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Jerome, De Viris Illustribus, 109

Latin text from Migne, PL, Vol. 23, Col. 705

An English translation of this text, placed alongside the Latin text, can be found on the subscription version of the site.

The Migne version of the complete Latin text of this letter (at Google Books) and an English translation (with a facility for viewing it alongside) can be accessed through the website along with all the letters and a very large number of other such complete texts.

Click here for information about: 1) the public domain texts and translations used on this site;  2) more recent scholarly work on the original language texts.


(Click on Latin words to link to the Perseus Morphology. If there are problems with the Perseus website click here for a version of the page with a locally based morphology* and lexicon.)



Didymus, Alexandrinus, captus a parva aetate oculis, et ob id elementorum quoque ignarus, tantum miraculum sui omnibus praebuit, ut dialecticam quoque, et geometriam, quae vel maxime visu indiget, usque ad perfectum didicerit. Is plura opera et nobilia conscripsit, commentarios in psalmos omnes, commentarios in Evangelium Matthaei et Joannis, et de Dogmatibus, et contra Arianos libros duos, et de Spiritu sancto librum unum, quem ego in Latinum verti: in Isaiam tomos decem et octo, in Osee, ad me scribens, commentariorum libros tres, et in Zachariam, meo rogatu, libros quinque, et commentarios in Job, et infinita alia quae digerere proprii indicis est. Vivit usque hodie, et octogesimum tertium aetatis excessit annum.