Perseus Morphology Note

(Applicable both to public and subscription version of the site.)


The Morphology links are available through the excellent facility offered by the Perseus Digital Library - Clicking on a word in the original language texts will open up a subwindow linked to the online Morphology and Dictionary. It is recommended that you set the "Configure Display" facility at Perseus to "Unicode (UTF-8)" or "Unicode (UTF-8) with pre-combined accents". Note that not all word forms will be found in the Perseus Morphology. There is nothing that can do about this. Sometimes Perseus may be a little slow in responding - again there is little that can be done about this. Note that if you move the mouse pointer over any menu then the morphology window will disappear. So be careful not to do this if you are still studying the morphology information. This may be annoying if the morphology window disappears unexpectedly!  The website is designed like that so that menu entries are never hidden by subwindows.

All texts also have a morphology which is on the earlychurchtexts server.  This may be useful in its own right, and particularly if there are problems with accessing the Perseus server. For this resource acknowledgment is given to Perseus for the electronic versions of the lexicons and the morphology lookup facility, and to Peter Heslin, programmer of Diogenes, for some of the code used for the implementation on this site.

Note that the morphology links will not give you a successful result every time - it is not a system where every word on the site is individually linked to the morphology. Also the dictionaries used have their roots more in the classical world than the patristic period. Nevertheless it is hoped that this is a valuable resource.