Navigating the site


Public version of the site

Original language texts can be found through the "Authors", "Councils" and "Creeds" menus at the top of each page.

Subscription version of the site

Original language texts can be found through the "Texts" or "Themes" Menus at the top of each page. These both incorporate the "Councils" and "Creeds" menus available in the public version.
Links to complete texts and translations (offsite) and the facility for seeing them alongside each other can be found under the Texts menus for each author through the links under "Text resources offsite".

There is an extensive range of links to resources and information on the Early Church available through the horizontal menu at the top of the screen and also the vertical menu on the left hand side of the screen.

The horizontal top menu gives access to all the site's original language texts through "author" (under "Texts" menu) or through "theme". The horizontal top menu also gives access to the site's texts and external links on a "century" basis. The "centuries" menus include links to all the texts for that period and also the information links for Christian and Other writers, Bishops and Popes, Emperors, Events, Controversies and Councils. Links to the books of the New Testament and commentaries/homilies on them can be found under the 1st Cent / Writings ('Christian') / Canonical menu. Information about Church Councils can be found at the bottom of the menu for each century.

The vertical menu on the left hand side of the screen gives access to all the texts and information links available through the site on an alphabetical basis. Sometimes there may be more information than on the top horizontal menu, e.g. about different "creeds". Links to the books of the Bible and commentaries/homilies on them can be found under the menu containing the first letter(s) of each book and also under the B / BF-BZ / Bible Commentaries, Homilies etc. menu. Information about Church Councils can be found under the menu containing the first letter(s) of each Council and also under the C / Councils menu.