with a locally based lookup for morphological analysis and lexicon. See the Eusebius / Origins of Montanism page, and the Hippolytus Montanist Prophets page for links. The system is not completely  flawless but certainly useful if the Perseus site is not responding.  With due acknowledgment to Perseus for the electronic versions of the lexicons, and Peter Heslin, programmer of Diogenes for some of the code that is used.


Friday 23rd November 2007

Added Eusebius' Historia Ecclesiastica, 5.16, where he outlines the origins of Montanism


Monday 19th November 2007

Added Eusebius' translation into Greek of the Edict of Milan. Access this through the link on the Lactantius/Edict of Milan page.


Sunday 18th November 2007

Added the Muratorian Canon, both as found in Migne PL and in Gwatkin Selections from Early Christian Writers.


Tuesday 13th November 2007

Added "The Edict of Milan" granting Christians freedom of worship from Lactantius Liber de Mortibus Persecutorum, XLVIII.

Not quite so much progress on texts over the last week as I have been experimenting with possibilities for incorporating the Perseus lookup facility on the website.  Perhaps more news on that later.


Monday 5th November 2007

Added texts from Tertullian where he is writing about Marcion. From De Praescriptione Haereticorum, 30 where Tertullian writes about Marcion's relationship with the Catholic Church, and from Adversus Marcionem, 1.19, 1.27, 3.8, where Tertullian writes about Marcion's Antitheses, his understanding of God, and his understanding of Christ.


There has also been a fairly significant update and enhancement to the resources on the "Centuries" menus.  "Councils" are also now listed under their respective centuries and a number of additional resources have been added to the links for Councils (particularly relating to translations of council documents, canons etc.).


Thursday 1st November 2007

Added Irenaeus writing about Marcion from Adversus Haereses, book 1


Monday 29th October 2007

Added the Canons of the Council of Nicaea, 325


Thursday 25th October 2007

Added Augustine's reflection on the Trinity from De Trinitate, book 9.


Monday 22nd October 2007

Added Gregory of Nazianzus' critique of Apollinarianism from letter 101 to Cledonius.


Saturday 20th October 2007

Added some fragments of Apollinaris (Apollinarius) of Laodicea which indicate his Christological teaching.


Wednesday 17th October 2007

Added Hippolytus (Antipope) writing about Callistus (Pope) in Refutation of All Heresies (Philosophoumena). A very hostile biography!

Also added Theodoret version of the Letter of the Council of Nicaea to the Egyptian Church.


Friday 12th October 2007

Added Irenaeus on Recapitulation in Christ from Adversus Haereses,  3.18.1 and 5.21.1.


Thursday 11th October 2007

Added The Letter of the Council of Nicaea to the Egyptian Church, dealing with Arius, Meletius of Lycopolis and the Dating of Easter. Taken from Socrates Historia Ecclesiastica 1.9.


Friday 5th October 2007

Added The Creed of Nicaea as agreed the Council of 325. Some amendments also made to the Constantinople 381 Creed page to point up better the differences between the two creeds.


Monday 1st October 2007

Added Socrates' description (from Historia EcclesiasticaI 1.5) of the start of the Arian controversy.


Sunday 30th September 2007

Added Arius' letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia in which he speaks about his Christology. (As found in Theodoret and Epiphanius.)


Wednesday 25th September 2007

Added Ambrose letter to Theodosius after the massacre at Thessalonica (390).

Some Arian controversy texts to be added next.


Sunday 23rd September 2007

John Chrysostom Homily 16 on Romans 9 added - the part where Chrysostom says some interesting things about free will and grace.


Wednesday 19th September 2007

Excellent William Harmless Bibliographies added as links on individual texts pages - together with links to a page where more recently scholarly versions of complete patristic texts can be found.


Tuesday 18th September 2007

Updated Menu Code uploaded.  Please report through email link on homepage any problems.


Monday 17th September 2007.

Augustine and Pelagius on free will now uploaded.

Several bibliographies added to the menus for writers for whom texts are already uploaded.

These bibliography menus will also shortly be added to the menus on the individual text pages.

Today I heard from the menu software company about the "menu bug".  Looks promising and hopefully it might be fixed soon.


Friday 14th September 2007.

The next texts to be uploaded will relate to Free Will and the Pelagian controversy - Augustine and Pelagius on free will, and possibly some of a Chrysostom homily on Romans 9.  Target date early next week.


Thursday 13th September 2007.

After feedback about the shortcomings of using Greek and Latin texts from 19th century sources (little alternative with copyright restrictions) I will aim shortly to add a link to each "text" page alerting readers to be aware of the "age" of  and background to these texts - also giving links to where they may be able to locate more recent versions. My first attempt at this (which can be further developed) is here.


Wednesday 12th September 2007.

Latest "Texts" added to the site (to be located through the site menu system) are:-


Socrates - John Chrysostom and the Statue of the Empress Eudoxia.
An interesting incident in the life of this outspoken Christian preacher.


Theodoret (though not definitely!) - Letter to Domnus on the death of Cyril of Alexandria.
A colourful text.  See how these Christians love one another.


Eusebius - Life of Constantine - account of Constantine's vision of the Cross.
A significant/?dangerous? text in the tradition of the Church.


Jerome - Preface to the Four Gospels.
Letter to Pope Damasus about his Latin translation of the Bible.